Status: will be updated as much as possible :)

But Would It Do More Harm This Way?

Chapter 3

"What are you gonna do?" Kevin asked. "She's my girlfriend. I'll do whatever I want. It's none of your business. Why do you even care? It's not like you actually care about her." Those words hurt more than they should have. Shaun loved me, and I knew that, but that didn't stop my insecurities.

"I do care, actually. You can't treat Felicity the way you do. If I hear of your coming near her ever again, I will kill you, understand?" Shaun asked, holding onto Kevin by the front of his shirt. Kevin nodded. Shaun let go before walking over to me, taking my
hand and leading me to the car. I got in, just as I got a text.

"He can't protect you forever." it read. I gulped. Shaun started the car and drove away. I knew I was going to regret what I'd just done. I'd tried running away once before. That ended badly.

-- flashback --

"Kevin, I'm sorry but I just can't deal with this anymore. Felicity." read a letter I had left on the bench. I had packed all of my things and left. I knew I had to get away fast. Tamara was helping me. We were going away, far away, when Kevin couldn't hurt me anymore.

My phone began ringing. It was Kevin, not that I actually had to check. Who else would it be? I ignored it's constant ringing as best as I could, before finally getting annoyed and turning it off. "Tamara, don't let him hurt me." "Don't worry, he won't." She promised.

We pulled up at a hotel, booking a room. "We'll start driving again in the morning." Tammy told me. I nodded, going over to my bed and collapsing onto it. I was so tired, I fell asleep the moment my head hit the pillows, or so it seemed.

I was awoken at around midnight by someone shaking me violently. "Go away Tamara." I muttered, still half-asleep. "Not quite Tamara." I heard Kevin's voice in my ear. I gasped, sitting up and desperately trying to move away from him. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me onto the cold floor. I landed with a thud.

"How dare you!" He roared as his fist came into contact with my side. I whimpered in pain. "Don't you hurt, let alone touch, her!" Tamara raised her voice at him as she pushed him away from me. I scrambled up from the ground and ran for the door.

Kevin tripped me on my way. I fell to the floor; hard. I tried to break my fall with my hand: bad idea. I heard a crack from my wrist before screaming in pain instantly. "It's broken." Tamara told me as she examined my wrist. "We have to get you to a hospital." "Get away, I'll take her." Kevin growled. Tamara backed away, mouthing 'sorry' to me before leaving. I didn't blame her, Kevin could be pretty intimidating when he wanted to be. "Wait until you gett home." he growled, grabbing my other arm and picking me up off the floor.

-- present time --

I had to say, I was quite scared. I knew perfectly well what he was capable of. He'd broken numerous bones throughout my body, mainly ribs. He'd caused countless purple bruises to cover my body. Once, he had even cut me! That scared me the most. I still had the scar. No one except for Kevin and I had seen it. Not even Tamara knew about it.

Shaun placed a hand on my thigh, breaking me from my thoughts. "Calm down babe, it's gonna be ok. He won't hurt you anymore." He assured me. I realised I had been biting my nails, a nervous habit of mine. I nodded, even though I didn't believe him. I grabbed onto his hand, squeezing it lightly.

We pulled up outside Shaun's house. I had already moved all my stuff. I moved it while Kevin was on a business trip the weekend just passed. No one, apart from Shaun, knew I was here. Well, not that I was aware of anyway.

He led me inside by the hand. Once we were in, he turned to face me. "I love you Felicity." He smiled, before pressing his lips to mine. "I love you too." Just as he went to kiss me again, I pulled my hand from his grip and ran from him, laughing. After a moment or two, he realised what was happening.

He laughed as he began to chase me. I ended up hiding in the walk-in closet in our room. I heard footsteps enter the room. I tried to muffle my giggles by covering my mouth. I heard the footsteps get closer and closer, before the door opened. "Found you." Shaun smiled before pulling me into a hug and out of the closet.

I ended up on the bed, Shaun's hands on my side, tickling me. I squealed and screamed through my laughter. I looked up into his eyes as he looked back. He stopped tickling me. He was hovering above me. I could feel his breath on my lips. He leant down, bringing his lips to mine.

He lay down beside me, tracing little patterns on my stomach through my shirt. I giggled a little, seeing as how it tickled slightly. He smiled at me, about to kiss me once more before my phone rang. Way to ruin the moment. Shaun got up and grabbed it, seeing as how he was closer.

I held my hand out for him to give me the phone. He shook his head, poking his tongue at me. He opened up the message and a look of anger crossed his face. "What is it?" I asked quietly. He passed me my phone, showing me the message. "You better watch out. I'll find you...and your lover boy. And when I do, you're both dead."

I was scared again. He always kept his threats. Tears escaped my eyes. Shaun moved closer to me, pulling me onto his lap, planting a few soft kisses on my face. "I won't let him hurt you." Shaun promised. "Remember that." I nodded.

"How has he hurt you? There must be a reason why he scares you so much." I sighed before standing up. Shaun looked at me, a little confused. I turned around, lifting my shorts a little, showing him the scar. "Fuck." I heard him mutter quietly. "He did that?" I nodded.

Shaun's arms wrapped around me from behind. "That bitch is dead." He said. I couldn't help but giggle. He kissed my cheek. "I love you." I told him. "I love you too." He replied. I sighed, "I have to go back." "What?!" Shaun asked. He turned me so I was facing him.

"I don't want you getting hurt." I told him, brushing my lips against his. "Felicity, I'd do anything just so you wouldn't get hurt again. I don't care how bad he'll hurt me, you're worth it." I smiled. "He'll kill you if you go back." "I know, but..." "He'll never let you see me again." Shaun pointed out. He had a point there.

"We can move somewhere far away, where he'll never find us." I kissed the tip of Shaun's nose. "He won't give up, he'll find us. He has his ways. He finds out everything." I explained. "We don't have to tell anyone where we're going." "Someone's bound to see us." I informed him. "We won't stay in one place for too long." Shaun wasn't going to give up, unlike me who'd given up a long time ago. "I don't want to leave you. I don't want him to hurt you." Shaun said.

"Shaun..." I started before Shaun stopped me. "No, I'm not going to give up. He's not going to hurt you anymore." "Shaun, I love you, but..." I started before I was cut off again. "I won't let you! I love you. Stay with me. We'll find a way." I sighed as tears stung my eyes. I could see tears in his eyes too.

My phone rang. Shaun looked at the caller ID before answering. "Guess again...You leave her alone! She's not yours anymore!...Never call her, or talk to her, again." He yelled and growled, and hung up. I held my hand out for the phone. He looked at me confused but passed it over anyway. I turned off the phone, removing the SIM card. Shaun looked ever more confused. "He might trace the phone to find out where we are." He nodded before hugging me.
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Thanks for the comments :) they really motivate me to write.