A New Family Means a Whole New Life

Part Two

Gerard and Lyn-Z just laughed.
"You're a fan, huh?" Lyn-Z asked
"Uh-huh." I muttered
Gerard laughed, "Would you like to talk with us for a bit so we can get to know you?" I just nodded.
We walked to my room, which was a mess (as usual).
"Uhm...sorry about the mess." I said
"It's alright," Lyn-Z said, "it looks a lot like our house."
We all sat down on my bed. Then the interrogation began.
"So, how old are you?" Gerard asked
"Just turned 16 two weeks ago." I smiled
"Cool!" Gerard said, "You aren't from America are you?"
"Nope," I said, "I'm from Germany."
"That's what I thought, the accent kind of gave it away," Lyn-Z said, "What do you like to do when you're not at school?"
"Uh, pretty much the only thing I do is hang out in my room with my roommate and best friend, Kari. I don't have any friends at my school, they all think I have a disease or something because I'm from Germany.
"I know just how you feel." Gerard said
I raised and eyebrow, "Since when are you from Germany?" I asked
"I meant that I didn't have many friends in high school." he said laughing
"If you don't mind me asking," said Lyn-Z, "What happened to your parents?"
"Uhm, they... they died a year after we moved to America," I said, "It was a head-on car crash."
"Oh, I'm sorry." she said
"Uh, maybe we should change the topic to something a bit more cheery." Gerard said
"Like?" I asked
"How about, what's your favorite band?" said Lyn-Z
"I have to choose?"
They both laughed, "Okay, what are a few of your favorite bands?" Lyn-Z said
"Just a few? Uhm, Green Day, MCR, Aiden, Tokio Hotel, the Clash, the Ramones, HIM, MSI, and about thirty other bands." I answered
"Well kid, I'd have to say you've got a good taste in music." said Gerard
I smiled, "Thanks. So, uh, are you really thinking about adopting me?"
They both looked at each other and smiled, "We're more that thinking about it, we're really going to adopt you." Lyn-Z said
I smiled and hugged them both, "Thank you so much!" I squealed
Just then Kari walked in the room, "What's with all the squealing?" she asked
"I'm being adopted!" I yelled
She looked around me to see who the people were that were adopting me.
Her eyes went wide, "You're being adopted by Gerard freaking Way?!" she yelled
I laughed. "You lucky little bitch!" she said hugging me.
"I love you too." I said, hugging her back.
"Ashton," Gerard said, "We're going to go talk to Jessica and fill out whatever paperwork we need to. You can start packing if you want to."
"Okay, I will," I said giving them both a hug again.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry part two took so long and that it's so short.
i was really busy with school.


hopefully party three doesn't take so long...