A Love Story, in Song Form


1. Policeman Benz- Maximum the Hormone

Ohno ran through the streets of Tokyo, he didn’t quite understand why he had chased after the boy, but he felt that he had to stop him. However the boy was really fast and Ohno at the age of 17 was getting really tired.

“Stop chasing me!” the boy called out behind him, with a oddly high pitch in his voice. Ohno froze.

“You’re a girl!” the boy tripped and the hat that had been on his head flew off, curly black-brown hair rained down on his shoulders, and Ohno rushed towards the boy, only to notice it was a girl who was looking up at him.

“Why did you take it?” Ohno demanded, snatching the toy from her hand.

“Because I wanted it and I don’t have money?” she replied with a roll of her eyes.

“I’ll buy it for you then.” Ohno said grabbing her arm and walking back to the store, that’s was how Ohno Satoshi met Konton Sie.

2. Chu Chu Lovely Muni Muni Mura – Maximum the Hormone

To say that Ohno wasn’t attracted to her would be a lie. She was quirky and cute, she was also very determined and though she had a Yankee image, she was really smart. Not that Ohno was saying that Yankees were dumb, it’s just that…well okay most Yankees were dumb.

“So how old are you?” Ohno asked casually as they walked towards the combini.

“How old are you?” She asked back, a small glint in her eyes.

“I’m 17.”

“Eh?! You’re my sempai!” She laughed, “I’m 14.” Ohno blinked, and then looked away, he had been having very inappropriate thoughts about a 14 year old.

3. Homesick at Space camp – Fall Out Boy

Sie sighed as she looked out through the glass door, she was starting to miss Japan, but she had to come visit her parents ever so often. She watched as the rain fell on the green grass and how the trees waved at her with the wind, a car zoomed by, the sleepy Texas town her parents had come to live in after they left Japan was so much more quieter than Tokyo, it was peaceful.

“Ah, Ohno-kun would like this.” She half mumbled to herself, before her heart lurched, she suddenly wanted to see him badly.

“Who’s Ohno-kun?” She looked to see her best friend Nino smiling at her.

“A friend from Japan, when we go back we’ll go see him, I think you’ll like him.” She said smiling. Nino gave a small nod before moving to stand next to her to watch the rain fall.

“It’s quiet here.” He murmured.

4. Jessica – Dir en Grey

Ohno met with his friend Sho-kun at an old café, he was hoping he would stop thinking of her. Sho looked at him curiously.

“Ohno-kun, what’s wrong?”

“I…I…I miss this girl…” he said, he could feel the embarrassment paint itself on his cheeks.

“Ah….where is she?”

“She went back to America for a month…and…I can’t stop thinking about her, I mean I really shouldn’t she’s only 14, I mean she will be turning 15 this year but…” Ohno sighed sadly, there was no way he could ever have her in any other way than as just a friend.

“What’s her name?” Sho asked.

“Konton Sie…” Ohno said looking up Sho looked at him with wide eyes. “What?”

“She’s in my class, except she goes by Konton Jessica, she’s really cool, we study together sometimes.”

“But she’s a year younger than you?”

“Yea, but she skipped a grade, she’s aiming for Keio.” Sho smiled.

5. Hate – Nightmare

Sie could feel the burning emotion raising, she stood frozen as the girl wrapped her arms around Ohno and kissed him. She dropped the present she had brought back for Ohno and rushed out of the room. She didn’t want to see him with another girl, he wasn’t supposed to get a girlfriend. Nino rushed after her, but he said nothing he simply walked with her.

Her shoulders bumped with some Yankees and they turned on her, they cussed and scream, what they said she couldn’t remember, all she could remember was feeling the way her fists landed on their bodies and how after wards she had to wash blood off her hands while Nino chuckled at how the remaining two Yankees had ran away.

“That was your first fight in a while.” Nino said smiling at her, “I wonder is it that you like him so much that you decided to not be a Yankee anymore?”

6. One Love – Arashi

Ohno had shoved the girl away when he heard something fall on the ground he whipped around to see Sie walking out while a boy sighed and turned his heel to follow her, he moved towards the opening before Aiba stopped him, he handed him a box.

“She dropped it.” He said quietly, before looking towards the door where Sie and the boy had disappeared off to. Sho approached him as he ripped the box open, inside there was chocolate, paint supplies and a fishing lure. He blinked at it before thrusting the box back towards Aiba and ran out the door.

“Ohno!” Sho yelled after him, “where are you going?!”

“After her!” Ohno called back, their ages be damned, 3 years wasn’t much of a difference anyway. He passed some Yankees that looked like they had gotten their ass kicked.

“That was your first fight in a while.” A boy was saying, “I wonder is it that you like him so much that you decided to not be a Yankee anymore?”

