Love Kills


Ewen slipped his hand into hers & she felt like her stomach was doing summersaults. She later found out that Nix’s new man was called Danny. Who suggested that they all went out for a couple of drinks.
They left the club & headed over to the closest booze shop. They got a couple bottles of cheap white cider, for old times sake more than anything.
As it got later & later & darker & darker. She started to panic, she didn’t want to get the bus across the city this late, it was almost 1 in the morning. She casually suggested they came back to hers for some more drinks & to crash. Everyone agreed that it would be a good idea. She had the money to pay everyone on the bus & the journey back was pretty pleasant. Nix, obviously rather smitten with her new guy. Angel was left with Ewen.
But she wasn’t complaining.
He was always that older guy who she had a major crush on in highschool. When he was there that is. They had all sobered up with the bright lights in the bus & Angel & Ewen were talking quietly as Nix was… engrossed with Danny.
“Hey, Angel. Tonights been awesome..” she breaks in quickly “It’s not over yet..” “Yeah. I know but. I wanted to say. I think your really.. sound, I hope we can spend more time together, before I leave again” “Ewen, of course we can. Do you really think I’d let you go around the states without saying goodbye to me first” she giggled & struggled as Ewen ticked her sides.
She ended up holding his arms back & he quickly kissed her & pulled back sharply looking embarrassed.
She sat still, the shock in her face. She smiled at him & he smiled back. She kissed him back, this time.

It lasted longer