Beneath The Moon

Life::Risk It All[20]

Later that day, Holly and I walked down to the local elementary school. Walking into the playground, we both lit up a cigarette. Holly went and sat on a swing, and I stood behind her to push.

“Don’t you want to swing, too?” she asked.

“No…swings always seemed to give me motion sickness. I was always the kid who went and threw sand in the girl’s eyes.” She laughed. “So what kind of kid were you?” she asked. This time I laughed.

“Umm, I was always a Transformers type of kid. Oh, and I loved Power Rangers.” I smiled, pushing her higher into the air. She took a drag of her cigarette.

“I loved Power Rangers! I was the pink one. Which one were you?” I finished my cigarette and flicked it into the gravel.

“I liked being the green one. But I never had anyone else to play with.” She flicked her cigarette down, too.

“Yea,” she said, sighing, “I know how that is…or was.” I slowed down the swing until it came to a complete stop. She got up, and stepped on the seat of the swing. She wrapped her arms around my neck, bringing the swing closer to me; bringing me closer to her. She half-smiled, then kissed me with so much intensity that I thought she might have thought ours lives depended on it.

“Wanna go home?” she asked. All I could do was nod.

We walked home, hand in hand. When we got in the door, Holly called out to see if Margret was there. She wasn’t. We collapsed onto the couch, heavily making out. Before I knew it, we were walking down the hallway to her room, trying to stay connected at the lips at the same time. We stopped at the end of the hallway, and I pushed her up against the wall. She broke us apart and took a breath. She took my hand, and led me into her room, both of us knowing where this was leading. But neither of us cared, because the clothes were already on the floor.