Make a Mess of All the Plans We Made

Stop Kidding Yourself, Wasting Your Time

"Frank, where the hell are you?"

"I'm not telling." Frank giggled childishly.

"Tell me, please! I'll come get you."

"Awh. You're so sweet!"

"Frank, I'm serious. You're still hurt, you should be in the hospital."

"Aw Gee. It's dark and cold and dumb. Dumb dumb dumb." Frank giggled again.

"Frank. I'll come have a drink with you. Tell me."

"Aw'right! I'm at that bar... the one... by the Dairy Queen...?"

"Frank, what color are the coasters?"

"A pretty blue flower. And oh! It's got some trees..."

"You're at that cheap Hawaiian knockoff gay bar, aren't you?"


"I'll be right there. Don't go anywhere." Gerard fumbled with his keys nervously, sliding them into the ignition. He'd go pick up Frank, take him back to the hospital and no one would ever know he left. It was foolproof.
Well, except for the picking up Frank. And the taking him back to the hospital part. And he'd probably tell people...

Damn it.

Gerard turned up the volume on his radio to distract him. Anything but his own thoughts.
Frank was probably having a good time, drinking, partying, meeting attractive guys and-

Gerard snapped out of his thoughts to answer his cell.



"What? What's wrong?"

"Hel- Scared, so scar-"

"Frank, slow down, talk to me. I can't understand you-"

"Help me Gee, he-"

"Frank! Frank. Talk to me! Oh god..." Frank's phone had clicked in response to his cries.
Gee tossed down the phone and quickly accelerated.

He had to save Frank.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's short cause I'm going to be updating soon. Yay!
