Status: Complete

Lost Without You


Another week passed by and the news about Paul and I being together finally began to slowed down around school and even around town. Janice from the dinner was even surprised about Paul and I having a relationship, but had said that she could have expected it after we had been friends our whole lives. Also during the last week, the guys had a new member join the pack; Jacob Black. I also got the chance to meet everyone of the pack and some of the imprints, well Emily since I had already met Kim at school.

So far everything has been going great for me and Paul; and no more Theresa bugging us and actually trying to force us apart until the both of us confronted her. You could say that she was scared the not just Paul’s threat, but my threat as well because she knew I don’t fight like a girl with the whole pulling hair, scratching and what not. Growing up with Paul, I tend to fight more like a guy than a girl so since the last time I got into an actual fight back in eighth grade, a lot of people knew not to mess with me or look at me for a fight, pretty much the same way with Paul with his temper.

Now it was Friday night, Paul’s first night off this week and decided to take me out to dinner. He told me when he dropped me off from school to dress nicely which I did, in my way. I was dressed in a white and blue dress that comes down to above my knees and a small v-neck with a pair of blue Keds shoes. My hair was curled softly and I had one simple makeup consisting of eyeliner and mascara. I wasn’t really into the whole makeup thing. It was only a few more minutes of waiting until Paul would be here to take me out.

Silently, I was extremely nervous about this even through there probably was no reason to be, I mean it’s not my first date with Paul. I straightened out the dress toward the bottom at the hem before turning my body at little to check out the back to make sure that everything was perfect before reaching for my black cardigan to pull on so I wouldn’t get too cold. With one last glance in the mirror to make sure everything was perfect, I exited my room to head down the hallway to wait for Paul in the living room. I sat down on the sofa looking over at the clock to see that Paul would be here in a few minutes, so I turned on the television to watch it to pass the time.

The next time I looked up it was a few minutes passed the time that Paul said he would pick me up, but I tried not to get to worried thinking he might have got caught up in something. But soon that few minutes turning into thirty minutes and eventually it was an hour. That’s when I began to get worried and reached for the phone to call him. I dialed his number remembering it from the top of my head before pressing it against my ear hearing three rings then the answering machine. Deciding against to leave him a message, I hung up to call his house only to hear from his mom.


“Hey, Ms. Parker.” I said.

“Oh, hey Emma. How are you?” Ms. Parker said and I could tell that she was smiling.

“I’m fine, but I was wondering if Paul was there. He was supposed to come pick me up an hour ago and he never showed up.”

“No, he’s not, sweetie. I would love to tell you where he is, but I just got home.”

“Oh, okay. Thanks.” I said before hanging up. I tried Paul’s phone again only for it to go to the answering machine again.

Hanging up the phone, I threw the phone on the table, turning the television off and heading back down to my room. I quickly stripped out of the dress and kicked off my shoes to pull on my pajamas for the night. I couldn’t believe Paul bailed out on me, no wonder I was nervous what I was trying to get ready for our date. He didn’t even call me to quickly tell me that he got caught up or anything. I knew I should have never given him that chance, but yet it felt like I had to because of the imprint pull.

Walking into the bathroom, I washed off the makeup and ran a brush through my hair to remove some of the curls before heading back into my room to climb up on my bed. I leaned back against the headboard reaching toward the remote that sat on my night stand to turn on the small TV that sat on my dresser at the foot of my bed. It wasn’t long until I heard the front door open and close and I figured it had to be Carlos because there weren’t any heels clicking down the hallway.

“Em? What are you still doing here?” I heard Carlos ask from my door way. “I thought you had a date with Paul.”

“I thought so too, but he never showed up. I’ve waited an hour and tried to reach him three times, but got nothing from him.” I answered with a hint of venom coming out toward the end.

“I’m sorry, Em.”

“It’s no big deal. I should have known to have never given him another chance. I probably going to bed soon anyway.”

Carlos nodded his head sending me a soft smile that sent out an apology before turning around to walk out pulling the door close behind him. Hearing the door click, I moved further down on the bed fighting back the tears that threatened to spill over. I still couldn’t believe that this is happening.

Paul’s P.O.V.

I couldn’t believe it. The one night that I was going to take Emmanuelle out for a special dinner a filthy leech just had to come onto our land giving me no chance to call or stop by to explain things to her. She really was going to hate me this time after she had already given me a second chance and said that it was going to be her last one to give me. All I can do is pray that she will let me explain everything to her about when I never showed up to pick her up for our date and understand the situation to forgive me.

After doing one last final check around the reservation like Sam had asked us all to do, I made a quick run to Emma’s hoping that she will talk to me. Reaching the edge of the woods of Emma’s house, I phased out of my wolf form into my human form pulling on the dark wash jeans that I had on earlier when I was getting ready for the date before walking toward the front door still praying and hoping along the way. Making it to the door, I took a deep breath before knocking three times hearing a pair of feet walking toward the door. I easily took noticed that they sounded slightly heavier that Emma’s so I figured that it was Carlos and when the door opened, I was right.

“You have a lot of nerves to show up here.” Carlos hissed through his teeth. “I would leave if I were you and don’t bother coming around here or around Emma, ever.”

With that said, he slammed the door closed and I had to fight myself from throwing the door off of the hinge to attack him. I took a couple of deep breaths to calm myself down before walking around the side of the house easily remembering which window was to Emma’s room and appeared inside to see if she was awake; and she was. I dug into my pocket for my cell phone, turning it on to find two missed calls, both from her and pressed the speed dial to call her cell phone which I saw on the nightstand soon lighting up with a picture of me and my name flashing across the screen. A smile appeared on my face as I saw her reach for the phone to lift it up, but my heart scattered when she laid it back down within a heartbeat not hesitating.

Closing my phone, I shoved it back into my pants pocket and knocked on the window causing Emma to jump. She quickly turned around to face me with a worried expression until she saw me and it immediately fell to a heartbroken look; one that I caused all because of a stupid bloodsucker. Emma rolled off the side of her bed to walk toward the window to open it to let me in and that’s when I noticed that she was in her pajamas which consisted a men’s button down shirt and girl boxers. I had to control myself from jumping at her when she finally did open the window to let me inside.

“Emma, I’m really sorry about earlier. I didn’t get the chance to call you because the guys got a scent of a vampire on our land. Please forgive me.” I nearly begged when I climbed inside the room.

“I was really worried Paul and even scared.” Emma whispered and I could tell that she was a breaking point of getting ready to cry.

She opened her mouth to say something else, but nothing came out beside a sob before she fully broke down and I had to reach out to catch her before she was to fall to the floor. I picked her up bridal style to sit on the bed placing her in my lap to hold her against me letting her tears flow down my shoulders not caring. My imprint was in mental pain because of me and I sure as hell did not like it. I tightened my arms around her waist pulling her closer to me wishing I had some powers to erase the pain for her that was beginning to kill me. Then Emma said the most unexpecting thing to me.

“Please don’t leave me, Paul.” she sobbed quietly into my shoulder. If it was even possible, my arms tightened around her almost like I was forcing her up against me wondering what she talking about and what was wrong.
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I want to thank everyone for giving me 10 STARS! I am so thankful!
Plus, I have some short stories posted so please check them out.

Paul Oneshot
Sam Uley twoshot