It's Perfectly Fine to Be a Gay Individual

A Beautiful Sisterhood

"Wah, wah, wah, wah! I understand they're in pain, but do they have to write every song about how tortured their souls are!?" I complained to my dorm roommate, Frito. I never bothered learning her real name, so I just called her that, because it's as if she's on a strict diet of those things.

"Can you be sensitive for once? I mean, I can feel the pain that they hold in their hearts..." I looked at her in disbelief at how she actually responded to this stuff.

"That's music, Frito. Music harbors every emotion possible, which is why I get why there are songs about those kinds of feelings. What I don't get is how someone can construct a whole album out of whining! I mean, Geezus, is it not cool to be happy now? Is that the scene thing? Mopey McMoperson attitudes all around?"

"Actually yes, Erin. It is scene to be sad and depressed. I think American teens are all coming together in a movement against the man and showing them the tortured lives we live." Still, my mouth hung open at the fact that she was saying this in all seriousness.

"Yeah, okay. How about I just stay away from the scene then?" I said.

"To tell you the truth, Erin, I don't think the scene wants you." She said to me. And I was fine with it. I shrugged my shoulders and cut off the light above my bed. And hopefully, a deep sleep will rid my mind of any possible brain damage Frito's explanations might've caused.


Though it was the weekend, and though I don't have classes, I'm still pledging for this sorority. So it was up and early. Luckily, today's challenge wasn't physical or even hard for that matter. They explained to us that girls in their sorority are also talented writers; therefore we had to write a poem. I thought I was a pretty good writer, so this wouldn't be that hard.

"Write the poem about anything on this campus. It can be about the school, the students, your roommate, the professors...whatever. If we like it, you pass for the next physical challenge." Big Sister Ashley said to us.

That relieved me, because seeing as I'm not that in shape, and I have a little bit more to love, if you dig what I'm saying.

We all sat down at an outside lunch table and commenced to writing. About ten minutes passed and I was done, but all of the girls were still concentrating hard on their papers. I didn't think it was that tough, to tell you the truth.

But that was before I heard the Frito's poem five minutes later.

"Life in higher education, like small metal box with no air holes...
My soul, trapped until freed by society at the end of the time period...
Tortured by being held within...
Not able to express my inner weeping...
Wanting to pull the trigger...
But life and its complicated twists and tangles pulling at my mind and body...
I cannot rid the misery that way."

Everyone around the table was silent for a moment, including our "Big Sisters".

Just when I was going to burst into laughter at how dumb that was, coming from her, everyone clapped. I sat there, eyes bulged.

Instead of reading mine next, I left it there and simply walked back to my dorm. If this is what every art form was coming to, a stop had to be put to it.


I mean, where are all of the kids like me on campus? You know, the ones who fit with me into our own category of kids who aren't afraid to be their weird, abnormal, lame, spas-like happy selves? Or is it just me?

Then, it hit me like God just...took a sack of potatoes and womped me in the face with it. There were kids like me. I had to find them. And we had to ban together, showing everyone's okay to be strangely happy.

I would start my own sorority! And I would draft people who I think deserve to be in it. Oh yeah, I could smell the victory all ready. Wait...nope. I had a bean burrito for dinner. But if victory had a smell, gosh dammit, it would smell like that!


Okay, I'll admit, I felt stupid for a second putting up the flyers that I drew myself all around campus without permission. But I thought there was someone out there who saw what I was coming from, right? God, I hope so.

Then I thought maybe too much work was going into a possible lost cause. I, by myself cleaned up the abandoned separate chapter of the college outside of the South Wing. The lights worked, I painted, and it looked great to me. I must say, it wasn't as great as Delta Gnu, the sorority I first wanted to be in...but why would I want it to look like theirs? But maybe that's what everyone wanted.

So imagine my surprise when I'm sitting on the couch in the house, watching Resident Evil on the big screen my parent's originally bought for me and my roommate, and there's knocking on the door.

When I opened it, seven girls stood before me, flyers in hand, and smiles on their face.

"Is this where we sign up for the new sorority?" the one up front asked. Quickly, I got over my shock and answered.

"Yeah, it is." I let them in, one by one, and they all took a seat in the living room. I figured we should get down to business and went to the balcony at the top of the stairs so I could see everyone.

"Okay. First off, how is everyone?" It's always polite to ask...

Several replies came at once and I could discern one shout from the girl who spoke earlier, who I assumed was riled up on coffee.

"Well, that's awesome. If you all are great, I'm great. Now let me explain what you've gotten yourselves into. This is The Alpha Kappa Lambda Sorority. Those letters in Greek translate to AKL, Ass Kicking Lamos. So who kicks ass!?" Immediately, all the girls gave out shouts and woots, and the coffee high one, a hell yes.

"Who's lamer than lame!?" Once again, a cacophony of enthusiastic replies.

"Then we can do this. First off, everyone girl in this sorority has to have a guy name. Why? Because I like it better that way. Now, starting with you," I point to the one that's high on coffee and she grins. "And to the left, tell me your name."

"Melissa. I go by Mel, though." The first one says.

"Okay, you are Melvin."

"Yus!" she says, doing a happy dance. And we go further down.

"Noella." The next one says.

"You're Nick."


"You're Shaant." She smiles, apparently liking her new name.

"Shelby." The next one tells me.

"Hello, Sean." She salutes me and sits down.

"Jessica!" the one with an 'I love Draco' shirt said happily.

"Your name is Josh."


"Lionel." She shrugged.

"Lacey." The next says, smiling.

"Leonardo." She looks satisfied and sits.

Once I'm done giving them their sorer names, I finish the introduction.

"After living in the house for a week, it will be decided whether you stay for good. But I don't see why any of you would need to leave. And I am Erin, but will now be referred to as Bob." I tell them.

"Why Bob?" Nick asks.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." I say, grinning.

And I can see that this is the start of a beautiful sisterhood.