Mind Link

Mind Splatter 3.

School started with the usual boring assembly. Welcome. Welcome Back. Hope you enjoyed your holidays. Hope you stayed safe during the holidays. Hope you had fun. Hope you stayed educational (yeah, right). Hope you're all ready to come back and learn! A lot of hopes, not so many truths. Kyle zoned out about five minutes in and spent the rest of the time playing Bubble Trouble on his iPhone whilst carefully avoiding prying teachers eyes. Tayla spent the time pretending to be attentive, only listening when the vice principal announced where each year level could find the information on which home group room they were in and which locker they had.

"Well, that wasn't a waste of our time," Colin said on their way out.

"No," Tayla laughed," not a waste of time at all. Come on, lets go check the home group sheets before people start falling over themselves."

Having last names that began with the same letter always ensured that Colin and Tayla were in the same class. Ever since Primary School, when they became best friends and this year was no exception.

"10E. Alright, the best class by far!" Colin exclaimed.

"Who else is in it?" Tayla asked.

"Just the usual, people we never talk to," Colin answered, "And your brother..."

"And?" Tayla urged.

"And Cody," Colin finished, stepping back from the sheet so others could check for their names.

"Great," Tayla sighed. Just what she needed, another year full Cody. Summing Cody Ember up in one word was simple: I-D-I-O-T. But, what with him being best friends with Kyle Furness, what else would you expect?

"It'll be fine, Tayla," Colin promised, trying to convince himself just as much as Tayla. If ever two people were not meant to be friends they were Colin and Cody. Ever since the first grade when Cody moved to the school and instantly clicked it with Kyle. Maybe it was their obsession with making people's lives miserable, or the fact that they liked getting all the attention, but the two had been best friends ever since. Even when Katie came into the picture and started hogging Kyle all to herself, the two were just as strong as ever.

That's how it went, each enemy had their own sibling. Colin sometimes wondered if he and Cody were the reason that Kyle and Tayla didn't get along, but never put much thought into it, the two twins were just so different, too different.

"Come on, lets get going," Colin said, "We can put our bags in our lockers first."

"Right," Tayla agreed, "lead the way."

Another plus of having last names that started with the same letter, was always being ensured a locker near the other. This year, Colin and Tayla had lockers up near the music rooms, which was of course a major plus for Colin. The shortest way to the music rooms was via the sports centre, and in a hope not to be late for home group and making a bad impression on a teacher they'd have for the entire year, Tayla and Colin decided to take this route.

Bad Idea.

The path was crowded with Junior students coming back from their assembly at the other end of the school, forcing Tayla and Colin to weave their way around the mounds of people. That's why Tayla didn't see the figure until they were almost on top of her, when it was too late to get out of the way.

"Owww," Tayla cried, more out of annoyance rather than pain, when the body slammed into her.

"Oh, sorry!" The person apologised, grabbing onto Tayla's arm to steady her.

"It's fine," Tayla said, looking up, "don't worry about--"

"Tayla," The person grumbled.

"Cody," Tayla said. What a great way to start off the new school year.
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Coming along well this story.