Beneath The Moon

Life::Risk It All[14]

Four days later it was my birthday. Hoo-fucking-ray. I really didn’t care about my birthday, and I still don’t. They usually turn out like crap. Putting all the hatred I had towards my birthday into careful consideration, Holly decided to make her own little party anyway. She sat me down at the kitchen table and put one of those stupid cone birthday hats on my head. Setting a chocolate cake down in front of me, she said, “Happy birthday. I made you a cake, and even if it tastes like shit, you’re gonna fucking eat and enjoy it.”

“I’ll remember that sentiment on your birthday. If you ever tell me when it is…” I hinted. She shook her head.

“Nope, I don’t want you doing anything for me.”
“But you just built me a fucking cake!” I protested. She laughed and shook her head again, lighting the candles.

“I hate singing, and I suck at it,” she said, “so just-happy birthday. Make a wish.” I thought for a minute, then took a deep breath, blowing out the candles. I had secretly wished that Holly would love me back. Because that was just it; I had finally figured it out. I was in love with Holly Loralei. I know it was a selfish wish, but hey, a guy can hope, can’t he?

“Congratulations,” Holly said as the last candle was extinguished, “you are now legally able to do whatever the hell you want.” I laughed, and she joined me.

“Can I just stay here?” I asked, pouting my lower lip. She dipped her forefinger into the frosting and wiped it on my pouting lip.

“Yes, you can. Now eat your cake; it’s dee-licious!” She exclaimed with delight. I sucked on the frosting on my lower lip. I recognized this cake from somewhere. Sure enough, I spotted a tiny part of a cake box sticking out of the trash.

“Cheater, this is a store-bought cake!” I shouted, pointing my finger at her. She laughed.

“Wow, you’re smarter than I though. Honestly, Elliott, me baking a cake? I thought you knew me better than that…” she smiled sheepishly and put more frosting on my face. Knowing this could very well turn into a full-blown frosting war, I decided to let it. I scooped up some frosting and stuck it on Holly’s face in return. We went on like that, flinging chocolate frosting at each other, until we had to answer the door for trick-or-treaters.