Status: New



"Kenny! How much time do we have?" I asked, my voice drifting through the door adjoining our rooms. I was lying upside down off of my bed, head against the floor and feet on the mattress. My video game was paused, the glowing screen an egg that my piplup and squirtle had made. I love pokemon; I've played it since I was little. Kenny appeared in the doorway, shirtless, beads of sweat glistening on his chest.

"Half an hour," Kenny stated, wiping his face. I grimaced as his stench wafted into the room. "I'm going to get dressed, then we can go."

"That"s gross Kenny! If you're going to get all sweaty and icky by working out, at least shower first!"

He grunted like a caveman and walked into our bathroom across the hall, turning on the shower. I went back to my game, fingers moving across the keys, trying to defeat another opponent. By the time Kenny was dressed and ready, I had evolved my piplup. While walking out the door, he turned around and asked, "Are you coming?" his eyebrows were raised.

"I was waiting for you! God!" I muttered, stepping into my shoes. Kenny grabbed my arm, pulled me out of the room, and down the hallway.

"Shh," he breathed, finger to his lips as we snuck our way passed our parents in the living room. They were watching Serenity again. The volume was loud enough to hide our footsteps. I stopped to watch as Wash was impaled by a sharp object. My mother jumped and we ducked behind the ledge. the volume went back up as I watched Kenny inch over to the side and do some sort of ninja roll to the door. He opened the door and mentioned for me to follow. I crept over to the door and slid outside, shutting the door behind me with a soft click.

The second I was in the driveway, I took a cigarette out of the box in my back pocket, placing it between my lips and lighting it. I inhaled deeply and sighed, content. Kenny looked over and glared, coughing obnoxiously.

I smirked and took the white stick out of my mouth, blowing smoke into his face. The swirling tendrils circling his face, as though caressing a lover, making him choke.

"God dammit, Hayden! Put that thing out!"

I shaped the smoke into rings, showing him he had no control over my addictions. He sighed, giving up, and continued walking down the street. Fuming, he put a bottle to his lips, drinking.

I finished off my cancer stick, grinding it under the toe of my shoe. "Kenny! I'm sorry! Please don't be mad at me!" I begged, tugging on his arm, jumping up and down, a pout set on my face. "Pretty, pretty please don't be mad?"

We had this fight every day. He got mad that I smoked and wouldn't talk to me until I apologized. Then he accept it and tell me I wasn't supposed to do it again. I would say I'd try, and we'd start the whole thing over the next day.

"Fine," he sighed, wrapping his arm around my waist and giving me a hug. "But no more okay? I don't want to sit here and watch while you slowly kill yourself."

"Technically, you're standing, not sitting."

"Oh shut up you twirp!"

"Don't call me a twirp, I'm older than you!"

"Yeah, by an hour."

We continued like that for a while before I stepped back, reaching in my back pocket again. Kenny glared and grabbed my wrist. "Don't you dare think about lighting up another on of those Asthma inducers. Don't even think about it."

I glared at him. He always got what he wanted. Why couldn't I have this one thing? My one vice. He had his. He couldn't let this slide, just once?

We reached the alleyway leading to the club, the building a dull grey, no light or signs indicating anyone inside what so ever. The only thing was the loud music, the beat making the air quiver.

When the female lips appeared in the wall, we spoke.

"We need to hide," we said, voices in sync.

"Then you will be hidden."

An electronic beeping noise sounded before the door opened on its own, almost squishing Kenny. I sniggered while walking inside. My brother seemed to have a permanent scowl on his face when he's around me. I wonder why?

We continued down the staircase, the deep red curtains making it seem darker than it actually was. People started walking past us and I dipped my head lower, making myself as small as possible. My glasses slipped down my nose and I pushed them back up. I could feel their eyes on me, judging me and abusing me with their eyes. Kenny reached over and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, shaking me slightly.

"Hayden, its fine. They're just people, they can't do anything."

I wanted to escape and relax. I needed my release. I would have lit up a fag by now. but it was against the rules, and I would be kicked out. This is the only place where I can feel safe. This is the one place where I don't have to worry about my parents, or angry jocks intent on torturing me. Until I put my mask on, I was a pathetic mess of a boy.

"C'mon, you'll feel better once we're inside. Put your hand on the door."

I wrapped my fingers around the doorknob, Kenny following my movements. It beeped, sounding a lot like Wall-E, and swung open, revealing a stunning room. I walked inside before feeling my brother clutch onto my shoulder tightly. He stumbled, tripping over his own feet, and teetered precariously on his toes.I picked him up and tossed him onto the couch. He sunk into the fabric.

"Kenny, I can not believe you're drunk!" I hissed at him.

