Status: Updating frequently :)

Beneath the Surface

Chapter Five

February 8th, 2012
The Lemieux’s house, Sewickley, PA
6:30 P.M.

Carmen went back into the dining room with Mindy and Taylor. The women who had been in the kitchen were now setting out several plates of food for dinner.

“Need some help?” asked Carmen.

“Yes thank you Carmen,” said Nathalie. Carmen went into the kitchen and carried two plates of steak back into the dining room.

“Mindy go tell everyone that dinner is ready.” Mindy went back into the living room while Taylor and Carmen continued to help with the food. They had just set the last plate down when people began coming through the door. Mindy reappeared and said

“I thought I’d never get them away from that TV.” Carmen followed her over to seats on the far left end of the table. Carmen had never been to a dinner this nice or this big before. When Sidney walked into the room Carmen couldn’t keep her eyes off of him. She couldn’t believe he was right there. When Sidney turned his head and met her gaze Carmen felt an adrenaline rush and she turned away, not wanting to be caught staring. As she listened to Mindy talk about her hometown Carmen watched Sidney from the corner of her eye. Her heart beat faster as he was making his way closer to her. She felt light headed when she saw him sit down in the seat across from her and Mindy. She looked at Mindy’s calm face and wondered why she wasn’t acting excited that Sidney Crosby, the NHL superstar had just sat down across from them.

“Mindy where have you been?” said Sidney. When Carmen heard him speak she almost fainted. Mindy turned to him and said

“Showing her around,” Carmen couldn’t ignore him any longer and put her head up and looked at him smiling. He was smiling back at her. Everything seemed so unreal. “Sidney this is Carmen, the girl who gave me a tour of the university. Carmen this is my cousin Sidney.” Carmen was absolutely shocked. Sidney Crosby was her cousin. She kept her calm demeanor, not wanting to give away that she knew who he was.

“Hi Sidney, it’s nice to meet you.” she said, managing to keep her voice from shaking.

Sidney watched her facial features carefully when Mindy introduced him. If she knew who he was he’d be able to tell. She would get that crazed fangirl look they all got. She continued to smile at him and he said

“It’s nice to meet you too.” She didn’t know who he was from what Sidney could tell. He felt overjoyed, finally a girl who had never heard of him. Sidney could see her up close now and drank in her beauty.

“How long have you been in Pittsburgh?” he asked her.

“I’ve been here since I was a little kid. I moved here when I was six. What about you?” Sidney didn’t want to give anything away about his fame now that he’d gotten this far with her.

“I’ve been living here for a year also going to college.”

Carmen knew he was lying to cover up his rue identity.

“Oh what are you studying?” asked Carmen. She saw his mind working fast as he came up with an excuse.

“Business,” said Sidney. “I’ve just been living here with family friends.”

“That’s cool,” said Carmen. “This house is so nice.”

“I get my own part of the house to live in,” said Sidney. Carmen found it easier to talk to him as time went on. He was just as handsome as he was in the pictures. Dark brown hair, brown eyes, light skin, and his most striking feature, his full lips. She began to realize all of the other people there were teammates. She recognized some of their faces from pictures and videos Jenny had shown her. Carmen took what she wanted to eat from the plates and began to eat. She, Mindy, and Sidney talked and Carmen found it amusing when he would try to come off as an average college kid.

By the end of the night Carmen was stuffed with the great food Nathalie had cooked. The star struck feeling she felt around Sidney had diminished and she was completely comfortable with Mindy now.

When it was time to go Mindy and Sidney followed Carmen to the door to say goodbye.

“Thanks for the awesome dinner,” she said to Nathalie. “And thanks for having me over.”

“You’re welcome,” said Nathalie. “Come back any time.”

“I’ll call you some time soon to do something. We could go out and see the night life in Pittsburgh.” said Mindy.

“Sounds fun,” said Carmen.

“It was nice meeting you Carmen,” said Sidney. Carmen felt suddenly star struck again as she turned her attention to him.

“It was nice meeting you too,”

“I’ll see you later,” he said. She couldn’t hold back a smile and she said

“Bye,” She turned and walked out into the cold. The freezing air felt even sharper against her face which was burning red from when Sidney had told her he’d see her later. She couldn’t believe what had just happened. She had been invited to a party every person in Pittsburgh would die to go to. It was like she’d hung out with a royal family. When she got into her car she sat there in awe. What had just happened?
Thanks for reading :) Please comment.