‹ Prequel: Contumacious
Status: On Going

Be my Love

That's Enough Mother

So... I have no idea what happened after he ran out of the house, but I did notice that the... ahem... noises, in the other room were getting progressively louder, so there was no way in hell that I was staying any longer. I had quickly grabbed my stuff hastily and swung my bag over my back. I hadn't intended on doing anything at first, but it took me about 5 seconds as I was heading out of the door to his room to realize that I was alone... in Dai's room... It was like the mother load of stupid information that I could pick up on the kid. So... needless to say I took it upon myself to 'borrow' some of his things. I left a note... with my number on it. After that I booked it out of there as fast as I possibly could. The... ahem... noises were picking up and quite frankly I wasn't in for that kind of show.

When I got home it was relatively quiet. There were a few people running around helping out with the laundry and the yard, but it was pretty peaceful all in all. Just meant that my evil sister wasn't home, which is just fine with me. I can't deal with her squealing right now. It's times like these that I can feel what it would have been like to be an only child... It's a beautiful existence let me tell you. I of course headed straight for the shower to wash myself off. Pretty like this needs to be maintained, and I definitely needed to get the dirt off of me from yesterday. Luckily practice had been cancelled for the day so that we could rest for the weekend. Not that I would have gone anyway. Coach knew that if I didn't show up then I'd just work with my dad later which was worse than actually going to practice.

It was nice. The water definitely helped to work out all of the knots that I had built up in my back from sleeping on the floor cuddled in Dai's warmth. I don’t even want to revisit that. Of course, being in the shower and having forgotten to put the music on I was left to my thoughts, which is never good. Just thinking about the project and having to work with Dai. I’m honestly too exhausted from the this week to even begin to give him hell today. I had actually gone to practice the majority of the week, and then my dad decided that it’d be funny to make me work then too. I wasn’t happy to say the least, but he’s still bigger than me. I can’t take him yet. He knows that the day is fast approaching where I’m just gonna kick his ass for being a jerk.

Everyone thinks that my parents are just the sweetest things. Well they haven’t heard them yell, not that they’d understand to begin with but whatever. My parents moved here from Japan for whatever reason when they were younger before they had children. I almost want to say that my mom had been pregnant with me at the time, but I really have no idea. They took a little bit to get everything together and working out, but it didn’t take long for scouts to realize that my dad had potential in the professional arena. They signed him not too long after. I’ve basically grown up in the seat of luxury, but I do remember some of the times where it was getting pretty close there.

I finally deemed myself clean and stepped out of the shower quickly checking on the bruises from the other day. They’d faded well enough for the time span. A few of the cuts were still pretty angry, but they’d fade in time. Oh well, I suppose that I was kinda asking for it. It’s rare that I find someone who can hand my ass to me that easily, so it’s not to say that I’m not impressed. Sure I’m pissed, but again, it’s not like it wasn’t a wake up call. Whatever, I'll worry about it later. It's not like something like that is ever going to happen again I don't think.

I sighed and shook my head. Whatever, they were there and I'd earned them. It's easier to just live with them. I dried off my hair and went into my room to grab some clothes. It wasn't like I was going out so sweats sounded really good, but then again there was someone coming over. Didn't matter if it was the geek, I still wasn't going to just walk around here in sweats no matter how much more comfortable I'd be. I thought about it a little more before finally just settling on a pair of skinnes and a black shirt. I couldn't be bothered to try too much harder than that though. Make up was too much work and if I did it then I know that my mom would insist that I was trying to look good for my guest.

I love my mother to death. I really do. She's probably the only sane one in the household besides myself... wait.... I'm not anywhere near sane. I'm more sane than my nightmare sister. Now that is just the definition of evil. People think that I'm an asshole, well she's a bitch; a big one at that. I almost feel bad for Dai having to come over here. I had tried to save him the scarring of having to come to my house by finishing the project from hell in one night, which is apparently impossible, but to no avail. I suppose that it doesn't really help that I had no idea what I was doing. I just sat there and pretended to listen while he explained everything to me. Honestly, it was safer that I took almost two hours to clean the glass sheets. The less that I have to do with the whole thing, the better that we'll do, and to be honest, I actually do need to pass this class. Knowing the science teacher and her absolute hate of me, I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't just look at me and take a stamp out of her desk and coat it in red ink just to hit me in the head with it. Yep, that's how much she hates me. I have to be branded with the mark of a failure.

