Status: Complete

Lost Without You


The vampire continued to drag me away from my home kicking and screaming, but he learned to keep his hand over my mouth to muffle the scream after he took it off earlier and I managed a loud scream out hoping that Paul or someone would hear me. He dragged me further into the woods and I knew it was a good way far from any house until we reached what looked like an old run down shack. Reaching the door, he kicked it up before throwing me inside where I saw another vampire causing my heartbeat to accelerate having a feeling that I was never going to see Paul or my mom ever again.

Sitting up, I crawled backward until my back came in contact with one of the walls and even though I wanted so much to scream again, I didn’t want to take the chance. I didn’t want to die without saying goodbye or seeing Paul one last time. I closed my eyes fighting back the tears that threatened to spill over, but I was only able to fight them off for a short period of time before one fell from my right eye down my cheek. I took a soft deep breath before opening my eyes to see one of them right in front of me, skin white as snow and eyes red as blood, with his tongue running over his lips moving his face closer toward me sniffing.

“Mouthwatering.” he murmured inching closer until his nose was right up against my pulse in my neck. “Just perfect.”

I nearly gagged when I felt his nose being replaced by his lips. He chuckled against my neck before pulling away from me to let his eyes glanced over my body smiling when his eyes reaching mine again. I looked away crossing my arms over my chest hoping that he would just go away, away from me.

“Where are the others?” he asked facing the vampire that had brought me here.

“The wolves got them, sir.” the other vampire replied.

A growl escaped from the main guy’s throat looking back down at me with a different look. My nerves instantly kicked in and I had a feeling that I wasn’t going to last much longer because they knew that I was one of the wolves’ mates. Quickly closing my eyes, I waited for him to attack me silently telling Paul that I loved him in my mind until I heard a growl that sound more like it came from a wolf soon followed by a scream.

Opening my eyes, I saw that the pack had come with two taking down the one that dragged me here and the three others were growling getting ready to attack the one that was close to attacking me. Paul was easily spotted to me the silverfish-gray wolf what was close to me with a growl rumbling deep down in his chest lowering himself with the look of murder in his eyes. I wanted to so much to reach out to touch his fur, but I didn’t want to distract him or take a chance of having him jump on me by accident.

A sharp growl came from one of the other wolves before the other jumped out, but I couldn’t watch any further so I quickly closed my eyes burying my face into my knees that was pulled up to my chest and covering my ears to block out the screaming and ripping of the vampire. I began to slightly rock trying to think about something to remove my mind from what was happening hoping that it will all be over soon. I wasn’t sure how long I was sitting there when I felt a warm hand on my side and I looked up slowly to see Paul in front of me with the wolves slowly exiting out of the shack.

Paul cupped my face in both of his hands running his thumbs underneath my eyes realizing that I had been crying. Looking straight into his eyes, a sob escaped from me when everything settled in on what was about to happen if they haven’t showed up and threw myself into Paul’s arms wrapping my arms tightly around his neck. I buried my face into his shoulder letting tears just flow feeling Paul tightly wrap his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him planting little kisses wherever he can only my face, neck and shoulder.

“Paul.” I cried into his shoulder never waning to let go.

“Shh. It’s okay. I’m right here. You’re safe.” Paul whispered softly into my ear shifting my body before standing up lifting me with him before carrying me out of the shack bridal style.

I didn’t dare look away from Paul’s shoulder knowing that the others were outside waiting for us. Paul continued walking for a while and when I figured we were far away from the rest of the pack I looked up from his shoulders to see that he was walking back to my house. Even though I didn’t want to go there at the moment, I knew I would be okay as long as Paul is there with me. The house came into view and Paul walked inside taking me straight toward my bedroom to lay me down on the bed. He turned around to leave the room but I quickly grabbed his arm not wanting him to leave me alone at the moment.

“Don’t leave me.” I whispered hoarsely.

Paul leaned down to kiss my forehead before say, “I’m just going to the bathroom to get you a wet washcloth. I’ll be right back I promise.”

Shakingly, I released his arm and watched him walk out of the room going in the direction of the bathroom, returning just a few minutes later with a green wet washcloth in hand. He sat down in front of me lifting the washcloth to wipe under my eyes and my cheeks to get rid of the tears and dirt that might of stuck to my face. After cleaning off my face he leaned in and pressed his lips softly against mine which I gladly returned glad that it was Paul’s warm and soft lips rather than the cold and hard ones that had been on my neck earlier.

“I’m so glad you’re okay. God, I would’ve been lost without you.” Paul whispered against my lips.

“I love you.” I whispered back against his lips lifting a hand to the back of his neck feeling the soft, silky black hair.

“I love you, too.”

I pulled his lips back down onto mine hearing him drop the washcloth on the nightstand before cupping his hands on my face and neck. The sweet simple kiss became heated and Paul pushed me down on my back crawling on top of me. I moved my hands from around his neck to run my fingers down his chest and back up. Paul lightly growled and I knew by the sound it was more of a playful growl rather than the growl he had done just a few minutes ago.

He pulled away and began to kiss along my jaw line and down the side of my neck with his hands running down my sides until they reached the hem of my shirt. I could tell that he was hesitant to lift the shirt so I reached down placing my hands on top of his and pushed his hand to pull the shirt off. Paul threw the shirt into the chair in the room before coming back down to press his lips against mine. I lifted up a little to reach the hook of my black bra to unhook it and tossed it with my shirt in the chair.

I could hear Paul take a deep breath when he pulled away to see that I had taken off the bra before trailing kiss back down my neck and between my chest. I thread my fingers through his hair biting my lips to keep myself from moaning out loud feeling his lips before reaching down to pull his face back up to mine wanting to feel his lips against mine. Running my hands back down Paul’s chest, I stopped at Paul’s short and began to undo the button causing Paul to pull away.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked, panting.

“I’m sure. I want you, Paul. I need you.” I panted back.

Paul smashed his lips back against mine as we both quick stripped each other from the last of our clothing, throwing them on the other side of the room with where my shirt and bra had been thrown to. We continued to kiss for a while longer before Paul pulled a sheet over the two of us looking down into my eyes questioning me again if I as wanted to do this. I nodded feeling my heart beat flutter violently in my chest. With one more kiss, Paul spread my legs and slowly began entering me.
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One more chapter left!