Beneath The Moon

Life::Risk It All[19]

When I woke up, Holly was still sound asleep, still snuggling against my chest tightly. When someone’s sleeping like that, they look so peaceful, like there are no problems left in the entire world. I stared at her for minutes, focusing on her and her only. After what seemed like hours, I slowly got up, so as not to wake her. I walked into the kitchen and decided I would make breakfast out of the food that we bought last night. I put two pieces of bread into the toaster and walked over to the bags from Safeway we never unloaded. I took out the Doritos and potato chips just as the toast popped up. I layered the bread and chips; piece of toast, Doritos, potato chips, and another layer of toast. There. A breakfast sandwich. I didn’t know how to make eggs, or basically anything else for that matter, so I just poured two different bowls of cereal, a bowl of raspberry sorbet, and a little plate of Milanos arranged in a little circle. I put all of it on the breakfast tray kept under the sink, and walked into Holly’s room.

Holly wasn’t in bed, so I figured she was in the bathroom. I sat cross-legged on her bed and waited for her to come out. I propped the breakfast tray on a pillow. About ten minutes later, Holly came out of the bathroom, in nothing but a towel.

“Elliott, you idiot! I’m kind of naked, if you haven’t noticed.” She hugged her towel tighter to her body. I smiled widely.

“And that’s the welcome I get for making you breakfast?” I asked. She smiled, looking over at the breakfast tray.

“Well, that’s all very nice of you, and I’ll give you a better thank you once you get out!”

“Okay, okay,” I gave in, jumping off the bed and backing out of the room. “Note to self…You’re not a morning person.” I chuckled to myself and closed the door behind me.