Planets in a Row

one of one

It's ugly and slimy and smells like my daily heartbreak but I gave it to her anyway. It hurt when I broke everything in the way and when my osseous matter oozed onto the outdated needlefelt carpet I cried and fell onto my knees, the pain didn't even come from tearing away the scaffold of bones within my chest. I'd check out anatomy books from the library with my card and research papers about embryology because with my heart gone I felt different. Once she was out the door and my heart pumped on the floor I didn't care, it was like my love left with my crux, the root of my emotions.

I tried framing it, but it leaked on the mantel, so I set it down on the fireboard and sometimes I'd watch it like daytime television. Heavy rain when it swelled and murders when it drooled. "Close your mouth, the best part is coming up." The earth cracked and my lit candles fell onto the floorboards because my heart had blood clots and the town had experienced tornados and earthquakes.

She came back when the sun went away and I stuffed my heart back in to see what it felt like; everything came rushing back so fast that my body didn't have time to grab hold of love or amity. It beat so loudly in my ears like a song and I had enough chords to play me through the next few months.

Her eyes were glossy and she rushed to hug me, I didn't feel any concord between us. And I told her that watching her leave with her planets in a row as I bled was worse then that phone call I got from the gynecologist, telling me that something was wrong with me.