Status: Active

How I Broke The Broken Boy


Since the moment she laid eyes on him Kailee knew he wasn't the usual bad boy trying to up hold that reputation. His vibe at school was the same at home, unlike most of Gleason Central High School 'bad boys.' Most of the boys, if not all, had a rough and tough front at school. But at home in their too big mansions they were perfect little boys whose parents would be shocked if they knew even half the stuff their precious child pulled outside of their home and social gatherings.

That boy, Tristan Brody Oswell, whose name she of course didn't know at the time, was completely different than all the other boys, 'bad,' good, or in-between. She never told anyone this because it would freak people out. She had an unnatural ability to read people better then anyone should be able to without psychological training. It wasn't just his appearance that made him different when she saw him his first day of sophomore year either, although it really was a big part of it. For the first week of school he absolutely refused to wear the school uniform. Instead he dressed in worn leather jackets and jeans. His rebellious style was unlike anyone in Gleason Central High had seen outside of television, where as the most rebellious thing the so called bad boys did to their outfits was unbuttoning the top few buttons on their shirt, not wear a tie, or dress too casually on casual day. It wasn't only the way he dressed that made his appearance different, it was also his actual looks. He almost always had an angry expression on his face. Mostly he only ever showed any other emotion when he was smirking at someones stupidity. There were times when he would come to school half asleep, his dark and once electric greens eyes dead of emotion, his medium length black hair greasy while he wore the same clothes from the day before, yet he always smelled good because of the lingering smell of Black or Axe cologne he drenched himself in. Every time he walked by as he got sent to the office she felt a slight breeze and with it came the scent of his cologne.

The last noticeable difference between Tristan and all the other boys in the school was his body in general. He was muscular, but not in the way the football players were. Just by looking at the way he moved you could tell he had been in many fights and he could handle himself well. It almost looked like he was daring everyone to start something with him. Also, he had scars. Not one single person in GCHS had one. Their bodies were all perfect. Many rumors went around about how got them but he never hinted if the rumors were right or way beyond the truth. There was one on the right side of his right eye, it wasn't too out of the ordinary, but it was still it was a hot topic at school. Another one was on his right hand, right in the middle of his knuckles. It was deep and very red. The last one was on his throat, it went straight across his neck. He often raised his collar on his uniform to cover it up, but at times you could vaguely see part of it. Lastly, he had a tattoo. It was on his left upper arm, and it liked like it was a symbol for something. All the students that went to GCHS's parents considered their children to be either "too sophisticated" or "too professional" for tattoos so none of them had any, aside from the whores with tramp stamps. It wasn't like their parents would see their angel of a daughter with her pants low and thong hanging out, with a shirt too high up where you could see a tattoo like 'Andy forever!' when they clearly, did not last forever.

Kailee herself was considered a "perfect" girl. But like Tristan, in a different department, she was not as she appeared to be. And if her parents knew she was simply analyzing a boy like him she would be grounded. Her long natural strawberry blond hair fell just past her shoulders. Her blue eyes smiled all day everyday, even though it was fake. She was not happy and she felt horrible about it because she felt she should have been grateful for not having a life like Tristan's, though she had no idea what his life was like. Yet.