The Mystery of Shane Grey

The Mystery of Shane Grey Ch.1

My name is Shane Grey.

Yea, I know you’ve all heard it before. Not very original. I know.

I’ve always been the most average of my siblings. They both have exotic names.

Lily-Pad Jones and Jasmine Rose Jones. Both named after two of the most beautiful flowers ever.

Then you have me. Shane, seriously, need I say any more? my parents never gave a rats ass about me.

I was never a favorite.

Don't get me wrong, I loved them, they treated me like a true sister. We grew up together, learned to share, and always had each others backs.

I just wasn't to our ‘Parents’ eyes.

But I should take into consideration that I was adopted.

My mother and father just simply did not want me.

I was given away at birth and I wasn’t named just yet. I still has no Identity. I was nothing until they decided to name me Shane Grey.

Why? I have no idea.

But, anyways, I don’t mind that.

I really, honestly don't.

They fed me, kept me clothed, and told me they loved me in public.

It was pretty good.

I never tried to earn their love; as parents they should be ready to give that unconditionally, but as I’ve said before, they don't.

“Ms.Grey, please report to Mrs. Andrew’s office” the nasally voice over the intercom blared at school.

See, I’m okay when it comes to nasally voices, I really like Fran Descher from The Nanny.

But I cant stand that woman.

She’s always held something against me for ‘being in a family that I wasn't supposed to be in’.


Like I said before, I never tried to earn their love, but I did keep a nice steady 3.4 GPA and volunteered regularly at the local shelters (i.e. the animal, homeless, even the Child haven and the Old Folks home).

I have been trying to get as many good marks on my record in order for me to get away from these people and be like any other estranged child. Only visit and talk when needed.

I walk into the office, not bothering to knock, they are expecting me anyways. I see my ‘parents’, sisters, and a very nicely dressed woman.

She was pretty, I’ll tell you that.

“Yes?” I ask attentively.

“Ah, yes. Ms. Grey, this is Mrs. Whitford.” she gestured to the woman that I did not know. She has mocha colored skin, and black curly hair that reached down to the middle of her back. She was dress in a red Victoria's Secret Bridget cut dress pants, creamy white button up with the top 4 buttons undone, with the matching jacket that goes with her pants.

“Hello, Ms. Gre-” I cut her off with a polite smile,

“Shane” I flashed my straight teeth and she gave em a look of gratitude.

“Shane, yes, Shane. . . I’m Linda from the West Heights Boarding School. We’ve been contacted numerous times from your past schools, requesting that you be put on the wait list or the scholarship program. I was brought here today to talk to your family and friends so they can tell us about you. Personality, how long of a fuse you have, things like that.” She ended with a small chuckle and gave me a warm smile.

“Oh, well, if you were supposed to do that, then why am I here? Wouldn’t I be, at this moment, tainting any judgment that you have one me right now?” I asked my tone was colored with incredulity, I’m sure my face was as well.

“No, I’ve already spoken to everyone. The owners of your regular volunteer ‘Hang-Outs’, I suppose I could call them,” She gave a small chuckle at that, “I’ve spoken to most of your teachers, past and present, family and friends. i can tell you now young lady, there isn’t a person here with any bad feelings towards you. They all had the most enthusiastic expressions when they spoke of you.” She ended her little report with a warm smile. I liked her, she’s sweet and has a good energy about her.

I looked towards my sisters, I could feel their pride rolling off of them in waves, not just pride, but love and compassion as well.

But, when I looked at my parents, they seemed to have a some-what expectant expressions, almost like they were waiting for her to just abruptly change the subject from me to one of my sisters, I wouldn't be amazed, though, they are two of the best people you will ever meet.

“Well,” Mrs. Whi- I mean, Linda, started off and my attention quickly shifted to her. “I am glad to say that you may head home, if your parents allow it, and “ She started to pause for dramatic effect, but ended up coughing on air. I love her, she cleared her throat and gave out a small smile, “Oops, didn't work out the way I was hoping, but as I was saying, You may head home t pack your bags, Shane, You’ve been accepted to West Heights Boarding School !”

I jumped up and squealed in delight, I turned to the rents and pleaded with my eyes:

Please, let me go!? You wont have to even have me around and still seem like fit parents!!

While I asked “Please, Mom? Dad?”

They looked at each other and sighed in complete unison, “Fine” they agreed.

I hugged them both and hugged my sisters.

I got home, packed my stuff and since Linda was coming to the Boarding School with me anyways, I just rode with her.

I bid my ‘Goodbye’ and ‘I Love You’s.

I hoped into the nice little Jaguar, and I was off.

To my new Life.

One where I’ll fit in.
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Heyy people, I'm Totally new to Mibba guys so I would appreciate some advise please guys=D
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