Beneath The Moon

Life::Risk It All[17]

“I was thinking…” I started, but Holly interrupted me. We were lying on the couch, trying very hard to watch T.V. [though we were much more interested in each other].

“Hey, what did I tell you? Don’t do that, you’ll hurt yourself,” she joked. We both smiled at each other, and I quickly kissed her on the lips.

“Anyway, I was thinking. To make our dating official, would you do me the honor of coming to dinner with me tomorrow?” I asked. If possible, she smiled even more brightly than she had before.

“Of course. Where are we going?” she asked.
“Really? Are you going to cook?”

“Something like that. I’ll pick you up at your room at 7:00.” She looked confused, but she kept it to herself. We continued watching T.V. [as well as we could] and I smiled, thinking of what tomorrow night would be like.
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okay sorry. this is majorly short. FILLER! =]