Dreaming Of Another World


After a long day of classes and attending to his business - dealing coke and other goods- Sam Luc was worn out and ready to fall asleep. There were some days where he wished that he hadn't gone to a druggie infested school, mainly because half his customers didn't know how to keep their mouth shut.

He'd been sent in and out of the dean's office so many times that visiting the dean had become like a class for him. Though the visit was always short and he'd never actually gotten into big trouble for anything that he'd done, it was still a pain for Sam to have to expain himself to Rainey. But being the founder of the school's son had it's perks. Yes, he was unmistakably the son of Peter Luc. Where he'd gotten the name of the school from, Sam had no idea. Then again, he didn't really care. The main reason why he stuck around St. James was because he had it easy here. No matter what he did, he got let out easy. Meaning, the dean would give him a warning and that was it. Everything was taken care of.

Sam stood outside his dorm room, digging into his pocket for the key to his room. It was almost eight, which was the school's curfew. Sam didn't usually obey the curfew, but today he was too tired to do anything else. He figured that for today he'd go to bed early, despite the fact that he hadn't even done his homework yet. Not that he ever did.

He opened the door only to find a girl with dark medium length hair, and blue eyes standing before him. She was wearing a big white shirt with a checkered patterned bottom and bunny slippers. Her toothbrush hung from her toothpaste-foam covered mouth.

"What the hell?" Sam asked surprised. "What are you doing in my room!?"

The girl ran to the bathroom to finish her business and than ran back, wiping the liquid from her mouth with the back of her hand. "Your room? What do you mean your room? This is my room!" She answered while planting both hands on her slim hips. "Besides, you can't be here. You're a guy."

Sam stared at her for a moment. "What the fuck are you talking about? I've been living here the whole four years I've been here."

"Are you sure this is the right room?" The brunette questioned.

"Um..yeah." Sam said irritably. "Are you sure you got the right place?"

The girl shuffled to a drawer and pulled out a piece of paper that looked to be her schedule. She handed it to Sam who grabbed the paper from her hands. At the top of the page, it read:

Student Name: Kayla Amberose-Scott
Grade: 11
Dorm Room #: 210

Sam groaned. This was room 210. "This can't be right, there's gotta be a mistake."

"I'm supposed to have a girl roommate. Her name is Sam luc" She said, pronouncing his last name "Luck".

He pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a breath of air. "I'm Sam. And it's pronouced Luke, not Luck."

Kayla's jaw dropped. "This isn't right. We have to get to the dean's office!"

Sam pushed past her and flopped onto his bed. "You can do that. I'll stay here and you'll tell me how it goes."

Kayla glared at him. "How about no? Come on, you have legs, use them!" She walked over to where Sam was laying down and began to pull at his sleeve. He was wearing a black sweatshirt, which puzzled Kayla since it was practically burning outside.

Sam jerked up, irritated by the girl. "God, you're annoying." He muttered, earning another glare from her. As much as he wanted to get some sleep, he figured that the best way to do that was to get rid of Kayla. He stood up and shoved his hands into his pockets, clearly unhappy. "Let's just get this over with, then."

The two had arrived at the office minutes later. Kayla slowed down the trip by looking at the different rooms St. James had. Apparently, her old school had limited access to elective classes.

"So what's the problem?" Mr. Rainey asked the two, who looked at each other. "Don't tell me you want to file for a restraining order against each other."

Sam almost considered it. But that would require too much papers and work. "No, the problem is that she was accidentally put into my room."

Mr. Rainey scratched at his stomach nervously. "I'm afraid that this is no mistake, Mr. Luc. We had nowhere else to put her and your room was the only one available."

"Then why'd you accept her into this school if there was no more room left?" Sam snapped. There was no way that he was going to put up with her.

"Mr. Luc, I'll have you know that Ms. Amberose-Scott is a very brilliant young lady." He answered. Sam raised a brow, not believing a word he'd said. Mr. Rainey sucked in a gust of air before letting it all out. "Between you and I, we both know that this school has gone to the dogs, right? Well, we need a student like her to get us back to where we used to be."

Sam shook his head. "Back to where we used to be? The school was never any good." He said, leaning back into the buttery leather seat. His father even knew this school was garbage, he just didn't want to admit it.

Kayla looked at the two and then frowned. "Are you sure there's no more rooms available?" She nearly pleaded. Mr. Rainey shook his head sadly. Getting into a self proclaimed top notch school, only to find out that her room mate was a total ass hole was not something she was prepared for. She looked at Sam, who looked back at her with his icy blue eyes.

He shrugged. If he had the energy, he would have sat here and fought to get her out of his room.

"Whatever. Guess we'll have to set up the borders tonight."
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just a repost :)
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