Status: will be updated as much as possible :)

But Would It Do More Harm This Way?

Chapter 1

'Why me?' I though as I ran my hands through my black hair, obviously stressed. A pair of warm arms wrapped around me from behind, pulling me close to the person, their chin resting on the top of my head. "Everything will be fine." He assured me. I nodded, even though I was full of doubt. I turned around, my green eyes stared up into his blue/grey eyes. I buried my face into his chest. He chuckled a little. "Calm down Felicity. What's the worst that could happen?" he asked. "Gee, I don't know Shaun. I mean, I'm only telling the man who's abused me for the past 4 years that I'm leaving him for the man I've been cheating on him with for the past year. What's the worst that can happen?" I asked, sarcasm thick in my voice. He just pulled me close to him, rubbing my back. "I won't let him hurt you."he whispered. I thought back to what had brought me here.

-- 1 year ago (flashback) --

"Felicity!" my best friend, Tamara, squealed, excitement obvious in her voice. "Tamara!" I yelled back, mimicking her tone. "I met someone." She smiled, sounding like a love-sick teenager. I shook my head, laughing a little. I hadn't seen it in a while, almost a year. Her once brown her was now blonde. Her crystal blue eyes sparkled with happiness. She wore a huge smile on her face, making her cheeks even rosier than usual. "Who is it?" I asked. "His name's Jack" she smiled, before beginning to describe him. "He's sweet, and kind, and adorable. He has brown eyes, and blonde hair. He's a little taller than me, and he has abs." she smiled, winking when she said 'abs'. I laughed. "You should meet him. You two'd get along great." I smiled. "I'd like to. I mean, anyone who can make you smile this much must be good." Last time I'd seen Tammy, she was depressed. She rarely smiled, and wasn't keen on meeting anyone new, let alone a guy. "Well, let's go then." She said, grabbing my wrist and leading me from her house. We walked down a few streets, before she stopped outside of a house. As we walked through the gate, the boy Tamara had described (Jack) walked out of the front door. Tamara let go of my wrist and walked ahead of me to get to Jack. He pulled her into a hug, before smiling over her shoulder at me. I returned the smile, before seeing another boy walk out behind him.

He had luscious brown hair and blue/grey eyes I could (happily) get lost in. He was medium height. And, very attractive. I couldn't help but smile when our eyes met. He smiled at me, bringing a blush to my cheeks.
I let my black hair fall around my face, my fringe covering my left eye. Tamara had finally pulled away from Jack,but not before recieving a kiss. "Felicity, this is Jack. She said, pointing to him. "Nice to meet you." He smiled, shaking my hand. "Nice to meet you too." "This is Shaun by the way." He told me, indicating the boy behind him. His eyes met mine again, as he put his hand out. I took it, shaking it. He then kissed my hand. "Pleasure to meet you." He smirked at me. That made me smile and, no doubt, blushed. It wasn't long before we went inside.

Tamara and Jack shared one lounge, while Shaun and I shared the other. Just as we began to talk, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I looked at the caller ID: Kevin. "Excuse me." I said, before getting up and walking outside. I answered the phone. "Hello?" "Megan! Where are you?" he slurred. "I'm at Tamara's." I told him. There was no point lying to him, he'd find out eventually anyway. "What are you doing with Tamara?" He asked, annoyance in his voice. I ran into her. We're catching up, because we haven't seen each other in so long." I explained to him. "Whatever. Will you be home tonight?" I wasn't keen on going back. "No. Bye." I said before hanging up. I walked back inside, stuffing my phone back in my pocket. "Who was that?" Tamara asked casually. "Kevin." I answered her quietly. She stared at me, wide eyed. "Are you kidding?! You're still with him?!" She asked. I nodded, staring at the ground, biting my nails: nervous habit. "City, why?" She asked, calling me by my nickname. "It's not as easy as getting up and walking away." I told her quietly. "What's going on?" Jack asked, confused. "Kevin is her boyfriend." Tammy answered. "What's the problem with that?" Shaun asked. I looked over at him. His smile had disappeared, now replaced with a look of disappointment. "He's abusive." I answered in a quiet voice. I heard Shaun mutter something, but I couldn't understand what he said. Jack decided to change the subject, thank god. We spoke for hours after that. It was decided, eventually, that we'd all be staying the night. That included Shaun.

Tamara and Jack were sharing Jack's room, while Shaun and I were going to share the spare room. We ended up ordering pizza for dinner, which we ate while watching movies. Shaun and Jack decided that it would be a good idea to watch a few of the Saw movies. Wrong! Tammy and I were scared, no terrified, of horror movies. I ended up on Shaun's lap, my head resting on his shoulder. Just before the movie finished, Jack and Tamara went to bed. "Felicity, the movie's over." Shaun told me. I slid off his lap, not looking at him for fear that I was blushing. It's not like I wanted to move. I'd rather have stayed on his lap. Wait, what am I saying? I was dating Kevin...even though I didn't want to. I would've killed to be single at that moment, just so I could stay in Shaun's arms. Yes, somewhere between when I moved onto Shaun's lap and when the movie finished, Shaun's arms made their way around me, holding me close to him.

Neither of us were tired. "Wanna go for a walk?" Shaun asked. "Sure" I answered with a smile. We walked out the door, and down the street. I had no idea where we were going. To be honnest, I didn't really care. Shaun and I were walking fairly close together, talking and laughing. His hand brushed against mine every now and again. Everytime, I blushed. In the end, I grabbed his hand. He smiled as we continued to walk. We ended up at a coffee shop. He ordered a regular coffee, while I got a caramel latte. Afterwards, we went to a nearby park. I sat on one of the swings while Shaun gently pushed me. It was nice, the cool calm breeze in my face. It was silent, but it was comfortable. "It's getting late. I think it's time we started heading back." Shaun said, stopping my swing. I got off the swing and we started walking, Shaun holding my hand. We took our time walking back, just enjoying each other's company.

When we turned into the street, Shaun stopped. I stopped also, looking at him confused. He smirked at me, before pulling me close to him, pressing his lips to mine. I knew it was wrong, yet it felt so right. I knew I was dating Kevin, and I shouldn't have been kissing Shaun, but I didn't stop. I didn't want to. This was much nicer than when Kevin kissed me. When Shaun kissed me, I felt sparks throughout my entire body. It was a while before we pulled away, but when we did we simply stared into each other's eyes smiling.