Whatever, she's just bitter that I don't study or pay attention and yet still manage to do well in her class.

I sat down at my desk and put my feet up as I started to look at the books that I'd managed to pick up. They were the first ones that I saw, ironic that they were all language books. I immediately threw the first one on the pile to the side. I didn't need that one, so I moved onto the French book... interesting. I didn't know that he spoke French.. or maybe he was just trying to learn it. Geek I'm being hypocritical.

It took me about 20 minutes to get frustrated with it though. I love languages. I really really do love them. But when you spend half of the time translating it doesn't really help out. I ended up looking at it and reading all of the tiny scrawled notes that were in the margins. The geek had gone and outlined just about everything and there were parallels about what means what in each different language, even a few that I couldn't even begin to decipher. It was irritating to say the least. Maybe I'd come back to it later. I could say that I had managed to get through the first few lessons in that time. But just knowing how to say Bonjour monsieur/ madame, comment aller vous? and being able to respond in any of the different ways really wasn't going to help me that much. Besides, the entire other two lessons were all just memorizing words. I hate memorizing words. I just end up translating them from French, to Spanish, to English, and then finally to Japanese where they make the most sense.

Language learning is wonderful... until you've run yourself in circles. I didn't really know what else to do with the books, but the snide little comments at the writers in the margins did prove to be amusing. It definitely proved that the glimpses of personality that I was getting yesterday weren't just my ears messing with me. Of course, because he dropped his guard, I seemed to have dropped mine, it's the only explanation that I'm getting for ending up in that... predicament.

I think that I may have made it through a good potion of the remarks when I heard a ruckus in the house... That must be Gisele deciding to come home, or maybe she had already been home. I don't know, but it must have been the later because I think that the gate opened for someone earlier. Yes, there is a gate in front of the house. After my dad starting getting really popular, the paparazzi decided that it would be a great idea to follow him home. The night that we found a photographer in my sisters room while she was sleeping was the last straw. The wall went up within a few days, and the gate was armed. To this day, we've no idea how he managed to get in the house in the first place, but we do know that he's not going to get another chance. He was charged with breaking an entering and invasion of privacy. I still don't know how we won that one, but the judge must have really liked my dad because we were given quite a bit of money because of it.

Suddenly there was a huge noise of what seemed to be running through the house. What the fuck was going on? Gisele was a pain in the ass, but goodness knows that the bitch wasn't going to fucking run through the house, or run for anything really. Someone must be here... maybe it's Dai... She's probably attacking him with her feminine wiles. Fuck that. Even a hooker is more attractive that her. There are times when I look back and wonder what the fuck happened to my baby sister, the sweet one that just wanted to have fun. Then I realize that she became a bitch with too much interest in her self image. Fuck that. She was anorexic for a bit there because she didn't think that she was skinny enough, she was a stick to begin with mind you. There are times when I'd love to blame the media, but I can't really do that because we don't really have a huge interest in television. There's maybe 2 in the entire house because quite frankly the internet is far more interesting and we can do business on it. There's news all over the place. So, unfortunately, it doesn't really serve as a great excuse... So I think that I'll settle for blaming her plastic friends.

Suddenly I could hear people rushing about the house... What on earth was going on? No one runs around this house! Not even the maids run about; it wouldn't make sense to, they'd get tired pretty quickly. I quickly put the books off to the side where, hopefully, no one Dai will find them when my door was quickly busted through and closed in a flurry. I looked up quickly, slightly annoyed, only to find that it was Dai breathing hard, and looking as though he'd almost been eaten by a pack of rapid lions.

"What the hell man! Ever heard of the little thing called knocking?!"

"Your sister is Satan," he protested with a horrified look adorning his face that I couldn't help but crack up at. Most of my so-called friends love her. She's a huge fucking flirt, and would probably jump into bed with just about anyone... ugh...

"Wow you really are gay. Any other guy that came here loves her. Yeah she's Satan's spawn," I explained and chuckled as he rubbed at his hands and tried to dust away any remnants of her touch.

"I'd rather spend a week with you beating the crap out of me non-stop than being with her for even a minute."

"Wow! What did she do to you? I mean really. I wanna know how she strikes that fear in you."

Jeeze.. not even I can do that... What did she do?!

