Getting Familiar


Most girls would be gushing with sheer nirvana if Garrett Gilbert was assigned to be your semester-long partner in Mythology, which was made into more of a hands-on class thanks to Lake Travis' newest teacher, Mrs. Carlson. So, to be frank, I would be doing a lot of work for that next four and a half months, with him... The six-foot-something-sexy, 200 pound celebrity of our school.

I would be lying if I were to say I wasn't ecstatic myself, just like the hundreds of other girls in our school would have been if allowed my position. There weren't many chances a girl like me would be alloted so much time spent with Texan royalty such as Garrett. I wasn't a cheerleader, nor was I gifted with the privelage of actually being linked to him in some way. Until now.

Our first project assigned was to create a report on a certain Greek God or Goddess that was assigned to you, considering whatever name you pulled from a hat. Garrett had that job, and chose Hera, the wife of Zeus, and one crazy bitch if I could say so myself. Basically, this project was to get familiar with your partner and the way he or she works, to prepare you for various other projects throughout the rest of the year. I personally wouldn't mind 'getting familiar' with him. It required one day of work outside of school, and I was determined to make the very best out of it.

We had arranged to meet at my house instead of his. Why? I'm not sure. But what Garrett says, goes. I had exactly one hour once I got home from school to prepare myself for his arrival, that single hour being incredibly hectic. I did everything that a girl would do for a date without seeming too incredibly obvious, but I made one mistake-- I put on make-up. I hadn't used make-up for the entire year, but figured Garrett wouldn't have put enough thought into my appearance to notice. He never paid much attention before.

But, apparently I was wrong. When I answered the door, my stomach flipping rabid with rocky nerves, I came face to face with the prince of all Texan High School athletics and nervously watched as those cool hazel orbs widened with alarm.

"Anjilika..." he murmered quizzically, the left side of his face draping to the right to become that fabulous, million-dollar smile. "You didn't have to get all fancy for me."

"What are you talking about?" I babbled mechanically, gesturing for him to step inside and shutting the door behind him once he obeyed.

Holy shit! Ground control! Gilbert has officially stepped foot in my house!

He chuckled to himself and swung his bulky Nike duffel bag onto the counter that bordered my kitchen and living room. "You're not fooling me, Barbie."

Barbie? I must have put on a lot of make-up, because never in my life had I been called that. Not to mention, by a boy who hung around with the cheerleaders of our school, who all seemed to fit the precise epitome of a Barbie doll.

I couldn't help but scoff. Don't ask my how I could muster up that bitter reply opposed to the butterflies swarming my body from that point. "Yeah, right."

He lazily shuffled to the sofa that my living room revolved around and threw his body onto it. It didn't look like he had Mythology in mind by that point.

"Shouldn't we begin researching?" I questioned, approaching the back of the couch and peering to the God that was indulging himself in its grasp. Why wasn't Garrett Gilbert included Mrs. Carlson's hat of Gods? Because he seemed to fit the profile, and I certainly wouldn't have minded researching him.

"Imma be here all night." he groaned. "Lets just chill for the next couple hours."

"You are?" I retorted, struggling to maintain the stern character of interrogation while marvelling at the way his arms stretched backwards to fold under his weary head. The thick straps of muscle bulged erratically at every inch he decided to move, causing me to stare for a bit longer than I should have.

"Yeah." he shrugged. "I don't have much else to do."

Sighing, I took a stiff position on the chair kitty-cornered to Garrett's outstretched legs. As his folded arms levered his head up, he could peer to where I awkwardly sat, saying nothing but straightening the wrinkles of my outfit or staring into space- anywhere but to him.

"Seriously," he grunted, pulling his arms apart and leaning up to support himself on his elbows. "Why so pretty?"

"Pretty?" I questioned, my right eyebrow springing upwards.

He nodded. "Very pretty."

