The Mystery of Shane Grey

The Mystery of Shane Grey Ch.3

I took the set of clothes and walked into the room to the right of the Dean.

He said that it is his personal Bathroom. I guess there are props to being the Dean of a swanky rich kid school.

I put on the outfit. It fit me good me well, considering how i always had a boyish kind of shape.

I didnt mind, I still looked good in a bathing suit, and a dress.

The shirt was a tad big, but I wasnt used to a shirt that wasnt used to sleep in that fit me well in the chest area.

I was also a bit bigger than most girls.. I’m sure that these can pass off as Pecks, though. . .

There wasnt a Uniform. For which, I’m happy. I came out and asked for approval with my eyes.

“You look great!” Linda said. “Thanks,” I blushed lightly and brushed my hair behind my ear.

“Okay, you have two choices here,” I snapped my attention to the Dean, his voice was serious. “We can either, 1. Chop your hair off, or 2. We can give you a wig.” I nodded, thinking the two choices over.

“The upside to cutting it off is never having to remember to put it on.” I nodded again, this was a good upside.

“The downside, is that if you go to any dances you have to go as a boy.” Wow, I would much rather not.

“Now, as to a wig, the upside is being able to go as a girl, we can say your my niece or Tyler’s Girlfriend. Something along those lines, But, you would have to remember to keep it on, and make sure no one ever takes it off of you.” I thought about it again, hmmm....

“I want the wig, I would very much like to have a dress on for at least 1-3 times while I’m here.” I said with a joking smile.

“Very well, we had one picked out, all we need is your size.” I nodded at this and waited for them to finish measuring my head.

I can tell you this now, it felt . . . Odd. “Okay, 38 in. I think that is good enough, you will keep your hair color.” the lady who came to measure me said.

“Well, how are we gonna. . . Well, you know. . .” I trailed off and looked at my chest.

Linda gasped in realization. “Oh, honey, have you seen She’s The Man?” I nodded again, this time showing that I have, “Well,” she continued, “You saw how they wrapped her chest in gauze?” I made an ‘O’ with my mouth as realization sunk in.

I have to gauze my chest. Geez, so much in one day. . . I need a drink. . . Of water, maybe some Kool-Aid, hmm. . . Juice sounds good, too. Maybe some Pomegranate Cranberry, I really like that stuff, tastes so yummy.

Wow, way to get off subject Shane.

“Okay, thank you Shane. We will have everything ready for you soon. For now, or the next three days, we would like for you to stay with Linda, that way she can help you get everything down and such. We dont want anyone to guess automatically. It wouldn't be very pretty if that happened.” He explained to me as Linda started handing me my clothes so I could be on my way into the bathroom to change.

“Alright, Dean.” I smiled and went into change. My hair got messed up, but oh, well. . . It wont matter in about 4 days anyways. I got out and was ushered out by Linda into her car, and we were on our way to her place for a bit.

Then I start over, but this time not as Shane Grey, The Girl, but as Shane Grey, The Boy.

*Three days later*
I walked up to the Deans office once again and knocked. “Hello Shane” he greeted me with a smile. “Hey, Dean.” I greeted him back and took my schedule from his extended hand, and turned so I could be on my way.

“Oh, Shane?” the Dean called to me, and I turned my attention to him once again, “Yes, Sir?” I asked in a slightly gruff voice that made my voice sound manly. “Have a nice day.” He smiled and I smiled in return and walked out of his office.

Come on, Shane. . . You can do this. I found my first class and walked in. Here goes nothing.
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She Kinda Looks like Zack Effron before he got the big head XD
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