Status: Complete

Lost Without You


With the vampire still on the loose jumping around the treaty line, I became a natural at Sam and Emily’s spending most of the time after school with Emily and Kim until Paul would pick me up after patrol to take me home only to sneak into my room later when I get ready to go to bed and stay with me. I guess you could say that everyone are still on their toes about the vampire and their always with the imprints at night to be on the safe side knowing that they wouldn’t come after us at school or when we were together. That I’m complaining or anything because even though Paul is always busy now, I can still have some time with him.

The week had flown by rather slowly in my opinion with all of the drama that’s been going on and everyone on their toes, I just can’t wait for the vampire to be taken out so we can finally get back to our normal lives, somewhat. Today, my mom wanted me to stay home and try to clean up the house a bit since neither one of us has been around a lot to clean up after ourselves, which would be good to try to pass the day. Emily went out of town to go visit some family members and Kim promised to take her little brother out of town, so I was pretty much stuck at home with nowhere to go.

I had already finished with the kitchen cleaning the dishes, sweeping and mopping the floor, and cleaned the counter. After that I moved into the living room trying to straighten everything before dusting and vacuuming. Thankfully and sadly, I was almost finished here too meaning the last place that I would have to clean is the bathroom since my bedroom is almost always clean. Why couldn’t things go slower for me when I want them to?

The telephone rang in the kitchen where it was hanging to charge and I quickly ran to reach it. Picking it up, I saw Paul’s name flash across the screen and I began to wonder. Had they catch the vampire yet or what he just calling to check up on me?

“Hey.” I answered the phone.

“Emma?” Paul’s voice asked in frantic. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I answered getting worried. “What’s wrong?”

“The bloodsucker. It tricked us and managed to get passed us and headed back into town. Make sure you stay inside until I come by or call to say that it’s okay, please.”

“I promise, Paul. I’ll stay inside.”

“Okay, I’ll come by or call when we finish.” Paul sighed into the phone and I could easily picture him running his hand through his hair with a slightly irritated look on his face. “I love you.”

My heart stopped and my breath got caught in my throat. A smile slowly made its way on my face hearing those three words. I opened my mouth to tell him that I loved him back, but the phone line went dead. I repeated called Paul’s name into the phone hoping that he didn’t hang up on me before I could tell him, but then I got a feeling that the phone line was cut off or something and that I somehow wasn’t alone.

Something whiffed behind me and I quickly turned around to find out what it was but I didn’t see anything. I hanged up the phone and set it on the counter still looking around to see if could find anything. Whatever it was whiffed by me again scaring me to the point where it felt like my heartbeat was about to pound out of my chest.

“Who’s there?” I asked looking around more frantic. “Who’s there?!”

A scream tried to escape from when I felt someone grab me from behind, but their hand quickly covered my mouth to muffle the scream. The body felt oddly cold and instantly knew what it was. A vampire.

“You’ll do perfectly.” a sinister voice whispered into my ears as tears threatened to spill.

Paul’s POV

“Emma? Emma? Emmanuelle?!” I yelled into the phone.

Pulling the phone away from my ear to hang up my heart started racing and I began to get the feeling that something happened. Shoving the phone back into my short’s pocket that was still tied around my ankle, I quickly phased racing in the direction of Emma’s house. I ignored everyone yelling and asking me what I was doing, but I could feel that something was wrong with Emma and I needed to get there now before anything worse happens.

Getting closer to the house, I got the scent of the vampire and I realized that he had been here, and with my luck he probably had gotten to her. I pushed myself further growling yelling that the vampire’s scent ran toward Emma’s house and soon I heard half of the pack follow me to Emma’s place where the scent got stronger the closer I got. Breaking free from the woods onto the Carter’s property, I saw that the front door was open and the scent smelled like it was just recent. Quickly phasing into my human form pulling my shorts on, I ran toward the house and inside still smelling the vampire stink.

The next thing that I noticed was a few things turned over almost like they had been kicked showing signs of a struggle and all I could think was that Emma had tried to get loose to get away from the filthy bloodsucker. I quickly searched the house hoping, just hoping that Emma hadn’t been taken and was just hiding until it was safe. After checking every room in the house and every hiding spot that would be possible for Emmanuelle to hide in, I gave up not wanting to believe that she had been taken, but I had to because she was nowhere to be found along the scent of the leech in the front rooms.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed Emma’s cell phone hoping that she had gone out despite my plea for her to stay inside. Upon pressing send and pressing the phone against my ear to hear the first ring, a familiar song began to play throughout the house. By this time, the guys had showed up and were standing at the door obviously smelling the stink, but I wasn’t focused on them. I was focus on the familiar song that continued to play and followed the song down the hallway back into Emma’s room to find her phone on her nightstand in front of a recent picture of us before the whole vampire came into town.

It wasn’t until words started to come from the phone why the song sounded familiar. It was our song that we were listening to on our first date after getting ice. It was the song that Emma and I had our real first kiss to. The song that Emma told me that she trusted me enough for us to have a relationship.

My oh my, you're so good-looking
Hold yourself together like a pair of bookends
But I've not tasted all your cooking
Who are you when I'm not looking?

I picked up the phone to see a picture of me kissing Emma’s cheek at the beach just two weeks ago. My heart tore at the look of how happy Emma looked in the picture with me and now she was God knows where being tormented. Through both her and my phone down on the bed, I sped walked out of the room and house heading straight toward the woods and exploded into my wolf form. Letting out a painful howl causing the guys to wince, a scream came through the woods that sounded like Emma’s and that was all it took for me to take off running in that direction feeling the guys soon catching up obviously hearing the scream as well.
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It's getting close to the end. Only two or three more chapters left.