Beneath The Moon

Life::Risk It All[4]

By the time I got back ‘home’, it was way past when the sun had set, and I had just finished smoking my fourth cigarette. So much for only two. As I came into the house, Franklin and Delany were waiting in the kitchen, discussing something in a hushed tone. When my foot touched the linoleum in the kitchen, they both stood up and walked briskly towards me.

“Hi, where were you?” Delaney said in a sickly-sweet tone. Suddenly a picture of Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix ran through my head. I shoved my hands into my hoodie pockets and clutched my pack of smokes like I thought they would disintegrate into thin air. But I knew how to lie in situations like this. I had mastered it by the time I was 12.

“No where special, just exploring my new city. I think I’ve been here before.” I smiled. Oh, and I bought a pack of cigarettes, which you specifically told me on the car ride here weren’t allowed. What I said hadn’t really been a lie. It was just missing parts.

“Oh,” Delaney smiled again. I was already sick of her face. Franklin upstaged her. “I don’t believe you,” he said firmly, and smacked me upside the head. I bit my tongue. It was all I could do not to smack him back. Cooley and calmly, I looked up at him and said, ‘okay’, and sprinted up the stairs to my ‘room’ before he or I could do something stupid.

Getting up to my room, I quietly closed the door and stopped biting down on my tongue. I tasted blood. I put my finger to my tongue, then looked at it. It was bleeding. I really needed to get a new way to control my anger. The phrase ‘hold my tongue’ was really becoming painful for me. Shoving everything off the bed, I plopped down onto it. It was hard, I could feel springs coming through the actual mattress, and my feet basically dangled off the end of it. What was this, a homeless shelter? I needed something to occupy my mouth so I shoved the end of my sleeve into it and started sucking on my sleeve. I tried to imagine what I would do until Monday. I guess tomorrow I would buy all of my school supplies, but Sunday I had the whole day to myself. I could walk around the city again, but there was really no point to that. So, on that October 12th of 2007, only 19 days until my birthday, I began to become depressed again, and closed my eyes to dream of a life where I really wouldn’t have to face another wave of new faces on Monday.