Coffee Shop Soundtrack

Everything was looking up for Remy Laurens, she had been accepted into the journalism program at the University of Chicago, she had a great relationship with her family after years of disagreements, and she had the perfect boyfriend who doted on her constantly.

Everything changed, however, when she walked in on her boyfriend [of TEN months!] sleeping with her older sister! And how does Remy deal? She heads to Chicago a week early and walks into the first Starbucks she finds, and unknowingly into a new relationship!

If anyone can tell me who the male focus is before chapter three [where he will be revealed] then i will ... give you my applause? and a cookie. So you should try and figure it out :]

Everyone who guessed was right. I'm that predictable :]
But yes, this is an Alex Gaskarth story. Enjoy!
  1. Starbucks
    Remy is on a mission for a caffeine fix.
  2. Some Witty Banter...
    Remy gets her coffee and drinks it too.
  3. Let's Chat
    Remy figures out who this mystery boy is.
  4. Shopping
    Remy and Alex find themselves meandering around Chicago...