Status: Finished :D

U Smile... I Smile

Shopping for Vacation

Once Justin and I reached American Eagle, I started looking at clothes. He followed me, but then went to the men’s section shortly. I ended up not getting much here. I tried on a lot of clothes, but most of them didn’t look good on me. So I got a couple pairs of denim shorts with a few regular tees. Justin decided to get some items himself, some of them I actually picked out. We left the store after Justin purchased our things.

“Hey, want to go get us smoothies from the food court? I want to stop by at some store real quick, and then I’ll meet you up there. Is that okay?” Justin said, tugging me to a stop.

“Sure. What kind of smoothie do you want?”

“I don’t care. Just get me whatever you’re getting, I guess. Thanks.” He took me into his arms and gave me a quick kiss on the lips then broke away to go our separate ways.

I started for the escalator to go up to the food court. Once I got up there, it wasn’t as crowded as it was going to be. I checked my cell phone for the time and it was already four o’ clock. Justin and I had to pick up Aaliyah in exactly one hour, which meant we should leave at around half past four so that we can get to the office on time. I walked over to Fruitland and got in the long line. They had the best smoothies ever and there was always a long line here, at least whenever I come here. Eventually I reached the counter and ordered two orange, mango, strawberry smoothies- my favorite. Business was slow, there was only two people working, one person was taking orders and the other was making the smoothies. Kind of bizarre since it was so busy. When I was second in line to grab the smoothies, I felt an arm wrap around my waist. I freaked out at first, thinking it was a random stranger. I was about to slap the person behind me, until I saw who it was, just Justin. I breathed a sigh of relief.

“Jumpy?” Justin asked grinning.

“Sorry. I thought you were some creeper.” I laughed at myself.

“No creeper here, just me.” He smiled then kissed me on the cheek. I checked to see if he had any new bags, wondering where he needed to go. But I only saw one new bag, a small entertainment bag that looked like as if nothing was in there that was somewhat hidden behind the American Eagle bag. Probably some DVD or videogame, I guessed.

I heard my order number call out, so I went up to the counter and grabbed two straws, put one in each smoothie, and then walked back over to Justin handing him one.

“What kind did you get?” he wondered.

“Orange, mango, strawberry.” I took a sip of mine, and then Justin copied me.

“Mmm. It’s good. You’ve got excellent taste.” He said while nodding his head. I laughed at him, grabbed one of his hands intertwining our fingers, and started walking towards the escalator to the level with the sky bridge on it so that we could get to the parking garage and head on our way to pick up Aaliyah.

After going through rush-hour traffic, we were able to reach the camp office where the camp bus dropped Aaliyah off at. As Justin pulled in from me giving directions, I noticed that Aaliyah was the only kid left and was sitting on the curb by her duffle bag and suitcase. I felt so bad because I looked at the time and found out I was twenty minutes late due to the traffic. Justin pulled up to the curb and we got out.

“Hey, Aaliyah, I’m sorry we were late, but we got held up in rush-hour traffic. Are you ready to go now though?” I walked up to her and hugged her once she stood up.

“Yeah, but before we leave you have to sign me out and pay an extra fee since you were late making the camp director wait. And you also have to show your license to the camp director so that they know you’re my sister and not some stranger picking me up. Don’t ask, camp rules. I don’t know why, it’s all stupid.”

I walked back to the car to grab my license out of my wallet while shaking my head. Justin took Aaliyah’s luggage and began packing it in the trunk of the car. I grabbed Aaliyah’s hand and tugged her with me to the camp director’s office inside the building.

Once I confirmed that I was related to Aaliyah and signed her out, we got back to the car and Justin started on the drive home. It was already late and it would be later when we got home and I needed to pack for my vacation with Justin. Our flight leaves in the morning at 6:30. So I wouldn’t be able to pack tomorrow, so I had to do it all tonight.

“Sienna, could you drive me into Anchorage tomorrow? A friend I made at camp wants to go see a movie together, but she lives in downtown Anchorage and I need a ride into the city.” Aaliyah asked from the backseat.

“Um, actually Aaliyah, Justin and I are leaving for our vacation tomorrow morning at 6:30, but we’ll be leaving the house at four in the morning. But we can still drive you in with us, if you want to get up extra early and be dropped off at your friend’s house if she doesn’t mind.” I said.

“Oh, okay, never mind. I’ll ask mom, even though I probably already know the answer.” She said laughing. I laughed with her.

We finally got home, and I started getting all our bags out of the car. Justin helped Aaliyah with her duffle and brought it up to her room. I got most of our bags out of the car and I reached over to get Justin’s when he walked into the garage. He screeched and ran over to me snatching the bag out of my hands. He immediately turned a bright red.

“Sorry, there’s just something in here that you can’t see until the trip.” He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek and then on my lips.

“Um, okay, Justin.” I said unsure. He obviously was hiding something from me, but I decided not to worry over that. Instead I worried myself over the fact of getting everything packed by before we left in the morning.

Justin took some of my bags, since he only had one. It made it a lot easier for me to carry them up the stairs. Both of us had a free hand so we linked fingers together and started up the stairs to my room. As I reached the top of the stairs I set down my bags next to the door of my room and went in to my mom’s room to get the biggest suitcase we had out of her closet.

When I came back, I didn’t find my bags where I left them, but on the side of my bed. Justin was already starting to pack and soon I followed suit.

By the time we both finished packing, it was past ten o’clock. Since we were getting up really early in the morning, so that we could leave the house at the right time for us to get to the airport with a little bit of extra time before our flight left, we went right to bed without any food in our stomachs. I knew I would need all the sleep I could possibly get because I am not a morning person and I knew it would be hard to get up at three in the morning as it is and Justin felt the same way. So we quickly got into bed after packing and went right to sleep, embracing each other.