He looked at me, giggling slightly. "I'm not drunk!" - then a confused expression dawned on his face before getting a "serious" look - "I'm just a little buzzed, that's all" A child-like grin spread across his face and he muttered, "...just a little buzzed..."

"You're such a loser Kenny." I stated, stripping myself of my clothing. I threw them at my loser brother, letting them fall in his face. He groaned and threw them on the floor.

"Hayden, Help me. Please," Kenny begged. He was wiggling on the couch (quite provocatively, I might add) trying to get his jeans off. My brother then turned and looked and me, pouting. "Pretty please?"

I walked over to him and took off his jeans. Then I grabbed his shirt and slowly inched it over his torso. My hand brushed against his firm pectorals and I shivered. Kenny grabbed my hand, holding it to his chest.

"Mmm... That feel so good... It's even better than I..." He trailed off, leading my hand down his body, towards the growing bulge. It really doesn't take much to get him hot, does it?

"Ah, ah, ah, Kenny," I teased, taking my hand back. "You have to dance for me."

He whined, "But why? I don't want to." He grabbed for my hand again.

"I told you my terms, but we'll get to that later..." I whispered in his ear. I walked away and pulled my skinny jeans on.

"Hayden? Which one is mine?" He asked pointing at the clothes hanging up. I went over and picked his outfit up. "Help me," he croaked.

Taking the jeans off the hanger, I placed his feet in the leg holes. I yanked them up and they settled on his hips. I fumbled to button the button and Kenny kept on trying to grab me. It was hard enough to close his pants with the full on tent. When that was done I sat him up roughly, putting on his shirt, buttoning that up as well.

"Hayden," Kenny whispered huskily. "Touch me."

Horny little bastard! I brought my face close to his. Our breathes mingled and Kenny's was spiking. My hand came up and Kenny closed his eyes, the rapidly diminishing space between our lips his fault. I poked him in the forehead, laughing. I ran away to out my shirt on.

"Taylor and Tyler are waiting in the East Wing."

I walked over to the old intercom and pressed a silver button, speaking into the microphone. " I do not believe that Kenny will be joining us tonight. I'm afraid that he's not like himself." If my brother was caught intoxicated, he'd be kicked out. I didn't want to come here alone.

"Shall I inform miss Tyler?"

Kenny was talking in the background. "I'm going! Hayden! I'm going, I am absolutely myself." It seems as though he had sobered up a bit.

"No, it looks like he's well enough to come. I apologize for the misunderstanding."

I went over to the vanity, mussed up my hair up and sprayed on my cologne. Then I went over and put my converse on, before helping Kenny out his matching vest and shoes on. We left right after I slapped Kenny a few times and we pulled our masks on.

Kenny wobbled a little bit, but overall, he was fine. He wraps his arm around my waist, somewhat for transportation, and another part for comfort. When we reached the East Wing, I set Kenny down in a plush window seat and stood away from him. Twincest might be alright with him when he was drunk, but most of society frowns upon that.

After twenty minutes of waiting, the girls finally show up, their pinkies locked. They were the coolest girls, but they scare the living shit out of me. They could finish each others sentences, have a conversation without even talking, and they don't ever leave each others side.

"Hi boys," they said in sync. Their voices where almost identical, but Taylors was lower. More of a deep, seductive, mellow voice, while Tyler's was higher and more energetic. Kenny smiled and pulled Tyler onto his lap.

"Mmm," he said, nuzzling his face into her back. "You're warm." She giggles and leans into him, enjoying this attention as much as he was. He sticks his tongue out at me, like a three year old child. I grin and turn to my date; She smiles at me.

"What do you plan on doing?" I ask, looking at my watch. It was 11:30 and we had yet to do anything.

Kenny and Tyler look at me, smirking. "Let's go dance bitches!" Then they got up and started walking away. Tyler came back and linked pinkies with her twin. Taylor waved and mentioned for me to follow them. I wrap my hand around her waist and walk with them. my brother had his hand on his date's ass.

We walked on like that to the ballroom, passing a gorgeous boy giving a girl a rose. Once we got there and were surrounded by music, Tyler and Kenny screamed and jumped right in, grinding with the crowd. They pull me in and I was surprised that everyone was able to keep their clothes on. The gorgeous boy from earlier came, following Kenny, his date in tow, and we danced the night away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hayden and Kenny's outfit

I apologize for this lateness. This chapter was supposed to be out Friday but someone *COUGHCOUGH* NeverEndingDarkness *COUGHCOUGH* took my notebook then proceeded not to update until very late the next day!
Also, blame her for any errors in the chapter. She typed it up.
And yes, I am throwing my Co-Author under the bus, but oh well. She knew I'd be angry!

So, anyways, thanks to those 9 readers, 1 subscriber and two comments. I wont count the first one, because my stupid idiot of a Co-Autor (whom I love very much) took our own comment virginity.

thanks to: