Status: Complete

Lost Without You


The next morning when I woke up, I found Emma curled up against me in her bed with a relaxed look across her face, the first one all night since I decided it was best if I stayed especially when she begged, sobbing for me not to leave her. It worried me about the way she was acting last night telling me that she was scared with tears just pouring down her face asking me to stay with her almost like she needed me there for protection. So many different reasons were running through my head, but one stuck out the most and that was the bloodsucker that we had caught the smell of last night which was odd because it didn’t make any sense. The scent crossed over the treaty line onto the Cullen’s side and all of the scent was over in the woods near the coast, nowhere near here otherwise I would have smelt it and called for the pack.

A light movement came from beside me snapping me from the thoughts to see Emma curling herself tighter against me with a hint of a smile coming on her face. Then I began to wonder what she was dreaming of that was causing her to smile and I silently hope it was me which it probably was because of the unbreakable bond between us now. I raised a hand to caress the side of her face, moving some strands of her black hair out of her face to fall back with the rest of it that fanned out behind her on the pillow. Then I leaned down and carefully kissed her forehead not wanting to wake her up before I let my arms move down to her waist to wrap around it pulling her tighter against me.

Emma shifted a little and began to wonder if I had woke her up, but when she let out a deep sigh and snuggled up against me I knew I hadn’t. I couldn’t stop myself from smiling at how peaceful and beautiful she was laying beside me wearing her pajamas that some girls wouldn’t like to be seen in and no makeup on. No matter what she looked like, to me she is always going to be beautiful. I shifted a little to get into a more comfortable position moving Emma’s head on top of my chest pulling the covers further up toward her neck to cover up her body that was starting to get a little chilly.

I wrapped my arms back around her waist pulling her tight against me knowing that my body temperature would help warm her up faster than the blankets, but at least they will keep the heat around her longer. A few minutes passed and I began to find myself close to falling back to sleep only to jerk away when Emma rolled off of me facing the other, but still remain curled up against me. I rolled over onto my side in the direction the she was now facing with my arm still tightly around her. Soon enough my eyes drifted clothes and I found myself falling back to sleep.


I wasn’t sure how long I was asleep for when I was jerked away when I felt a movement beside me. Looking over, I saw that it was Emma who now was awake and looked as if she was trying to get out of the bed. She mouthed me a quick sorry planting a quick kiss on my lips before jumping out of the bed and out of the room to what I assume to the bathroom. I stretched looking over the clock that sat on her night stand to see that it was almost none. Then, I sat up still stretching feeling and hearing a few joints pop in the process. A yawn escaped between my lips even thought I had gotten a few rather good hours of sleep.

“Sorry to wake you.” Emma said coming back into the room rubbing her hands together and her arms. “I couldn’t hold it any longer.”

“How long have you been awake?” I asked.

“About thirty minutes, maybe less.”

I nodded as Emma climbed back on to the bed and under the covers. She shivered still rubbing her hands and arms so I wrapped my arms around her instantly feeling how cold she really was which was odd compared to how long I held her and was under the same blankets with her just minutes ago. I kissed the side of her head realizing that the bedroom door was wide open when Emma left to go to the bathroom when I clearly remember it being closed when I fell back to sleep. I listened carefully to see if her mom or Carlos was still here, but I only heard the two of our heartbeats. Emma must have sense what I was doing and wondering because she answered.

“Carlos left to the airport early this morning to head back home and mom was called into work. She didn’t say anything about you being here as long as we don’t doing anything stupid.” Emma answered receiving a nod from me with a hint of smirk about the last thing that her mom said. “You know, you look rather cute when you are asleep.” she said out of the blue looking up at me with a smile.

“You were watching me?” I asked with a smile looking down at her. She nodded curling her body closer up against mine. “That’s nice to know because I was watching you while you were asleep as well.”

“You were watching me?” Emma asked moving away from me a little with the smile still on her face. “When? How? I was up before you.”

