Beneath The Moon

Life::Risk It All[6]

Most of the way home, we didn’t talk at all. We just walked along the streets of Vegas in silence. This was another reason I liked the city; dressed like we were in the suburbs, we could have been mistaken for a bank robber and a hooker. [Holly being the hooker…] Out in Vegas, no one cared what you dressed like. Out here, everyone was a freak, everyone was an outcast, and everyone liked it that way. That’s how they lived; that’s how they fit in.

When we reached the Durmur’s house, I put my finger to my lips and bade her to follow me.

“I have to go in…I’ll signal you with my lighter when they’re in bed. It won’t take long; they’re a military family. They go to bed early.” She nodded and leaned against the house wall, hidden by a small tree, while I walked inside to face the unknown. Waiting for me was Franklin, of course. I could only assume that Delaney had already gone to bed. His eyebrows were furrowed together in such a way that it looked like he had somehow made them look like a mask of hate. I wondered after how many minutes of me being here did he regret becoming a foster parent? I laughed silently to myself as I thought of that. I knew I would still have hell to pay, though. I had realized that they weren’t too lenient when it came to curfew. They never actually gave me one; they just sort of assumed that I knew to be home before dark. Fat chance of that happening.

“You’ve only been here for a total of four nights, and already you’ve broken curfew-twice!” Franklin said harshly. He had that kind of tone that sounded like he was screaming, but still actually kept his voice level to a minimum. It was creepy.

“You never set a curfew for me. Therefore, I can’t break it,” I said calmly. I could already feel my tongue starting to bleed again. Slowly and quietly, I turned around and started to climb the stairs to my room. When I reached the second stair, he pulled me by the back of my shirt, forcing me back down.

“Not so fast. You don’t just get away with whatever you want just because you’re not blood-related to Delaney or me. Our rules apply to you. Now, I’m a patient man, so I’m not going to give you back to the foster agency. No sir. I’m going to instill our rules into your head until they feel as if they’re burnt onto your very skin.” His tone was so foreboding that it gave me chills down my spine, which I tried so hard to repress. I saw a flicker of a smile out of the corner of his mouth. It wasn’t a nice smile, either.

“Yes sir,” I responded, biting down on my tongue and clenching my teeth.
“Now get upstairs.” I stood where I was, etching his face into my head so later I could kill him over and over again.

“Go now!” He said again, and pushed me backwards, making me land on the stairs on my back. I bit my tongue harder. I got up and turned around, putting my foot on the first stair. Fucker, I thought. He pushed me down again. This time, I landed on my face, hitting my nose hard on the end of one of the stairs. It must have been in my mind, but I thought I heard him chuckle from behind me. I mentally shook it off, got up again, and sprinted up the stairs before he had the chance to push me again.