My sisters guardian

its a trick right?

When I woke up the next morning it was 3 o’clock. I missed a whole school day. If my dad found out he would kill me. I had to sleep in my car for at least another day, so I don’t get killed. My phone began to ring and it was my house, which automatically made me think it was my dad. I answered and I heard crying, so I knew it was Cara.

“What happened?” I asked clutching my hand into a fist.

“He raped me again and you were not here to stop him.” She explained crying her eyes out. It must be hard to be 7 and have no mom and a dad that abuses and rapes you. Once I heard that I knew I had to go home to help her because I am the only person who can.

“I am coming home tonight and you can sleep with me. I will make sure he never rapes you again.” I said and hung up so I can drive home.

I got home and my dad was not there, but Cara was doing her homework at the table. I looked in the garage to see if his car was there and it was not. I was confused because he never leaves Cara at home by herself. I felt like this was a trick, but I knew it was not. Cara ran up to hug me and I picked her up and gave her a huge hug.

“Where is dad?” I asked still looking around afraid he is going to pop out of nowhere.

“He is out looking for you.” She said walking back to the table and I followed her.

“How does he know where I am?” I asked because my dad would not go looking for me unless he knew exactly where I was.

“When I called you he used that to track you down.” She said and for some odd reason I knew Cara calling me was part of a plan because she is never allowed to use the phone.

“I knew it.” I stormed off to my room that was unlocked. I saw his car pull up and heard Cara run to her room because if she knew what was going to happen next. I waited for him to come up here.

“Why did you leave last night?” he held back his anger.

“Because I don’t want to have to deal with you anymore.” He does not scare me as much as he use to.

“Excuse me?” He tried hard to hold his anger been, but he exploded. The rest you probably know the hitting and screaming.

I went to bed in so much pain and Cara was sleeping with me, so she doesn’t get raped tonight. I really can’t wait till my birthday because she is going to go down. My dad better watch out because he has 3 more days to be free and not be in jail.

The next day at school I was in homeroom and I went to my usual seat in the way back. After the announcements Kyle walks in and tells the teacher that the principal wanted to see me. I had no idea why, but I got up and followed Kyle. While we were walking I asked why the principal wanted to see me.

“He doesn’t I just needed you to get out of class.” He said and I stopped and turned around to walk back. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

“Ouch, you are so much weirder than I thought you were.” I pulled my hand away and continued to walk back to class.

“Come on ditch a couple of classes and hang with me.” He sat there with his hand out waiting for me to grab it.

“No way my dad would ki…” I stopped myself because my personal life was none of his business. I rejected him and tried to walk away before he said anything else.

“Would what? I wanted to get to know you, Kayla. I also want to help you with whatever is going on.” He said and he looked serious.

“Why do you want to get to know me? Why would you want to help me? This is a trick right?” Not wanting to here the answer I decided to run off before he could stop me again.

I got home and Cara was sitting there crying. I asked her why, but she just ran up stairs. My first thought was my dad. I stormed up to his room, slammed open his door and yelled,

“What the hell did you do this time?”

“I was trying to help her with her math homework, but she wouldn’t comprehend. I called her a disappointment and slapped her. It was her fault not mine.” He explained in a serious tone.

“You are not supposed to slap your kids or calm them a disappointment. Why are you a jerk?” I started saying this in an angry tone and then started to cry towards the end.

“I don’t know I guess I take after my dad.” He said and gave me the signal to leave before anything happens. So I did and I helped Cara with her homework and she was fine after that.