"Are you in there love?! Come out I want to touch your incredibly smooth looking skin!" came Gisele's overly sweet voice from the other side of the door. Ugh... gag me.

Dai suddenly calmed slightly and looked around for something until he finally came up with a spare roll of duck tape that I just so happened to have lying around. I watched curiously as he opened the door for the devil, and ripped off a generous strip of the tape as Gisele took a step into the room...

Fuck no bitch... she was not coming in here.

"You look familiar. Have we met? No I would of remembered a hunk such as yourself. Mmh wanna- MPH!"

I have to say, I was just about to get up and push her out unceremoniously, but Dai beat me to it. As soon as she started talking he quickly placed the duck tape firmly over her mouth... Fuck yes! Is it about damn time that someone shut her the fuck up! I was impressed to say the least. Of course, being me, I take much enjoyment out of other people's suffering, and the look on Gisele's face was just too priceless.

"Alas I must bid you well for I have work to do. I recommend you soak for a hour before trying to pull that stuff off unless if you want a patch of hair missing."

"So you hate girls that much?" I asked still chuckling slightly.

"Only your sister."

"Well we have something in common then."

"We seem to have allot of things in common."

And he was right.. we did seem to have a fair bit in common... but I wasn't going to let him know that I was actually enjoying his company at the moment. I've never really met someone like Dai. He's basically opening up more and more through this entire project thing, mind you it's only been a day, but that's beside the point, and it seems that, instead of his personality becoming easier to pin down, it's getting harder and harder to understand.

Why would he have this sarcastic personality when he's comfortable that he hides with the bland, monotonousness? It seems like too much work to me. He could be someone that actually had a whole bundle of people that he could call friends, instead of his little hoard of geeks, and yet he hides behind some sort of mask... I guess that I'm being slightly hypocritical because it's not like I'm as loud and obnoxious at home as I am in school, but I'm still essentially the same person. Dai... Dai is like this anomaly that is incessantly changing the more that I get to know him. I... I just don't understand.

Of course, while I was lost in my thoughts Dai had taken it upon himself to start pulling supplies and such out, and had begun to, once again, explain what he was going to be doing. I wasn't paying attention though, and he knew it. It's times like this where I wonder why people try. If I'm obviously not paying attention to them, why talk? It's silly... at least try to get my attention first.

"Are you even listening to me?" Dai finally asked in exasperation.


So... in other words... no.

He sighed in annoyance and got up to hand me the instructions for the next step.

"Here, we'll do it this way, just read me the instructions, and we'll call it good. Once we get to the point where we can put it together, I'll need your help though."

I nodded. I wasn't exactly the greatest when it came to the sciencey stuff... I don't really enjoy it... Well... Let's put it this way. I used to enjoy science a lot when I was a little kid because there were often small experiments that would cause a huge mess, or would, perhaps, be rather dangerous for an eight year old to be conducting themselves. It used to scare my parents half to death when there were things flying all over the lawn and exploding at the end. So, that only made it more fun!


"What?!" I yelled as I jumped in surprise.

"I'm telling you what we're going to be doing next... Could you please at least pretend to be listening to me?"

Well now that would take concentration... which I don't seem to have at the moment... or ever really.

However, I did pretend to pay attention, and did exactly what I was told.. Sat there and just watched him explain all of the sciencey stuff, and do all of the sciencey stuff... I don't know how he does it. Science is basically awful.. and I'm pretty sure that I'd never have figured any of this out without Dai.. unfortunately.. maybe... Maybe it was good to have a geek around every once in a while. Although I'm having more and more doubts about how much of a geek Dai really is. He's hiding actual personality that keeps slowly seeping through the cracks of this mask that he's put up, and each time that it rears its head all I want to do is continue to do something to see if I can get more out of him than these glimpses.

I will say this though, I am seriously glad to find someone who actually agrees with me about my sister being insane... and annoying... and he hates her! It's about time! Seriously, all of my friends love her, they just don't seem to understand how much of an evil terror she really is. It's kinda, slightly annoying... especially when find pictures of her in their gym lockers... Let's just say that that doesn't happen so much anymore because people have gone home with black eyes... I don't care if I hate her, that's still not appropriate. Don't hang up pictures of my sister to jack off to... asshole, not fucking appropriate.

