Status: Complete

Lost Without You


After Paul and I had our talk at the beach, he asked to take me to the movies which I agreed to thinking it would be a good first date for us to help me decided better about giving Paul a real chance. Currently we were sitting in the back row at the movie theater with the movie halfway through. I was gripping onto Paul’s arm using his shoulder to hide my face in whenever it came to the scary parts. I should have known that Paul would have chosen a horror movie for our date.

Hearing a scream from the movie, I jumped and dug my face further into Paul’s shoulder with his laugh following shortly after. I hit him in the stomach felling a light throb afterwards only for him to laugh a little harder probably getting a few stare of people that were sitting around. Beginning to pull my face away from Paul’s shoulder to look at the screen, I jump almost a foot in the air when I heard another scream and forced my face back into Paul’s shoulder.

“Did you have to pick a scary movie for our first date?” I asked fighting back tears that were threatening to spill. Growing up, I’ve always hated scary movies, some movies I can handle but most of them I can’t watch, much like the one Paul brought me to see.

“Sorry, Em. Come on.” Paul said standing up from the seat pulling me up with him and guiding me out of the theater before turning around to face me when we were far away from the door where I wouldn’t hear the screams. “I’m really sorry, Emma, but why didn’t you say anything?”

“I thought I could handle it.” I said sniffing.

Paul frowned and wiped underneath my eyes where some tears I hadn’t noticed began to roll down my cheeks. After wiping away my tears, he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me into him in a protective state to help calm me down. I wrapped my arms around his waist burying my face in his chest trying to erase the pictures of the movie from my head.

“Come on. Let’s go somewhere else.” Paul said pulling away to lead me out of the building toward his truck to go somewhere else. “Want some ice cream?”

“You really want me to answer that?” I asked looking over at him when he pulled out of the parking lot.

Paul laughed as he drove to the nearby ice cream drive thru that was near the park. Straightening the truck when he pulled out, he reached over to take my left hand in his. The ride was silent as he drove there, but it was kind of relaxing in a way and with him holding my hand, it was so much better. The ice cream place into view and Paul pulled in the parking lot to park the truck for us to get out and get our ice cream. We walked up to the window to order a triple scoop of mixed flavors and I got a single scoop of chocolate. I reached in my back pocket to get money to pay for my ice cream since Paul paid for my ticket and the food at the movies, but Paul’s hand shot out and stopped me.

“I’m still paying.” Paul said handing over money to pay for both of our ice cream. “I asked you on this date, I’m still paying.”

“But you’ve already paid for everything. The least I could do is pay for my own ice cream.” I said feeling guilty.

“It’s no problem, Em.” Paul said getting our ice cream and handing me mine.

We headed back toward the truck and climbed back in the front seat. Paul was finished with his ice cream before I could even blink and I still had most of mine, but I guess that the wolves tends to eat faster and more. I ate all of the ice cream and gave Paul the cone since I don’t like eating the cones. Paul ate that just as fast. We continued to sit there in the truck for a while just enjoying the time together.

At one point, Paul’s arm made its way around my shoulder on the back of the seat and my head rested on his shoulder. Paul cut the car on so we could listen to some music as we sat in the truck. ‘Who Are You When I’m Not Looking’ by Blake Shelton began to play throughout the truck and I stopped Paul before he could change the station.

My oh my, you're so good-looking
Hold yourself together like a pair of bookends
But I've not tasted all your cooking
Who are you when I'm not looking?

I closed my eyes softly smiling at the melody of the song, mentally swaying to the music. I’ve always enjoyed listen to songs like these something that I could just close my eyes to and relax.

Do you pour a little something on the rocks?
Slide down the hallway in your socks?
When you undress, do you leave a path?
Then sink to your nose in a bubble bath?

“You like this song?” Paul asked which I easily nodded to. “I remember you used to listen to soft music compared to the stuff I listen to. You always told me to turn it down or turn it off.” I chuckled at the memory of the few times we would go to his house to hang out and he would blast his music. Paul had never been the one for soft music.

My oh my, you're so good-looking
Hold yourself together like a pair of bookends
But I've not tasted all your cooking
Who are you when I'm not looking?

I wanna know
I wanna know
I wanna know

I felt Paul shift a little beside me and I opened my eyes wondering what he was doing when I saw that he was looking down at me with a look in his eyes that I’ve never seen there before. It was a mixer of love and passion floating around in his eyes with a hint of lust in them. He began to lean in slightly which I lifted my head from his shoulder feeling myself to begin to lean in as well until our lips were centimeters apart, close enough to feel his hot breath over my face causing my eyes to drift close.

Do you break things when you get mad?
Eat a box of chocolates 'cause you're feelin' bad?
Do you paint your toes 'cause you bite your nails?
Call up momma when all else fails?

Paul leaned in the rest of the way and pressed his lips softly against mine. I felt a spark run down my spine at the contact of his lips meeting mine for our first kiss. I lifted a hand up to cup his face wanting to hold him there forever if I could and I felt his hand that was around my shoulder cup the back of my neck also holding me in place as we continued to let our lips move in sync.

Who are you when I'm not around?
When the door is locked and the shades are down?
Do you listen to your music quietly?
And when it feels just right, are you thinkin' of me?

I wanna know
I wanna know
I wanna know

We continued to sit there letting out lips move in sync, not once pulling away to catch our breath. I didn’t want this to end, not any time soon anyway. Eventually, I had to pull away to catch my breath and just pressed my forehead against his move my hand to let it run through his hair. A smile made its way on Paul’s face as began to run his hand through my hair before leaning back in to gently kiss my lips again.

“Does this mean you’ll give me more chances?” Paul asked.

“No.” I said smiling when Paul’s face fell. “I think you just proved to me tonight that I can trust you.”

Paul gave me one of his old goofy grins before he leaned back in and kissed me once again.

My oh my, you're so good-looking
But who are you when I'm not looking?