Half a Sin

Football is better than sex

It's a cold day today, was the first thought that Elisabet thought, when she looked out of the window of her hotel room in Helsinki. It wasn't a suprise that the weather was like it was, because it was the middle of October and the weather wasn't really different than it was in Tallinn, Estonia.

She made her way to the bathroom, where she brushed her teeth and then got dressed. She just had buttoned her shirt, when she heard a knock on the door. She opened the door and saw Alo there, central defender of the Estonian team.

"Hey," Alo said.
"Hey," she replied.
"May I come in?"

Elisabet let him in and then closed the door. She looked at Alo as he sat in an armchair.

"So, what are you going to do today?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, we have practice at 12 and your eally don't have anything to do."
"I guess I'll go shop a little."
"But what about in the evening?"
"Are you going to get to the point or not, Alo?"
"Some of us thought we'd go for drinks. Wanna join us?"
"Who are "some"?"
"Well me, Miku, Tarmo and Kaimar."
"I don't know. Weren't we supposed to go back home after the game?"
"We were, but there's a storm on the Baltic Sea, so we won't be able to go tonight."
"Okay, I might come. I don't know yet."
"Well Miku wanted me to ask you."
"Why? Because he is to affraid of make thing better between us?"
"He has a reason of being angry with you."
"Why? It wasn't anything."
"He seems to think that it was."
"He would, wouldn't he?"
"Just go and talk to him. He doesn't want to lose you. And I can relate to him."

Elisabet stopped packing her bag and looked at Alo.

"What do you mean by that?"

Alo stood up and walked to Elisabet.

"You know what I mean. I still yell at myself that I let you go."
"Well, you shouldn't have cheated on me then."

Alo looked at the floor and then back at Elisabet.

"I'm sorry that I was a jerk."
"I have forgiven you a long time ago. Besides, you're a football player, I should have known better."
"If you and Miku don't work out, maybe we could try again?"

Elisabet was shocked by the words that came out of Alo's mouth.

"If it doesn't work out between me and Miku, I'll change teams and I'll go for a rocker."

Alo smiled and made his way to the door. He put his hand on the doorknob, the turned to Elisabeth and said: "You might want to try rockers, but you know that you'll always come back to footballers."

And with that he was gone.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alo, Miku, Tarmo and Kaimar are Alo Bärengrub, Mihkel Aksalu, Tarmo Kink and Kaimar Saag, who are all Estonias football teams players.
The chapter name is from an estonians song "Jalgpall on parem ku seks" by Smilers.