The Alphabet Game


"You know Andie, you mean more to me than anything." Zack said, as they sat on a sheet on the beach. The whole group had made it out to the beach to celebrate Zack and Anderson's anniversary. Anderson looked away from the waves, where their friends where still splashing and laughing, and met Zack's beautiful green eyes.

"I had an idea." She said, a smile forming on her face. Zack grinned.

"Of course you did. Anyway, well, today's our two year, as you know, and, for weeks, I've been thinking of ways to try and show you how much you mean to me. I couldn't think of anything though, and that's when I realized that no present or card or any other stupid bullshit could tell you what I want to try and tell you." Anderson cocked her head, intriguied by Zack's explanation. "So, this is what I did. I came up with this brilliant idea, well, I think it's brilliant. Anyway, I'm calling it 'The Alphabet Game.'" Zack dug through the duffel bag behind him that held extra clothes and other necessaties when you spent over 24 hours at the beach. He grinned when he found what he was searching for. He pulled out a white binder, where on the front, he had written 'The Alphabet Game.' He handed the binder to Anderson.

"My present is a game? We're playing a game?" Anderson asked, thouroughly confused. Zack smiled and shook his head.

"No, here's the deal. When you get home, there's gonna be a note in here." He explained, tapping the binder. "And it has the letter of the Alphabet and only one word clues as to what they stand for. One day, it's going to be totally spontaneous, I'll leave a piece of paper for you to find, and it'll have the letter and the full length explanation of what it stands for. What I'm hoping for, is that, 26 letters will be able to say what you mean to me." Zack finished with a sigh.

"Hey, lovebirds, get your asses in the water! You'll have time to fuck around later!" Micah shouted, from her standing position in the water, hands on her hips. Anderson and Zack smiled and stood up. Anderson shoved her new binder into her bag, right before Zack picked her up bridal style and carried her to the water. Anderson stopped Zack before they walked to far into the water.

"You know, I think that this 'game' is the best idea ever. You're too good to me." Zack smiled and before he could speak, Anderson kissed him.

When Anderson got home that night, while Zack was in the shower, she had a chance to look at the binder. When she opened it up, she found this on a simple sheet of notebook paper:

"Dear Anderson,

From A to Z, this is what you mean to me:
A for Anderson, B for Beach, C for Cats, D for Danes, E for Electic, F for Forever, G for Girl, H for Horses, I for I, J for Just, K for Kids, L for Love, M for Money, N for Need, O for Obviously, P for Pets, Q for Quiet, R for Running, S for Smiles, T for Trust, U for Understanding, V for Vengeance, W for Wedding, X for X-tina, Y for You, Z for Zachary.

Love, Zack."
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Neeeeeew story! I really live the idea. I've been sick, so I've been able to think!
MAJOR thanks to the bestie for the layout, as always. (:
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