Status: Complete

Lost Without You


The rest of the weekend passed in a breeze for me. Paul and I nearly spent every minute together when we could not all that surprised to hear both of our moms compliment us on the new relationship saying that we were meant together, even though we pretty much already knew that with him imprinting on me. Carlos on the other hand wasn’t all that happy about me being with Paul after he nearly attacked him a few days ago and before that ignored me for a month, but I just ignored his complaints. Paul makes me happy and I wasn’t about to let my cousin take that away from me.

I walked outside ready to leave for school when I saw Paul’s truck pull into the driveway. Smiling, I walked up to the driver’s side of the truck adjusting the strap of my messenger’s back that hung on my right side. The window was already rolled down when I reached it and Paul slightly leaned out to look at me.

“What are you doing here?” I asked leaning my arms on the window frame.

“I thought I’d give my girl a ride to school. Is that a crime?” Paul answered with a big smile on his face, something that I couldn’t answer no to on anything.

Feeling myself about to giggle, I walked around the front of the truck and climbed into the passenger’s seat, placing my bag on the floor of the truck before I felt Paul lean over and gently kissed my lips when I looked back over at him. I quickly kissed him back wanting to get to school a little early to turn in my work that I had last week that Paul brought over for me to do so I won’t be too far behind everything. Paul put the truck in reverse to pull out of the driveway and headed in the direction of the school while reaching over to take my hand in his to hold on the ride to school.

“How was your morning?” Paul asked stealing a glance at me.

“Fine. Just like any other morning I had ever since I started school.” I answered looking over at him. “You?”

“Same. Although I could kill Jared for calling me early this morning.”

“What did he want?”

“If I could drive myself this morning since he was going to skip today to keep Kim company since she’s sick. Even though I called him last night saying that I was going to drive so I drive you to school.”

I smiled as I looked back forward toward the road as Paul continued to drive toward the school. We rode in silence with only the radio softly playing the back ground. It was oddly nice being with him, getting a ride to school from him, just having Paul there just makes my day better knowing he’s always going to be there for me. We are meant to be together.

The school came into quicker than I wanted to and Paul pulled into the school’s parking lot to park his truck. Looking around the school ground, I noticed a lot of the students were staring in our direction with some talking among friends and other pointing while talking. It instantly made me nervous to the point where I just wanted to tell Paul to take me away, but I need to go to school so I can graduate soon and be out of there. I felt a pair of warm lips on the back of my left hand and I looked over to see that it was Paul who watching over me probably noticing that I was nervous about being back to school with not only being friends with him, but being his girlfriend.

“Don’t worry too much, okay? I’m here to protect you.” Paul whispered before kissing my hand again.

I nodded as he released my hand and we both began to make our way out of his truck meeting back together in front of the truck. This time my nerves began to go haywire causing my heartbeat to speed up along with my hands shaking. I began to wonder if I could really do this even with Paul here with me. I felt Paul reach for my hand again taking my attention away from everyone that was standing around looking over at us confused about what was going on between Paul and I.

“Don’t pay attention to them. Ignore them and I’m right here if you need me.” Paul whispered.

Again, I nodded as he leaned down and softly pressed his lips against mine for a quick kiss earning a few gasp along the school ground. I did what Paul told me and ignored them as we headed toward the front door of the school still feeling everyone’s stare on us along with a few more from some people that were inside. Paul opened the door and let me in first, following shortly after me sliding his hand out of mine and around my waist pulling me closer to him as we began to walk down the hallway to our lockers. My locker was the first one down the hallway so we stopped there to get the notebook and textbook that I need for first period math.

Closing my locker door, Paul led me down to his locker to get his things for math class. After he had gotten his things, we headed back down the hallway to the cafeteria to wait until we were called to head to first period and halfway down the hallway Paul reach over and took my things from my arm and carried it with his. I opened my mouth to make a comment about how I could carry my things, but Paul shook his head telling me not to say anything. Closing my mouth, we continued to walk to the cafeteria at sat down at our usual table that we sit at during lunch.

“You know you don’t’ have to carry my things right?” I said taking back my things, but Paul stopped me.

“I know, but I want to.” Paul replied leaning forward and kissed my nose. He tried to lean in to kiss me when we were interrupted by a classmate walking up to sit on the other side of Paul, a girl who I had known to have a massive crush on Paul for a while.

“Hey there, Paul. Long time no see, huh?” Theresa said, flirtish might I add running a hand up and down his shoulders.

“I was here last week.” Paul answered shortly not even looking at her, but continued to stare at me with a slightly disappointed face.

“Oh, well um I was wonder if you had any plans tonight? I was thinking that maybe we could hang out, go see a movie or something.”

“Sorry, I have a girlfriend.” Paul said looking away from me to glance over at Theresa with a disgusted look.

“You’re just saying that, but if you’re busy tonight we can always go another day.”

“No, I have a girlfriend, Theresa. I’m not making it up.” Paul said through clenched teeth.

“Then who is she?” Theresa asked with a smirk probably hoping to get Paul to make up some lie that she would easily catch.

“Emma.” Paul answered with a big smile looking back at me which I happily smiled back.

A second later Theresa burst out laughing catching everyone’s attention that was around the cafeteria. Paul and I looked at her clearly not enjoying the fact that she was laughing about us having an actually relationship. Paul’s body tensed up and noticed that it started to shake a little informing me that he was getting angry and if something doesn’t stop soon, he was going to do something he is going to regret. I looped my arm through his tugging it lightly to get his attention. He looked over at me with an upset look across him face and I did the one thing that I could think of that would calm him down. I leaned in and pressed my lips against his heated lips for a kiss which he instantly returned, hearing Theresa stop laughing with a few classmates muttering to each other.

Pulling away, Paul kissed my forehead and whispered, “Thank you. I needed that.” I nodded as I rested my head against his shoulder. Paul rested his chin on the top of my head before looking back a Theresa. “Believe us now?”

I smiled when Theresa jerked her hand away from Paul and stood up to leave. I didn’t however like the glare that she sent me as she walked away. I wasn’t going to let it get to me and bother me because Paul was mine just as much as I was his and nothing was going to become between us. Hopefully.