Status: 3 part contest entry.

A Thousand Angels Dance Around You

Annie Sanders younger sister of Matt Sanders or M. Shadows, has always been best friends with the guys. She’s stood up for her best friends when no one else would. All through high school she knew Zack and Brian’s secret, guarding it with her heart. She was the first person they went to when they decided they wanted to adopt and through the long process of learning they couldn’t; with their history as rock legends and habits that were long since broken, no agency would allow them to adopt. Annie can’t stand to see her best friends broken so she proposes an idea that can fix it; artificial insemination.

Without Annie, they wouldn't have an angel of their own.

Synacky true love contest held by the ever wonderful and amazing, AlyShadows and Kellyy Shadows
Song used: I Knew I Loved You- by Savage Garden.

Final Word Count: 1,935
  1. 1
    word count:1,088
  2. 2
    word count: 555
  3. Epilogue
    word count: 292