Status: New


Karia ; Jaylen ; Hayden ; Taylor ; Kenny ; Tyler ; Marissa ; Toni ; Quinn ; Aubrey ; Cameron ; Mira

There is a place in Southern California where teens meet. A place where they can come together, share a story, a laugh, drama, and even kisses. But there are rules.

1. Only members are allowed in
2. No casual wear allowed. All clothes are laid out for you.
3. You must wear masks at all times
4. You must stay in your rooms until the advisor tells you otherwise
5. Once with your date, you must stay together while on the premises.
6. Nothing illegal or inappropriate (i.e. drugs, drinking or smoking underage, sex, etc.)
7. No public disturbances.
8. No video, cameras, or phones.
9. No exchanging any or all personal and contact information.

And the most important rule.

10. No one can know anything about you or the club.

This place is known by a few select people. It’s hard to get in and even harder to leave.
This place is known as Hidden.