The Ice Queen

The Train

I walked into King's Cross Station alone, as usual. I walked past all the irritating muggles until I arrived at Platforms 9 and 10.

"Behave and do all of your schoolwork, dear. Oh, of course, mum and dad." I muttered to myself. I glanced around at all the passing muggles before I walked straight through the brick wall inbetween the two platforms. When I arrived on the other side of te wall I saw the gleaming scarlet train and felt a smile creep onto my face.

"Someone looks happy to be back." A familiar voice from behind me. I turned around to see my best friend, Cassandra Zellons standing there.

"Anywhere is better than that hellhole I call my house." I answered.

"This is true." She replied. "Come on, let's find a compartment." We walked onto the train and found our usual compartment...overrun with little first years. There were only four, but that's four too many. Cassandra glanced at me and I gestured for her to try and get the first years out her way. She stepped into the compartment with her sweetest smile. The one that gets teachers to give her a few extra points on a test so she gets a hundred, the one that could get her any guy she wanted, and most importantly, the smile that makes people believe she's sweet, innocent, and nice. My friend is a master at deception and manipulation. Almost as good as me...almost.

"Hey, you guys? Can I ask you something?" Cassandra asked. The first years turned to look at her. Unfortunately, they were girls. Not to brag or anything, but if they were boys, between Cassandra and I we could've gotten them to do anything we wanted. We're both thin and, ahem...gifted, in the chest area. The only major differences are in our hair and eye color.

Cassandra has long brown hair that falls in waves down her back to just above her butt. She has beautiful, deep blue eyes that guys tend to want to fall into. I'm not gonna lie, my friend is gorgeus.

I, on the other hand, have mid-length, straight blonde hair. I've also got chocolate brown eyes that I've been told (by numerous people) look very nice. Between the two of us, we're the best looking girls at Hogwarts. And I for one, use that to my advantage.

"Sure. What is it?" One of the girls asked.

"Well you see, this has been mine and my best friend's compartment since we were first years. So we were wondering if you could go find another one?" Cass asked nicely.

"Nah, we're happy where we are." One of the first girl's friends said, standing up.

"But this has been our compartment for five years..." Cass tried to explain.

"Well I'm sure you'll make it through the year just fine without it." The stupid girl replied. Cassandra's eyes flashed and I smirked. This little first year had no idea what she was in for. Cass walked up to the girl who was giving her the attitude and leaned forward until she was in the girl's face.

"Look you little brat, I've got seniority over you. And if you don't start listening and get out, you're not gonna like what will happen next." Cassandra warned, her voice getting lower and more menacing by the word. But the girl obviously had no brain, because she didn't back down at all.

"Oh yea? Well I don't care and we aren't leaving. Whatcha gonna do about it?" She replied. Cass stared at her for a second, and then started laughing. And let me say, this wasn't a happy laugh. It was the kind of laugh that had even me scarred (and I don't scare easily).

"Um, Stacey, maybe we should go find another compartment..." The first girl suggested.

"Oh shut up, Emily! We're not leaving." Stacey said.

"Seriously kid, take my advice and leave before my friend does anything to you." I warned her. Did I care about what happened to Stacey? No. But I didn't want Cass to get in trouble over one brat.

"We aren't leaving. What could she possibly do?" Stacey questioned.

"What could I do? You forget, I said this has been our compartment for five years. That makes this my sixth year. You can learn a lot of spells in and out of school in five years. And let me tell you, they're not all good spells, and not all of them are legal." Cassandra said, whispering the last part. That was when Stacey's face finally showed she was worried. I smirked and Cassandra started speaking again.

"Now, I'll give you one more chance to leave before I rip out your intestines, light them on fire, then I'll cut your throat, and then I'll transfigure you into a coffee table. I've always wondered what would happen if you transfigured someone who was dying into something and I think it's time to find out. And if you're wondering, that's not even my worse idea. I could come up with something more painful." Cassandra said, her voice very low and menacing by the end. When Cassandra finally stopped talking Stacey looked terrified. Stacey looked once at me then back at Cass before bolting out of the compartment. Emily quickly got her and Stacey's things before following behind her. Then their two friends also got their things and left. In all honesty, they were so quiet I forgot they were there. Cassandra turned around smiling sweetly, all traces of that evil girl gone.

"I don't think they'll be bothering us anymore." She said, smiling happily.

"Neither will any other first years if those four tell them what happened." I said laughing.

"Hmm, you think? I hadn't thought of that." Cass said smirking. I laughed and this time Cass laughed with me. It was starting out to be a good year.
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New story that I'm writing because my friend requested it. Let me know what you think.