It seems that I had actually managed to successfully make it appear as though I was paying attention because we managed to actually get a little bit of work done, and I can even say that I helped because Dai kept tugging at me when he needed someone to hold something in place. We had managed to get up half of the apparatus for the prism by the time that a buzzer went off for dinner... I probably should have warned Dai about it though because he jumped about five feet in the air when it went off. I couldn't help but laugh.. it was hilarious. Dai wasn't quite as amused though because he definitely threw one of the random pillows at my face.

"It's not funny you dick."

I just laughed harder, there was that attitude is it bad that it's kinda attractive?. And I have to say, that just made everything that much more funny. The point that he thought it necessary to put a little more effort behind insulting me was basically half the fun of this entire project. Maybe if I annoyed him enough then he'll just explode on me... Now that would be entertaining.

"Now you're just being immature, what was that all about anyway?"

It took me another couple of minutes to calm down, in which time, Dai was becoming increasingly annoyed with me. I could just about see the steam coming out of his ears in anger. Now wouldn't that be an entertaining picture? Just to watch him get all red in the face, and then watch his head blow up from the pressure. Now that would be a good science project; let's see how long it takes your partner to blow his lid. Okay, now I really needed to stop because I was just going to fall in another fit of laughter if my head kept this up.

"It's for dinner," I finally managed between gasps.

My stomach was officially sore by this point, I don't think that I'll need to go and work out with my dad today; not that I was going to get the time. It seems that the further we get into this stupid project, the longer it seems to take. This is the second full day that we've worked through this, and we're still less than half way though. And if last night is any indication, then we're likely to fall asleep while still working; something that I am definitely not at all used to. If I keep this up then I am going to turn into a book banging freak... just great.

"For dinner?"

"Yeah, the house is too big for us to hear someone call if dinner is ready, so my mom just buzzes all of the rooms to make sure that we get everyone."

He seemed confused, but it made perfect sense. There are times where all of us would literally be in different rooms for the entire day, and it wouldn't be possible for someone calling for dinner to reach us all at the same time. It was normally the case that my dad and I were down stairs doing whatever ridiculous workout that he could come up with for the day, so we didn't hear it at all sometimes.


His face suddenly went a little bit pale.

"Are you okay?"

"It's dinner time already?"

"Uhh... well it would appear so."

"Oh no! I have to get home! I have to..."

"It's really no problem. My mom didn't see you leave, so I'm sure that she guessed that you were just staying. What's the problem?"

"My dads, they'll be worried if I don't get home for dinner."

"Jeeze Dai, just call. It's not that big of a deal."


"Just call, and you might want to tell them that you're staying to finish this stupid thing," I said as I indicated the just about half finished prism on the floor.

I hated that thing from the very beginning and the closer that we got to the finish the more that I just wanted to crush the whole damn this... Unfortunately, the geek wasn't exactly thrilled with that idea. He actually wanted to finish it and turn it in. Whatever, I don't care, I just want it to suffer for all of the trouble that it's giving me. And I can just tell by the look in his eyes that Dai is getting closer and closer to letting me just do whatever the fuck I want with the damned thing.

I sat back on the chaise for a moment as Dai called his parents. I'm pretty sure that he uhh.. how do I put this... interrupted something because his face was immediately set into a tone of annoyance... and then my suspicions were confirmed when Dai started screaming into the phone.

"Are you having sex and talking to me on the phone at the same time?!"


I thought that I heard a couple of giggles come from the other end. It's not really a problem to me I guess... but it's still weird. I know that some of my parents friends were gay from when they lived in Japan. They always talk about how much they miss the two boys, but they don't seem to know how to get ahold of them because they just keep talking. I've had my suspicions that they really just came to the US because they wanted to see if they could find the couple, but they never talk about the move.

Dai continues to yell at his phone in annoyance for another couple of minutes, and managed to fit in something about staying here for dinner and likely the rest of the night before closing his phone with a huff. You see, it's moments like these, that make this entire group torture project worth while. I get to see someone actually have a personality instead of his stupid stoic, monotonousness persona that he always wears. I guess you could say that I feel slightly honoured... but that's too cheesy and girly, and Jaiden Braulio is by no means girly.

"Are you okay?" I asked patronizingly.

"You can cut that shit out right now. Let's just go and eat dinner," he mumbled annoyed as he just walked out of my room.