I sweetly grinned to him as some sort of 'thank you'. He decided to drop the subject as it was just brought up to tease me, more than to gather information. He knew why I looked so 'pretty' and he fed on that knowledge like a parade of ants on a picnic.

"Beautiful." he nodded.

Somehow, he was managing to look very casual, like he didn't care about a thing in the world, while at the same time looking very seductive. This boy was driving me wild!

"Thank you." I squeaked quickly, gesturing to the over-sized T-shirt and sweat pants he wore. "You look... pretty, too."

He laughed, but I wasn't in the mood for that. I was in the mood for one thing, and he would catch on soon enough. He swung his feet to the floor to sit upright, as a normal person would on a couch, and stretched his left arm as far as it would go to hook it onto my wrist. In an instant, I was sitting on the coarse muscles of his lap and nervously peering down to him. Was this really happening?

Being confident in himself, Garrett took the liberty of leaning forward to ignite our kiss. It was quite contrare to his wildfire personality. The velvety bubblegum touch of his lips against mine serenaded them open, allowing in his tongue to tickle at the most sensitive areas in my mouth. I whimpered and let my hands do what they had wanted to do ever since Garrett had came to Lake Travis. They roamed the broad plains of his shoulders and rippled muscles of his abs, soaking in the fantastic warmth of his body and the triumph of owning it for that single moment. After about a minute, he took my touch as an invitation for his. He snaked his arms up my shirt and ran his calloused hands up my back, causing me to shudder.

Using just a portion of his unparrelel strength, he picked me up to lay me on my back. With our bodies pressed together, I could feel something very firm and obstruse that informed me of his exact intentions. Shit, I wasn't that loyal to our football team! The minute his hand went for the button of my shorts, I knew that I needed to stop what we were doing so not to lead him on.

"Wait." I pleaded breathily, breaking our tie and pushing him away from me. My face went Cardinal when I noticed just how much I had excited him, and my vision shifted to an area of carpet at my right. "I'm not going to have sex with you."

He gently used his hands to cover the 'tent' he was pitching, and clumsily rose to his feet. "I... um... I'll be back in a while."

I nodded shyly and watched as he stumbled to leave. Shit!


Garrett returned to my house at seven and I sat in the same spot as before, but my mind was in a thousand places. His problem had dissappeared now, but why? Had he worked it off on his own, or did he take advantage of his 'football benefits' and find a fan more avid than myself to work it off for him? Either way, I was still feeling rather down.

"I'm s--" I began to say, but was cut off immediately. Jesus, he had about two minutes of silence to get something in before I decided to speak!

"I'm sorry for gettin' so fresh earlier." he said fluidly, the ease of his words showing me that he truly meant it. He shrugged. "I really like you and I suppose the proper way to do it, is to ask you to be my girlfriend."

My brows were on stilts by then, and my jaw had dropped. Wow, was he asking me out? I couldn't speak until he directly said it, because it would have been embarassing if I screamed 'YES!' just to find out that he hadn't finished yet. Maybe next, he had to say 'but I don't like you that much.' Well, that wasn't the case.

"So what do you think?" he asked, taking a seat at the cushion to my right and anxiously peering to me.

"Sure." I squeaked bashfully, not what sure to say beyond that. A smile had melted my confused expression by then, only to become wider as he wrapped his arm around me.

There were so many glitches to that proposal, and to be honest we really weren't thinking. How would the football team react to this? And even worse, how would the cheerleaders? I wasn't one of them; It wasn't practical. But as we laid together on me couch, the graceful movements of his breathing and spiciness of his scent in my nose muddling me, I couldn't have cared less. I was dating the boy of my dreams and couldn't have been happier about it. He was mine; I wouldn't have to consider myself lucky whenever I got two minutes alone with him from now on. It was an incredible feeling.

And one thing is for damn sure, researching mythology was the last thing on our minds.
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I don't like the title, and I don't like the ending, put I really hope Anjil likes it! Can't wait to see what ya got for me, poofy. Thanks for reading.