“Shut up!” Sie yelled at him.

“Sie!” they both turned towards Ohno, “I like you!” Sie’s eyes widened while the other boy smiled.

7. Ultra Relax – Tomoe Shinohara

Sie blinked owlishly at him, “what?” she repeated in a small whisper, Ohno walked up to her, and reached for her hands their eyes met, and he smiled fondly.

“I like you.” He said again and Sie felt her heart skipping beats.

“He did it Sho-chan!” they whirled around to see Aiba and Sho, one standing excitedly while the other looked embarrassed. “Ah! Sie-chan~!” Aiba said moving over to wrap his long arms around her, “Nino-chan!” and he moved to hug the other boy as well who swatted at him.

“Let go of me Masaki!” the other boy snapped.

“You all know each other?” Ohno asked quietly while the other four nodded.

“I met Sho in school, Aiba, Nino, and I grew up together because we all played baseball in the same field.” Sie said with a smile, “I know these idiots like the back of my hand.” The boy called Nino rolled his eyes.

“I’m Ninomiya Kazunari, by the way, Oh-chan.” Ohno smiled at him.

“I’m Ohno Satoshi.”

“Why are you being so loud?!” another boy snapped. It was then they met Matsumoto Jun, and Ohno’s circle of friends was complete.

8. Planetarium – Ai Otsuka

They went out on their first date a week later, well Ohno thought, it wasn’t much of a date, everyone else had tagged along. He had taken her to the aquarium, well, he had taken them as well. Sho sheepishly explained that he hadn’t gotten his allowance yet, Aiba said he didn’t get an allowance, Jun had already spent his, and Nino said he was poor. So in the end, Ohno paid for everyone. He smiled as Sie watched the fish in awe, while Nino and Jun cooed at the cute ones and laughed at the ugly ones that they seemed to like more than the cute ones, and laughed while Sho was becoming a mother and Aiba seemed to be his overly excited child.

“Masaki you can’t run in here!” Sho snapped at Aiba, and then reached to grab his arm,

“Come here and look at these, they’re cute right?”

“Ano, Sho-chan, those are man-eating fish, very danger!” Aiba cried while Sho looked at the fish again, Aiba gasped, “Sho-chan our eyes connected!” he heard Sie laugh quietly beside him, he turned to look at her.

“Thank you.” She whispered to him, and then her lips met his cheek, then his lips. It was then that Ohno had his first kiss, with Jelly Fish as a backdrop, and his friend’s laughter as the soundtrack he closed his eyes and smiled, he wouldn’t have had it any other way.

9. Love Song – Yamapi

It had been 54,600 dates since the first one, 875,897 kisses since their first one, and 2 years since he had confessed. Ohno had to admit he was happy, content, and very much still in love. He watched as his friends now that the 6 of them seemed inseparable fiddling with instruments; they wanted to make a band.

“I’ll play the bass.” Nino said holding onto his bass protectively.

“I’ll play the violin.” Sie said pulling her violin case closer.

“I’m the guitarist!” Aiba said with a bright smile.

“I’ll be the keyboardist.” Jun said in a tone that begged someone to disagree with him, but no one did, Jun hit really hard.

“I’ll be the drummer then? And I’ll rap so I need a mike stand.” Sho said playing with his drumsticks.

“Now all we need is a singer…” their eyes fell on Ohno, who blinked.

“Ohno you have a pretty voice, you have to sing for us.” Sie said with a smile, and Ohno found it hard to refuse her, so he picked up the microphone. It was then that their band Arashi was born.

10. 5X10 – Arashi

Their band had grown; in the course of 10 years they had finally made it to the very top and as the concert lights dimmed from their last show of their anniversary tour. Ohno felt the undeniable need to cry to laugh all at once. He looked as his band members removed their mics, and how they shed the upper layers of their concert clothes, they had all grown and matured but somehow they all remained the same as they did all those years when they were just fiddling around in Jun’s garage.

“What’s wrong?” Sie asked, pressing a soft kiss to his brow, he looked at her and tears fell, it had been 12 years since they’d been together 3 since they were married, and 2 since they had become parents to a beautiful baby girl and boy. His life, Ohno thought, was so blessed, so full of life, he pressed his lips to hers again.

“I love you.” He whispered against her lips, and she nodded, tears threatening to fall from her own eyes. He laughed then, and wiped their tears, before turning to look at his band mates, Jun’s girlfriend hugged him tight and he kissed her with a shy smile. Nino’s wife walked up to him as he put a hand on her belly and kissed her forehead and well Sho was still being a mother to Aiba but somehow throughout ten years he’d become more of a wife, and that was fine too. And as he thought back all to that first day he met her, he was suddenly really glad that he had chased after the thief, because had he not, he feared his life wouldn’t be as complete as it was now.