Status: Finished :D

U Smile... I Smile

Sad Night

Justin and I stayed in that position for a long time, just simply holding each other. I couldn’t believe this was happening. Yes, I knew he would have to leave eventually, but I never thought it was going to be this soon. It’s only been a week and two days with him. And it’s been the best week and two days I’ve ever experienced in my life, Justin has made me the happiest girl there could ever be.

“Sienna, we still have a full day together. We need to make the best of it. So tomorrow, you can’t cry, okay? I will do something so special you won’t be able to forget it.”

“Yes, Justin. But anything you do I couldn’t even possibly think about forgetting it or you.” I looked up at him and a tear ran down my cheek then.

“Please, Sienna. No more tears. You’re going to make me cry. Let’s be happy for the remainder of our time together.” He said while wiping my tears away. I thought I had no more left, but I guess not.

The clock by the TV chimed six. I went into the kitchen to start making dinner; Justin helped me the whole time. We were making steak that was wrapped in bacon on the edges with a mushroom sauce. We added steamed asparagus to it and mashed potatoes. After the steak and potatoes were done and the asparagus still cooking, I started to sauté the mushrooms for the sauce. When it was all done it looked good enough to eat right away. But we had to wait for the rest of our families to get here. We dished the meal up into five plates, one for each of us except Jazmin. And put tinfoil over the plates and put them in the oven so it would keep warm.

A little while later, the house phone rang. I looked at the Caller ID before I answered it.

“Hello?” I greeted.

“Hey Sienna, it’s Mom. I’m stuck in traffic because of a car accident up ahead. Don’t worry I’m not in it. And Pattie is just leaving Anchorage, so it’s not her either. She also has Jazmin and Aaliyah. So just sit tight. Eat dinner and don’t wait up for us. It looks like a really bad accident.” My mom told me.

“Yeah, okay. Justin and I made dinner. We’ll eat ours. And there are separate dishes in there for you, Pattie, and Aaliyah.”

“Oh, honey. Thank you. What would I do without you? I’ll talk to you later.” she laughed.

“I don’t know. Bye Mom.”

I hung up the phone and told Justin what my mom said. We got our plates out for us and sat at the dining table and enjoyed the delicious meal we made together and the peace and quiet. After dinner I got the vanilla ice cream out of the freezer to soften while I did dishes. When the ice cream was ready Justin served us and also put chocolate syrup, whip cream, and strawberries on top. It was delicious! The sun was starting to set behind the mountains so we ate our desserts outside while watching the beautiful view. I was gazing at the view while thinking about some things until I felt something cold splatter on my face. It started to trickle down my cheek and I reached my hand up to see what it was. It was a glob of vanilla ice cream swirled with chocolate syrup. I knew it was Justin, but he acted as if he didn’t do it.


“Yes, Sienna?” he said trying not to laugh.

“What’s this?” I held out my hand with the bit of ice cream in it that was rapidly melting.

“Oh, well, that is ice cream. Are you eating with your fingers like a little kid again?” Justin joked and burst out in uncontrollable laughter. I then got a spoonful of ice cream and flung it at him. It landed right in the middle of his forehead. My aim turned out to be perfect! When he slapped the ice cream away from his face, he met my eyes with a mean glare. He only held it for a couple seconds then smiled. Then it broke out into an ice cream food fight. We took turns throwing ice cream at each other then. When it was about done since we were running out of ice cream, I ran for the garden hose and turned it on and sprayed Justin with it.

“Hey! That’s not fair! It’s and ice cream food fight not a water fight! Oh, well. I have two bowls of ice cream now!”

“Yes, you do! But the ice cream is almost gone. And the water isn’t!”

“Urgh! You are one evil girl.” Justin ran to me then dumped the rest of the ice cream on top of my head. It got all over my face; it fell in front of my eyes. So I dropped the hose to wipe away it away. Then I realized that was a bad idea because Justin immediately picked up the hose and started to spray me. I got completely soaked until I yelled, “I surrender Justin! Stop!” I broke out into laughter; I ended up laughing so hard that I fell down to the floor holding my stomach. Justin laughed at me because I was laughing so hard, I guess me laughing really hard is entertaining to him.

After our fit of laughter, we were both completely out of breath. My abs hurt really badly too. I calmed down by lying down on the grass looking up at the different patterns of clouds in the sky. Even though I was soaking wet and Justin was only a little bit wet, he pulled me to his side and I set my head on his chest. We finished watching the sunset, it was almost all the way down and the sky had the color of pink and orange mixed together making it into a sherbet color.

When the sun was no longer in view in the sky, we got up and went back inside, picking up the ice cream bowls on the way. I put them in the dishwasher, and I heard the garage door open. Someone was home, probably my mom since she was ahead of Pattie when they were leaving Anchorage. The door of the garage opened and my mom walked in.

“Ooo! It smells delish in here! What’d you kids make?”

“Steak with bacon, mushroom sauce for topping, mashed potatoes, and asparagus. Your plate is all dished out and in the oven. And so are Pattie’s and Aaliyah’s. Hope you guys enjoy. Justin and I are going upstairs to hang out. Maybe watch a movie. Call me down if you need help with anything.” I walked up and gave her a quick hug and kiss on the cheek.

“Okay, sweetie. Thank you. Oh, and I don’t have to work tomorrow. So if you don’t come back downstairs tonight I’ll see you in the morning. And this time I’m going to be making a good breakfast for all of us… if I don’t burn it in the process.” She said laughing.

“Okay, Mom.” I laughed at her. I grabbed Justin’s hand and entwined our fingers together and started to walk away from the kitchen.

“Sienna and Justin? Why are you all wet?” she wondered with a questioning look on her face.

“Well, Sienna and I were eating our dessert and we got into an ice cream food fight, then it turned out being a water fight.” Justin explained.

“Ahh, I see. Have fun?”

We looked at each other and started to laugh all over again. “Yes, we sure did.” We replied.

We walked up to my room then and I changed into dry clothes. Justin did too. Since he’s been sleeping up in my room since the first few nights he’s been here, he just moved all his belongings he brought with him up here. He picked a movie from my movie shelf and put it in the DVD player and turned on the TV. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and the knots in my hair while the previews were running. I put some of my Citre Shine Anti-Frizz Serum to control the frizz I would have when my hair dried. I scrunched my hair up to make curls and put a butterfly clip in to pull my bangs out of my face. I got back into my bedroom to find that I was right on time for the movie to start and climbed in the bed where Justin was waiting for me. We watched the movie together and then fell asleep in each other’s arms like we have done every night we’ve had together. I don’t know what I’m going to do when he’s gone; he’s been my protector during all the nights. But I will find something that will help me feel as if Justin would be there with me like he is now.