Status: Complete

Lost Without You


It’s been a week since the day that Paul had shown up back at school, but I haven’t been there this week in fear of getting near Paul for him to try to come up to me so that he could talk to me. Every day Paul comes by after school only for me to ask Carlos to tell him to leave and that I don’t want anything to do with him for Carlos to return with schoolwork that Paul picked up for me that I missed that day. I was slowly beginning to wonder if I should give Paul yet another chance to talk and explain things to me, but I had this gut feeling that I wasn’t going to like it or it’s going to be something that would permanently be with me.

It was Friday afternoon a little after three o’clock and it was sad to say that I was home alone. Mom was at work, obviously and Carlos was God knows where in La Push or Forks. I sat curled up under a blanket in the living room watching TV waiting for Paul to come by to drop off my homework for the day I got any. It wasn’t long when I heard the door being knocked on and my gut instantly screamed Paul.

“Come in!” I yelled toward the door not wanting to get up from the sofa. The door opened and none other than Paul walked in the house with a folder in his hand. He stopped at the door upon seeing me, probably surprised since he haven’t seen me since Monday when we talk. “Hey.” I whispered not knowing what to say to him.

“Hey,” he replied back. “Nice to see you out from hiding. Um, you only have homework from Creative Writing about writing some monologue. The information is in here.” Paul said handing me the folder which I automatically opened to see a few pieces of paper in it.

“Thanks.” I said leaning forward the place the folder on the coffee table. “Thanks again for bringing my homework all this week even thought you didn’t have to.”

“No problem. I was going to have to start somewhere to get your forgiveness back.”

I felt a sharp pain in my heart after hearing him say that clearly hearing the pain behind the joke that he was trying to pull it off as. As much as I wanted to open my mouth and apologize for him for it, I couldn’t find the heart to do so because he was the one that hurt me first. Even though he had already apologized, I feel like he needed to do more than just apologize. Although, I am coming off as a bitch for not wanting to help him try to find a way to earn his trust back.

“Emma, I really am sorry. And I’m even sorry for running of that day when I promised that I would explain to you what was happening. But please, please let me try to explain it to you again. I hate not being with you and not being able to talk to you. Please, Emma, please.”

My head told me not to cave in while my heart torn at hearing him practically beg me to listen. I followed the one that I tend to follow more, my heart, just like my dad taught me to do growing up. I nodded as I patted the seat beside me as Paul closed the door and walked over to sit down.

“Before you start, promise me that you won’t leave at anytime unless you finish everything.” I stated.

“I promise.” Paul said with a hint of a smile.

“Okay. You can start.”

Paul took a deep breath looking out the window for a minute before facing me again. “The reason I didn’t call you that day when I got home after walking you home was because something happened to me. I went through a transformation. One I never expected to be true in a million years. You remember the legend of our tribe right?”

I nodded looking straight in his eyes to keep tabs on if he was telling me the truth or not. So far he was.

“Well, Emma, they’re true. I transformed into a wolf on the walk home through the woods on the trail that you and I normally take between here and my house. I’m a shape-shifter, Emma, a protector of La Push along with Jared and Sam. I was ordered by Sam to stay away from any friends and asked me to go back to school for a month until I had myself under control. That was the reason I couldn’t see or talk to you for a month.”

Still staring into hiswarm and gorgeous brown eyes, I expected a hint of it telling me that he was lying, but they still screamed that he was still telling the truth. I couldn’t believe it, I didn’t want to believe it, but his eyes were saying that he was honestly telling the truth.

“Prove it to me,” was the first thing that came flying out of my mouth when I had nothing else to say.

Paul sat there staring at me in shock. “Are you serious?”

“Doesn’t it look like I’m serious? Your eyes are telling me that you are telling the truth, but part of me doesn’t want to believe it.”

Paul nodded before standing up to pull me down the hallway and out the back door to my back yard. Hundreds of questions ran through my mind about if he really was a shape-shifter and some about if he wasn’t. It almost got to the point where I was giving myself a headache with the entire question because it would seem rather rude to ask him now than wait until after he proves it to me that he really is a shape-shifter. Paul came to a stop a few feet away from the back door before turning around to face me and taking a few steps back, away from me.

“Stay right there.” He said still walking backwards until he was another good few feet away from me.

I watched him kick of his shoes and pull off his shirt thinking nothing of it. I didn’t start freaking out until I saw him begin to pull his jeans off and saw that he wasn’t wearing any boxers.

“Paul, what the hell are you doing?” I yelled, instantly covering my eyes.

“I can’t phase in my clothes otherwise they will rip into pieces and you are the one to ask me to prove it to you.” Paul answered back.

I shook my head still standing there afraid to remove them anytime soon to see exactly what was going on. I didn’t have to stand with my eyes covered much longer when I heard a ripping noise followed by something cold and wet touch the back of my hand. I slowly moved my hands away from my eyes instantly stiffening when my eyes came in contact with eyes that looked exactly like Paul’s, but it wasn’t on Paul’s body. Instead it was on a huge silver-gray wolf that stood almost a good seven or eight foot tall.

“Paul?” I asked quietly having a hard time finding my voice at the moment from being shocked.

The wolf nodded his head still looking at me in the eyes watching me almost like he was expecting me to scream and runaway or do something, but I stood there trying to take everything in. I forced myself to look away from Paul and slowly began to sit down when I started to feel a little light headed, which wasn’t help with the situation. I heard another ripping noise and I looked to see that it was Paul in his human form pulling on his jeans before coming to sit in front of me.

“Are you okay?” he asked brushing some of my hair out of my face.

“Yeah, just a little light headed. Nothing to worry about.” I answered.

“You’re not going to faint, are you?”

I lightly smiled and shook my head knowing that I had never fainted over any news. It was verily rare that I ever do faint of pass out about or from anything. We sat there for a few more minutes letting me finish take in everything about what I had learned so far from the legend of the tribe being true and Paul along with his other friend Jared and Sam are all shape-shifter.

“Can I ask some questions?” I asked.


“Are there going to be more of you, like in the future?”

“Possible. There are signs where Black and his cousin Ateara will go through the transformation sometime in the next few months.”

“Jacob Black and Quil Ateara?”

“Yep. Jacob’s grandfather was Alpha of the wolf pack and Quil’s grandfather was Beta, by blood obviously so it a very high chance that they will transform.”

I nodded. “Do cold ones exist as well?” I asked remember the part of the Cold Ones coming onto our land and killing.

“Yes, vampires exist. There is a clan just over in Forks, the Cullen’s.”

“Dr. Cullen’s a vampire?” I asked shocked.

Paul nodded looking away from me mumbling something under his breath that I didn’t hear. I had the urge to ask him what he had said, but decided against it thinking if he wanted me to hear him he would have said it louder and clearer for me to understand. So I decided to pull the conversation away from the vampire subject and back onto topic with him explaining to me about what has been going on the past month I hadn’t seen him.

“Is there anything else that you need to tell me?” I asked closely watching him to see him nod his head taking a deep breath before looking back over at me. “Okay, then what is it?”

Paul reached out and took one of my hands in his instantly feeling a spark run up my arm. The feeling made me very curious about why I was feeling this way. Nothing Paul ever did or even the look of his eyes made me feel like I was falling for him, head over heels.

“Emma, I . . . I imprinted on you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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