Status: Complete!

My Broken Heart, His Torn up Letter

.. When it all ended

When we eventually got to the airport, after a lot of dangerous driving, I jumped out before Jamie had stopped the car and was inside before the engine had been turned off.

I was an idiot. This is a freaking airport, it’s huge. How in the hell am I supposed to find him? I don’t even know his destination or when his flight leaves. I’m an idiot for thinking I could—

Don’t be stupid. This is going to work, and I will get him back. I shook my head clear of negative thoughts. I’m determined to set this right.

I ran through a group of people, and to the nearest help desk.

"H-have you s-seen a guy with peroxide blonde hair, Sean Smith?" I breathed, out of breath from the running I’ve been doing.

"Unfortunately sir, a man by that name has not come through this desk. Would you like me to put an announcement out over the tannoy?” The kind blonde from behind the desk questioned.

"Y-yes please" I said still breathing heavily. She made the announcement wuickly, obviously seeing my distress.

I felt someone’s hand rest on my back. I took a sharp breath and turned around. It was Jamie. My heart fell.

"Found him yet, bud?" he asked concerned.

"No, I haven't!" Tears began to fall from my eyes. Again.

"Ian?" Jamie asked. "You really like Sean don't you?" He said softly.

"Jamie, I love him." I replied sternly.

"Then we're going to get him back! I'm not having you upset bro, not like this!" He came up with a plan, acting all Scooby Doo, he decided we were to split up. We both ran off in different directions, still having no clue where he could be.

I'd been running around for a good 15 minutes now, when my phone vibrated. It was a text from Jamie.

"Hey bro, I’ve got to go and sort some things out back home, something’s happened and I need to be there. Text me when you need picking up, good luck. I'm so sorry."

I put my phone away, and carried on running. I can’t let this stop me. After another 15 minutes I was sure I’d been everywhere and I ended up back in front of the first help desk I’d been to.

I fell to my knees and started crying. It was hopeless. I’ve lost him completely.

One elderly woman walked over cautiously, followed by a few more and a few who worked here. Looks like I’ve gathered quite a crowd. The amount of voices built up quickly. The noise was intolerable. It felt like everything was closing in. The noise suddenly disappeared, becoming muffled. Panic seized my body.


When I came to and began to regain consciousness I realised what happened. Holy Fuck, I'd fainted. The first thing I notice as my eyes begin to readjust to the light is a distinct white blonde colour at the back of the crowd. I know what that it.

It was him.

It was Sean.

The group of people still crowded around me, still talking at me. I scrambled to my feet, stumbling once or twice. I pushed them all out of the way, as I headed in the direction of the blonde hair. Before I knew it he was pulling me into his arms, as I wrapped mine around his neck, and began to cry into his neck. I felt the eyes of the crowd behind us begin to fade away.

"Sean! Oh my god. Sean, don't go. Don't leave me? You can’t ever leave me, I love you Sean! I love you, and I have since before I can even remember! All these times, I’ve come to you for comfort, come to you for advice, it’s because you mean so fucking much to me. And I just…" The tears stole my speech, as I pulled back to see his facial expression.

"Are you sure you didn't hit your head, when you fell?" He laughed.

"No Sean. I didn't. I Love you. And I can prove it!" I kissed him full on the lips, I could feel the magic in our kiss, "I love you Sean. W-will you be my boyfriend?"

"Of course Ian, I love you too. Save it for the bedroom though, yeah?" Sean winked as I had my hands dangerously low on his hips.

"Haha, I ain’t no Josh Franceschi, Sean. I’m much better than him." I laughed.

“Well you’ll have to show me later then won’t you?” He grabbed my hand with both of his and led me out of the airport. I quickly had to reach back and grab his suitcase, as he’d forgotten it. I suppose I had better call Jamie, the look in Sean’s eyes smoulder with passion. We need to get home, now.