Mind Link

Mind Splatter 10.

The following week passed slowly. English, Math’s, Geography, History, Photography and Science all continued in a random loop. Tayla’s timetable was hectic; Kyle had already lost his timetable and had to rely on his friends to tell him what class he had next. When the weekend finally came the homework had piled up to a dangerous amount. Kyle had thrown out every assignment given to him before realising they were important and Tayla had finished every piece of homework the day it was given. Mariah Furness had taken on a new job, to while away the time while her husband was in no place, and the two siblings hardly ever saw their mother. Kyle had taken the opportunity in his stride, using his mother’s absence to stay out late after school. Tayla had come home every day after school at the same time to find an entire house to herself. The solitude was immensely gratifying, instead of locking herself away in her room she would lounge around on the couch, watching movies, and entertaining herself in various other ways.

When Tayla woke up Saturday morning, she found herself quite alone, Mariah was off at her new job, and Kyle had vacated the house as soon as Mariah had slammed the door behind her. Tayla had a feeling he would spend the day alone, wandering the town to his hearts content. Kyle was hardly ever left alone and Tayla sometimes wondered whether he wished for some space.

Dressed in jeans and a black and purple T-shirt, Tayla headed downstairs to fill her stomach. The kitchen had been left in shocking state; obviously Mariah had failed to clean up before leaving to work and Kyle had only added to the mess with his own breakfast leavings. Sighing Tayla set to work to clean up the mess.

Forty minutes later, Tayla had the kitchen looking spotless, the smell of chocolate cake emanating throughout the whole house. The cake was to be Tayla’s breakfast as there was no cereal or bread left in the house.

Colin had called Tayla up asking if he could come over for the day, as Anna had been threatening a tea party and makeover in the living room. So now Tayla was patiently awaiting her friends arrival in the living room. A big piece of cake, half eaten lay on the coffee table, along with a novel about dragons, and a glass of orange juice. Music was blasting through the house, not loud enough for the neighbour’s to hear, and Tayla had the T.V on mute and was flicking through the channels to see if there was anything good on.

The doorbell rang, causing Tayla to jump, even though she had been expecting it. She hopped up, switching the T.V off and turning the music down to background noise before walking to the front door. Turning the door knob, Tayla pulled open the door, a big grin plastered on her face, which changed to a look of shock and disgust.

What was Cody Ember’s doing at Tayla Furness’s house on Saturday morning? Of course, looking for Kyle.

“He’s not home,” Tayla said automatically and went to close the door.

Cody responded by sticking a foot inside and grabbing the edge of the door with his left hand, making Tayla’s attempts futile.

“Well where is he then?” Cody asked.

“I don’t know, out somewhere,” Tayla snapped, “can you let go of the door?”

“No, I don’t think so. How long will he be gone?”

“I don’t know! He was gone when I woke up this morning. I don’t know where he went, how long he’s been gone for, or when he’ll be home. I’ve got no information for you, so you might as well leave.”

“Wow, you’re chirping this morning,” Cody said, reinforcing his hold on the door with another hand, as Tayla attempted to close it once more.

“Yeah, and I’m about to get a lot chirpier,” She growled.

“Ooh, Tayla with the big threats,” Cody smirked.

“They can be more threatening if you like,” Tayla pushed harder.

“You’re home alone then?” Cody asked.

“What’s it to you.”

“Nothing, I was just curious.”

“Well your curiosity lacks one thing.”

“What’s that?” Cody asked, slightly confused.

“A brain!” Tayla spat.

Cody blinked and his grip on the door loosened. Tayla took the opportunity to give one last push. The door slipped out of Cody’s grip and slammed into his foot. Crying out, he slipping it away from the door, hopping on the spot and swearing from the pain. Tayla smiled at her efforts and pushed the door until it clicked into place with the frame and locked. Laughing silently to herself, she skipped back to the lounge room and waved to Cody through the closed window. Cody made a rude gesture and mouthed something that looked like threat before making his way back down the garden path.
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See XD