“I had actually woke up earlier this morning for a little while and I spent it watching you.” I answered kissing the top of her head before pressing my lips against her soft pink ones.

What was going to be a simple kiss turned into a heated kiss. I lightly pushed Emma back down on the bed with me crawling over her keeping our lips together, moving in sync. I ran a hand up and down her side before letting it get tangled in her hair feeling her do the same by letting her fingers get tangled in my hair. I then moved both of my hands behind her head still getting tangled in her long dark locks forcing my lips harder on her before licking her lips for an entrance.

It was a fight before Emma eventually opened to let me in then our tongues fought for dominance and in the end I won. I tasted her for a while before removing my lips from hers to catch a quick breath and then began to trail kisses down her jaw to her neck. Emma moved her head to the side give me more access to her neck until I came upon a spot that cause her to let out a soft moan. The sound sent a shock feeling run straight down my spine and I started to suck on the same spot hearing one moan turn into another. Before I knew it the sound that came from her lips were taking a troll down south, if you were to catch my drift.

I removed my hands from her hair to down back down her sides until I reached the hem of the men’s button down shirt that she wore to bed and moved it up a little to feel the soft skin that lay underneath it. Her body shivered under my hand as the continued to feel up and down her sides running my fingers softly across her stomach. She tugged at my hair that was tangled between her fingers that caused me to growl against her neck causing her to let out a moan.

I then moved my hands out from under the shirt up toward her neck to the top button of the shirt to undo the first button. I was able to undo the first few buttons showing some cleavage and a bit of her black bra before a scent filled up my nostrils that smell awfully familiar. The same scent that the guys and I had caught yesterday. I pulled away from Emma, removing my lips from her neck and my hands from her shirt, letting a deep and sharp growl emerge from my chest. Emma released my hair from her hands moving up toward the headboard to lean against it with her eyes watching me intensely almost as if she knew something was wrong.

“Paul?” her soft voice floated into my ear calming me down enough to where I wouldn’t take the chance into phasing with her so close to me. I knew I had to leave or get her some place safe with protection so the guys and I could track the bloodsucker again.

“Get dressed.” I ordered glancing at her. “Quickly.”

Emma nodded as I moved my arm to let her off the bed to tug her shorts off to pull on a pair of jeans and slipped on a pair of flat sandals. She was about to change shirts when the scent became stronger and knew that we wouldn’t have enough time to get her to safety before the leech was to pop up. I jumped off the bed pulling Emma around to face me re-buttoning the buttons that I had undone before pulling her outside to her Jeep, grabbing the keys on the way out.

“Get in the car.” I ordered again as I jerked the passenger’s door open forcing her into the seat before slamming the car door and rushing to the driver’s side to get in and drove over the speed limit to get to Sam’s placing knowing that everyone would be there.

“Paul, what’s going on?” Emma asked, gripping the seat and door until her knuckles were white.

“That bloodsucker. It was at your house.” I hissed through my teeth pulling down a grave driveway and slamming on the breaks to stop the car.

Emma didn’t say a word, but climbed out of the car when I cut the engine and got out myself. Meeting her at the front of the car, I grabbed her hands and pulled her just like I did at her house inside Sam and Emily’s house, and just as I predicted everyone was there. Everyone stopped eating and stared up at us, mostly Emma because of the men’s white shirt that she was wearing.

“Paul?” Sam asked confused standing up from his seat. “What’s going on?”

“The leech was at Emma’s place.” I hissed again, a heartbeat away from phasing if it wasn’t for Emma’s hand squeezing mine.

Sam nodded looking at Emily before giving her a quick peck on the lips, nodding for Jared, Embry and Jacob to follow him outside. I took that as my clue to follow him so I quickly kiss Emma’s lips whispering that I would be back as soon as I could before following the guys outside. Why does it whenever I have plans with Emma or try to spend time with her, I always get interrupted one way or another?