Status: will be updated as much as possible :)

But Would It Do More Harm This Way?

Chapter 2

"Come on Felicity, let's go. I'll be right with you, don't worry." Shaun said. I began to hyperventilate a little, worried about what was going to happen. "Breathe Felicity." Shaun reminded me. I took deep breaths. He grabbed my hand, pretty much dragging me to the car. The drive there was silent. I was shaking, nervous and scared of what might happen. My mind was running at 100 miles an hour with possibilities. I hadn't been focusing on what was around me, so it felt like no time at all when Shaun told me we were there. I looked out the window to see Kevin by the front door. Shaun got out of the car and walked over to my side, opening the door for me. I slowly got out. Kevin eyed him suspiciously. Shaun closed the door behind me. We walked, together, up to the gate of the house. Kevin walked down, meeting us there.

"Who's this?" Kevin asked. "This is Shaun." I introduced him. Kevin nodded, acknowledging him. I caught a glimpse of the two boys glaring at each other. "Shaun, this is Kevin." "What is he doing here?" Kevin asked, jealousy obvious in his voice. "Why is it any concern of yours?" Shaun asked. Kevin looked taken aback. I had never heard anyone talk to him like that, and bu the looks of it neither had he. Kevin was very intimidating with his black hair and almost as dark eyes. Not to mention he was tall and well-muscled. "I'm her boyfriend." He informed Shaun. "So I gathered, but not a very good one from what I've heard." Kevin looked over at me, glaring, before glaring at Shaun. If looks could kill, we'd have both dropped dead. I gulped, moving closer to Shaun. Shaun's hand found mine and squeezed it tight, as if assuring me everything would be ok. Kevin looked down at our hands before glaring at Shaun once more.

"Get away from my girlfriend." Kevin spat. "No." Shaun told him firmly. I could tell he wasn't going to back down, no matter what. Kevin jumped the fence and walked up to Shaun. He let go of my hand and pushed me away just as Kevin swung a punch, almost hitting Shaun in the jaw. Shaun retaliated, kneeing Kevin in the gut and punching him in the face. I heard a small crack before seeing blood pour from Kevin's nose. "Stay away from Felicity. She's not yours anymore to toy with and torture as you please." Shaun growled as he shoved Kevin to the ground. He walked over to me, kissing me roughly yet passionately right in front of Kevin...not that I was complaining.

When we pulled away, I couldn't help but smile. I heard Kevin mutter an insult about me: something along the lines of em being a stupid whore. Shaun walked back over. Kevin scrambled to his feet. "You can insult me all you like, but don;t you dare insult Felicity." Shaun yelled in his face. He was angry now, really angry. It was actually quite scary. I had never seen him so mad before. He wasn't this bad when I'd seen him angry...

-- flashback --

I had ran as fast as I could with only a general idea of where I was going. I ran the whole way before reaching where I wanted to be. Tears streamed down my face, my body ached. I knocked on the door before me. Shaun answered moment later, looking tired. But his expression changed the moment he realised it was me. It was a mix of anger, sympathy and love. He pulled me into a hug. I whimpered in pain. He immediately let me go, taking my wrist and pulling me inside. Once he had made sure I was ok and nursed my wounds, he looked me directly in the eye and asked "What happened?" "I wasn't back in time for curfew. Kevin got annoyed. Then he got a call from a friend who said they'd seen me with you. He got jealous, and angry, and began yelling at me and hitting me. I couldn't take it anymore, so I ran out of the house. I didn't stop running until I got here."

Shaun looked shocked for a moment, before his expression turned to anger. His hands were balled into fists. I had to admit I was a little scared. I think he could tell because his expression softened as he pulled me into a hug. "You deserve someone so much better than that Felicity: Someone who loves you. Someone who treats you right. Someone who would never hurt you, and would do anything to stop you from getting hurt...someone like me." He said quietly in my ear. I looked up at him, our eyes locked and our noses touching. I could feel his breath on my lips. I pressed my lips to his, putting my arms around his neck. His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "I love you." I told him as we pulled away. It was the first time I'd ever said that to him. "I love you too Felicity." He smiled, before kissing me again.
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Please tell me what you guys think of this story and if I should continue it. I'd love to hear feedback.