Beneath The Moon

Life::Risk It All[5]

On Monday, I was dropped off at school by Franklin [this being because I didn’t have my own car…still don’t.] and practically shoved out of the car. I swear, the only way he could’ve made it harder for me would have been to make me get out while the car was still in motion. It was good to know I had gotten off on the right foot with him…

My schedule was easy enough; I would basically just walk around with a map in my hand all day and everything would be just fine.

Throughout the day, I simply became vapor among those around me. No one cared about me, and frankly, that was the way I wanted it. There were a couple over-eager kids in some of my classes that decided it was their duty to drag me around the school like some lost puppy, but if they came within five feet of me, I gave them a death glare and that was all they needed to change their minds about being nice. There was one thing that was bugging me, though; in all of my classes, there was this gorgeous girl that always sat somewhat close to me. She had long, straight black hair and bright green eyes. I knew I had seen her somewhere before, but I just couldn’t put my finger on it. It had been driving me nuts all day, and I went home wondering where the hell I had seen her before.

From the load of homework that I had gotten on my very first day at school, I decided I didn’t want to do any of it. Therefore, I had no homework. So I recovered my smokes from my secret hiding place [in the lampshade on top of the empty bookshelf…I never used the lamp, and I work well in the dark], stuffed them in my pocket, and set out for another ‘night on the town’. I walked through the town in about the same direction as I did last time, but I took a couple of left turns down the road, just to switch it up a little. I always took a slightly different route every time when going somewhere. I guess that’s what traveling around so much gives you. Paranoia.

I decided I’d go to my new little hideaway that I found on Sunday. It was just a simple alleyway, with a random park bench at the end of it. It was the perfect place to sit, think, and smoke. Just as I rounded the corner to sit on the bench that I had claimed my own, I was stopped dead in my tracks by who had gotten there before me. The black-haired, green-eyed girl was sitting on my bench. Just to give you a better idea of how dwarfed [in beauty] I felt near her…

She was gorgeous. Absolutely stunning. There were really no words to describe her. Her hair was black, as I’ve said, and it was perfectly straight. It was long; it led down to her hips. Her eyes were a brilliant green, popping out against the black. It worked perfectly for her. Sitting on my bench, she seemed perfectly at home, like she had found it first. And, taking a second glance at her, I decided that I couldn’t put that past her. She was practically laying on the bench, revealing the majority of her thigh. She had on a red and black plaid skirt, almost like a kilt. There were black fishnet stockings on her legs and black combat boots to match. Up top, she was wearing a plain black tee-shirt, partially covered by her large black jacket. It almost looked like a trench coat. And around her waist, there were a series of chains and belts, all seemingly matching with each other and the rest of her outfit.

“Elliott, why are you staring at me?” she barely said in a whisper. If it had been a windy day, the wind might have carried her voice away with it. I promptly started towards the bench, bent on claiming my seat, even if I had to share it with her. To tell the truth, I didn’t mind so much. She made room for me and held up a cigarette. “Want a smoke?” she asked, this time louder, and in a husky voice. I nodded, even though I already had a pack in my pocket. Oh, well. She lit her cigarette, then kept the flame going from her lighter so that I could light mine. I leaned over to get the flame, and noticed that she smelled like strawberries and smoke. It was surprisingly pleasant.

“How do you know my name?” I asked quietly. She smirked. “You don’t remember me?” She pretended to pout. I studied her face for a minute, thinking of all the people I’d met up until now. Then, suddenly, it struck me.

“Holly.” I stated, and she smiled. [And I said I’d never forget those green eyes? I’m such a liar.] I smiled back, in spite of myself. “Whatcha’ been up to?” she asked. This girl was full of questions.

“Well, I’ve been to about a billion foster homes since I left your’s. How’s life been treating you?” She rolled her eyes. “How does life usually go for people like us?” Everything in question.

“Not so well, huh?” She nodded. We both looked down for a nanosecond-enough for me to realize that we had totally forgotten about our smokes, and we were practically facing each other on the park bench. I took out two cigarettes and gave one to her, and we lit them again and began fervently discussing everything.

“Tell me about it.” I said sympathetically. She went on to tell me that her mother, Margret, never got in touch with her ex-husband, so he was never able to pay child support. Because Margret was a stay-at-home mom when her husband left her, she couldn’t easily find a job, they went into bankruptcy, and had to move into a smaller, crummier house. The affect that the abortion had on her was drastic, and it put her into shut-down mode. She was diagnosed as manic depressive, and now she was on a billion different kinds of pills to make sure she was happy and stayed that way. All of this had an effect on Holly, as well, but apparently that wasn’t enough for her mother, so Margret took everything out on Holly. Now they were on the worst terms.

I sighed. It was already dark, Franklin and Delaney were already going to kill me, and I couldn’t look away from this gorgeous girl that I had known since I was seven. Looking back, I guess she always was a pretty girl, I just hadn’t noticed it. But at this moment, that was besides the point. I had to get back.

“Do you have a curfew?” I asked her. She laughed, bitterly. “Do you think my mother gives a fuck about me?” I smiled, biting my lip. “Do you want to sneak in tonight?” I said slowly. Seeing as it was the first time we’d seen each other in ten years, and had only just been re-introduced, I didn’t know exactly how she was going to react to my offer. And I didn’t know what she was going to think it meant. But I decided to take that chance.

“Of course. I’m going to call you a friend now, basically because I have no others. So who would I choose? Manic depressive mom, or friend’s house…I’m gonna say the second one, thank you.” She got up from the bench, stretching her legs. That skirt is really short…and that skirt is really sexy… I thought. Crap. This was my first friend in Las Vegas; I shouldn’t be trying to ruin it already with my hormones. And then I thought, double crap. I don’t usually make friends when I move to places, because I always end up leaving right away and then hurting myself with the ties I’ve made. But a tiny little voice in the back of my head was saying, give it a chance. So I did.