Status: Complete

Lost Without You


Sliding further down into my seat, moving my hair to hide the side of my face, I made sure that Paul wouldn’t be able to look at me to see how hurt I really was about him and so I didn’t have to see him. When I heard him sit down in his seat, I almost expected him to say something to me or do something to get my attention to tell me that he was back, but he didn’t. Not that I was the least surprised or anything. When the final bell rant informing everyone that they should be in their designated places, I didn’t let loose in one bit afraid that if I would get just a glance at Paul my world would just come crashing down on me.

“Okay everyone. Clear off your desk except for a pencil.” Mr. Sherrill called through the class.

I did as told making sure to keep my face covered by my hair shoving my notebook and textbook in the rack under my seat and pulled out a mechanical pencil from my bag. Quietly sitting there, I ignored everyone around the best I could as the teacher began to pass out the test. I sat up fully in my seat when Mr. Sherrill got closer to my seat. I gave him a smile for a thank you as I clicked my pencil to get some lead to come out and I began on the test.

“Paul, we are having a test and I want you to a least try to take it and see how you do and decided if you will need to retake it.” Mr. Sherrill said from the other side of me where Paul was sitting at.

“Yes, sir.” I heard a heavy, husky voice, one that sounded nothing like the Paul I knew.

I had to look and when I did I almost regretted it. Paul was nearly staring at me when I glanced over at him with almost a hatred look at first and then drifted into a shocked/surprised look then back to hatred. My heart broke even more at the sight and forced myself to look away to focus on the test. I tried to take my time on the test as possible, but didn’t work out and I was finished before everyone else so I had to sit back and wait for everyone else to finish something that I really wasn’t looking for because I had to fight myself from looking at Paul again.

It felt like forever before everyone had finally finished the test and was passed forward for the teacher to take up and give us our next assignment to work on. Immediately I began to work on it thinking it would keep me somewhat busy from Paul, but that didn’t even help when I got a folded piece of paper on my desk from his direction. I looked over at him from the corner of my eyes to see that he was doing the same with me with a smirk on his face, one that was completely different than the one he used to give me before he disappeared. Looking away, I slowly opened the folded note to read what Paul had written on it.

‘It’s good to see you again.’

I wanted to write back saying how I missed him and what not, but I wasn’t going to forgive him too easily. I picked my pencil and wrote a reply back.

‘I high doubt that after ignoring me for a month to join Sam Uley’s gang. Incase you have forgotten, you forgot to call me when you got home that day.’

Folding it up, I looked up at Mr. Sherrill to make sure that he wasn’t looking before throwing the note on Paul’s desk. I went back to work on the assignment getting most of it worked out until the note landed back on my desk. I pushed it to the corner of my desk wanting to get the assignment done first before I began to worry about what Paul had wrote onto the note. It was only a few minutes before class change when I finished the assignment so I wouldn’t have homework and I reached for the note looking around the room to see everyone still working on the assignment. Slowly, I began to open the note.

‘I’m sorry. You wouldn’t understand what I was going through, but I’d like to make it up to you.’

Reaching my pencil I quickly wrote down a reply.

Paul’s P.O.V.

I couldn’t believe that I imprinted on her, my best friend, Emmanuelle Carter. The girl that I always thought of as a sister or another guy friend was the girl that fate chose for me to be with, to be my soul mate. Not that I’m complaining or anything, I almost expected to be someone whom I’ve never talked to or something like Kim to Jared and Emily to Sam. Never in a million years would I have thought that Emma would be the one for me in the end, but maybe it would be good for us since we both had known each other for so long and could easily read each other.

The note that I had passed her was thrown in front of me on the open textbook just a second before the bell rang. I glanced over at Emma to see that she was already packed up and was making her way out of the classroom. Quickly, I gathered my things and the note and tried to follow after her to her next class, but when I got out into the hallway and going in the direction of where both of our next class was at, she had already vanished. Sighing deeply, I opened the note to see what she had written.

‘I don’t think you can. Sorry.’

My body began to shake and I knew that I needed to get out before someone was to take notice. I pushed my way through the student body and made it outside without anyone noticing and that’s when I saw the familiar body of Emmanuelle rushing toward her black Grand Cherokee, Jeep. Instantly my body stopped shaking with the sight of Emma racing toward her car to quickly climb in. For a second, I thought of racing after her and climbing into the car to get her to forgive, but I didn’t want to make it worse for us than it already was.

So instead, I dropped my things in Jared’s truck since he gave me a lift this morning and rushed into the nearby woods to phase. After phasing I glanced out of the woods to see Emma pulling out of the school’s parking lot and racing away. I ran, keeping up with her rather easily all the way to the beach where she pulled in and parked. I phased back into my human form pulling on just my jeans peering out of the woods toward Emma to see her sitting in the car with her arms wrap tightly around her waist and her head against the steering wheel, crying.

I never realized how much of an affect that I actually had on her, but now that I think back on it, I really was the only friend she actually ever had that accepted her for who she was and not some half-breed that everyone had called her with her dad being Quileute and her mom being Latin. And with us both having lost our dad the same year, it brought us closer together having something in common. But now that I haven’t seen her in almost a month with no contact, how am I going to get her forgiveness if she won’t let me?