

River gripped Shane's arm to prevent him from walking away.

"I'm not letting you get away again, Shane. I'm will not be there when you end up at the hospital again." River said, tightening her grip on his arm.

"It's my little sister, River. I can't leave her there! He'll kill her!" He yelled, trying to pull away.

"Call the police, Shane. Just do it." She whispered, remembering the first time this happened, how he'd ended up in the hospital.

Shane managed to break free of River's death hold and made for the door.
"I have to, Riv. You call the police, maybe they'll get here in time this time."

"They won't and you know it. I swear to you Shane Joey Jackson, I won't be here when you come back, if you step out that door." She whispered fiercely, tears dotting her cheeks.

He hesitated a moment, but his brotherly instincts took over.


Even though she swore she wouldn't, River was at the hospital, by Shane's bedside. It was pretty bad this time, but his twelve year old sister was unharmed.
Skye, Shane's twelve year old sister, walked in and gasped when she saw her brother. She wanted to hug him, but knowing he was asleep and it would hurt, she turned to River, running into her open arms and quietly sobbing. After a little, she stopped.

"I'm going to go, Tiffany and her mom are picking me up for the next couple days."
River nodded, Skye left, leaving River alone with a Sleeping Shane.

"Shane, why'd you have to be so stupid? You can't always be the hero, the hero always dies sometime, I can't let you die. I love You." River whispered. She leaned down to hug him gently before leaving and a pair of lips brushed hers. She looked down into wide electric blue eyes.

"I love you too." Shane Whispered.

Shane sat up and pulled River onto the bed next to him.

He lightly kissed her hair, and rested the unbruised side of his face on top of her hair.

"You know, I never imagined our first kiss would be in the hospital." Shane said.

"Well, it wouldn't have been if you hadn't had to go be the damn hero again Shane..." she replied, accidentally poking one of the deep bruises, apologizing when he winced.

A few minutes later, a doctor came in and cleared him to go home.

Grasping his arm, River's eyes widened. "You're not going back there. Neither is Skye, she's at Tiffany's and you are staying with me." She declared. Dragging him towards her car.
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finish in a minute