Status: writing in the back of my Spanish notebook every other day.... :P

The Freshman Named Alice

To Lunch

To my luck, it was Santi leaning against the wall. It was as if he was waiting for me. “Hey,” I said walking up towards him. I turned around to see Carol and Natalie giggling at Santi and I.

“You gonna intro duce me to your friends?”, he asked motioning his head towards the girls. I shook my head, and walked towards Carol and Natalie.

“You guys are so freaking immature, yo,” I said grabbing both of their hands, pulling them over to Santi.

“Alright Santi, this is Carol,” I said mellow toned. “And this sexy son of a bitch, is Natalie,” we all started laughing. Even though I just met Natalie, I was really comfortable around her. I had a feeling she was going to be a really good friend to have. And the best part is that she has a really good sense of humor. That is why I was able to say what I did.

“And girls, this is Santi. I’m gonna eat lunch with him today,” Carol smiled sweetly, and Natalie winked and nudged me jokingly. “Soo yeah, see ya laters chickas!”, I smiled at them and grabbed Santi’s arm and started walking in the opposite direction of the two girls.
“You do realize that you’re going the wrong way, right?”, Santi asked.

“That’s where you’re wrong little boy,” I giggled. “I’m not going the wrong way, I’m just taking the long way.”

“And you would want to do that, because?”, he asked dragging out the ‘s’.

“So I could spend more time with you, duh!”

“Oh right, ‘cause you think I’m beautiful,” I stopped short in my tracks. Santi turned to me and smirked. “It’s alright little girl, I think you’re beautiful too,” his smile softened. With a face like that, I couldn’t help but smile back.

We started walking again, but this time neither of us was talking. “You really think I’m beautiful?”, I asked breaking the silence, looking up into his gorgeous eyes.

“Yeah, I actually do,” Santi smiled looking down at me.

“And how many other girls have you told that to?”, I smirked at him, watching his jaw drop. But before he could answer, we had reached the cafeteria. I made sure to sway my hips as I walked away.

“Hold up, little girl,” I smirked to myself as he grabbed my arm and turned me around. “What was that supposed to mean? Do you think I’m a player or something? ‘Cause I’m not. And I know that makes me sound like even more of a player, but-”, I placed my index finger over his lips so he would shut the fuck up.

“Little boy, if you don’t shut the hell up,” he gave me a weak smile underneath my finger. I sighed, “C’mon,” I pulled him by his arm into the pizza line. We got our food pretty quickly, then headed outside all the way to the front of the school, where not many people ate.

Santi chose a picnic table towards the back of the tent. We sat down and instead of Santi eating right away, like I did, he sat there with his hand underneath his chin, holding up his head. I could feel his eyes on me, and started to feel uncomfortable.

“Okay,” I started as I swallowed the piece of pizza that was in my mouth. “Are you gonna talk? Or just sit there and stare at me?”, Santi laughed and took a sip of his milk.

“It’s just, you’re so pretty, you’re distracting me from eating,” I shook my head.

“You’re such a flirt,” I said laughing. Santi, instead of laughing along with me, let out a sigh. I could tell something was wrong.

“Well you know why I invited you to eat with me, so let me just get started on my story,” I looked at him with a confused face. What story was he talking about? It was as if he read my mind. “The story about why I referenced my dad in first period.”

“Oh right. And stop reading my mind,” we both laughed.

“Sorry little girl,” I smiled. “But back to my story,” he sighed.
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told you the next chapter was going to be coming up soon! ;D

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