Mind Link

Mind Splatter 2.

"Hey Tayla!" Colin greeted, smiling even wider.

"Hi Colin," Tayla smiled in return. Closing the front door behind her, Tayla said, "Had a good holiday?"

"You bet, Queensland was awesome," replied Colin, jumping down the steps.

"Oh yeah, and how would you know?" Tayla said following him, "The boy who spent all holiday writing songs on his guitar."

"I did some sight seeing too. Anna was all about the rides, and mum and dad refused to go with her," Colin sighed.

Tayla laughed, "Sucked in were you?"

"As always." The two started making their was down the path toward the school, it took a little under 15 minutes to walk to school.

Loud radio music shattered the still morning air and the two friends looked around as a bright red car pulled into the Furness house driveway. They rolled their eyes as a loud honk and a door slammed in unison. Kyle jumped down the front door steps and ran to the car, calling, "See ya' losers!"

"So," Colin began, "Kyle and Katie still going out?"

The car pulled out of the driveway and screeched down the road, and a very distinctive high pitched laugh could be hear from the back seat.

Tayla sighed, "Unfortunately. She was over pretty much every day this summer, drove the hell out of me. Ended up asking mum to take me shopping just so I could get out of the house!"

"Ouch, that must have sucked," Colin sounded apologetic.

"Tell me about it. Three hours of pure hell, and she wouldn't even let me look at the games!" Tayla exclaimed.



"Buy much?" Colin asked, not really interested.

"Just the whole store," Tayla replied just as uninterested.

"Well don't worry, I'll be there next time," Colin promised.

Tayla smiled. Mariah Furness had this over protective nature, it came out most around Kyle, but for her only daughter it only surfaced when it was least wanted. "You can't go out alone, you might get kidnapped!" "Don't you dare go into that public toilet by yourself, you might get raped!" "You're not going to that concert! What if you get trampled on!" "How many times have I told you, you're not getting a skateboard! You could break you arm!" Tayla thought she was refusing to let her daughter do what she as a child wasn't allowed to do, taking revenge on her father for being so strict.

"I just don't get what he sees in her!" Tayla burst out randomly making Colin jump.

"Well she's-," Colin began to defend, but then caught himself. Defending Katie Pluck, who does that?

Tayla raised her eyebrows. Tayla had grown a permanent grudge for Katie over the years. She was evil, plain and simple. Sure, it was high school evil, but in the 21st century that was as bad as you could get. In the second grade she went as mean as to spit in Tayla's face. Nothing much happened after that, except the occasional insult, but Katie crossed the line when she started going out with Kyle last year. It was the ultimate betrayal on his part and turned Katie into Tayla's enemy for life. Enemies should never know each others address.

"Maybe, he's dating her because he knows it will upset you," Colin suggested.

"Nah, I don't think so Colin. I mean, you know Kyle, he's so self centred, he'd rather just pretend I didn't exist. I can't see him going out of his way to date someone he doesn't like just to annoy me," Tayla shook her head.

"Well, I guess it's just a guy thing," Colin nodded.

"A guy thing?" Tayla wondered.

"You know?" Colin said, and when Tayla shook her head he continued, "She's hot."

Tayla scoffed, but that's what you got for being best friends with a guy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Second chapter.
I'm actually liking writing this story :D