I couldn't help but chuckle just a little bit more... It seems that in his annoyance at me, he's forgotten that my sister is still in the house. It doesn't last long because soon I can hear my sister squealing followed closely by what was most certainly running. Of course, being the sadistic bastard that I am, I only chuckled more.


By the time that we had finally managed to get Gisele to calm down, sit at the table, and actually not bother Dai everything was set. My mother had stood in the kitchen for a good 10 minutes just watching Gisele with one of those looks that's definitely wondering where on earth she went wrong. I can't see my mother chasing my dad around like that, so I really don't have a clue where she gets it from. You'd also thing that Dai would have made it perfectly clear that he wasn't into girls after the first three minutes of screaming it at her once she'd caught him. I almost felt bad for him, but it was really rather entertaining to watch her just about squeeze the life out of him. But the best part was when Dai started turning purple. By that point I was just rolling on the floor from the hilarity of the situation. It had taken both my father and myself pulling Dai and Gisele away from each other.

So of course, with the luck that the two of us have been having this week, we ended up in a rather.. ahem.. awkward position; which had then resulted in Gisele whining and asking why I got to cuddle with Dai, as she put it, and she was being held back in vice grip. Then, my mother, being my mother, just had to put in that Dai was gay, and it was the only way that I could settle my conscience because I was so far in denial. I had to be close to someone who was actually willing to put themselves out there. You know... I really kinda hate my family sometimes because my dad didn't even come to my rescue on that one. Nope, not a chance. He just pulled my sister over to her seat, and then proceeded to laugh at my expense.

So now, we're sat at the table quietly enjoying the meal, or at least we were.. until my mother decided to speak up. I don't mind it, but she could at least not keep insisting that I'm gay. I'm not! I appreciate that there are people that are gay, but mom, I'm sorry, I don't play for that team. You can only have one girl.

"So Dai, how are you enjoying yourself?"

I could visibly see him start to tense at the sound of her voice. I guess that it doesn't really help that my mother and my sister sound just about the same. The only difference is that my sister puts in this false sense of sweetness behind every syllable. It's really irritating.

"I am enjoying myself very much Mrs. Braulio," he answered politely, and you could almost hear the unspoken, now just under his breath.

"That's very good my dear. You look like a bright young man, what is it that you and Jaiden are working on?" she continued to inquire.

"We're doing a science project."

"Oh! That's wonderful! Is it something very exciting, or just a simple presentation?"

I really kinda just wanted to lean over and tell my mother that he really didn't want to talk. I almost feel bad for subjecting him to this. I think that it completely surprised him that our entire family sat as straight as a board and ate rather delicately. It's nothing to do with high society, I guess that I just learned from watching my dad... who was required to sit up as straight as he did because of all of the times that he'd thrown out his back. That's always the best time of the month, I finally get a break, and it's just funny to watch him try to move around and do something simple and then groan. So funny.

"We're making a prism."

"Oh! Wow... that's really impressive," came my sister's obviously fake voice from the other end of the table. "Maybe you could help me out with my anatomy homework later Dai, I'm really stuck on this one part, and could definitely use some he... Ow!"

I smirked in accomplishment, and it was a good one because reaching across the table and kicking someone else wasn't an easy task to accomplish unnoticed. I'd feel bad... but she's a bitch and no fucking way was my geek going to help her with her anatomy homework.

"Mom! Jaiden just kicked me!"

"Jaiden," she said softly.

"I don't know what she's talking about mom. I clearly cannot reach her from over here without someone seeing me," I reasoned.

It's always nice to have reason on your side. It drives Gisele absolutely insane though because she doesn't have a come back for it. It is really impossible for someone to kick another person from each side of the table without being noticed.... Unless they're super ninja sneaky like me. I could just see her mouth moving up and down like a fish, just trying to come up with something that would actually get me in trouble. Too bad her actual capacity for brain function was being used up ogling Dai. I actually did feel bad for him now.. she's not exactly someone that you want on your back in the first place, but since he's gay... doesn't really do too much for that.

"Don't think too hard Gisele, your pretty little head will blow up," I said in the sweetest tone that I could muster for my sister.

I smirked wider when I heard a soft chuckle coming from my right. Well, at least someone got that because Gisele apparently only caught that I called her pretty, and my parents don't really care. The rule on sarcasm is that if you can take what you give out then, by all means, use it to your advantage. Unfortunately for Gisele, she's among the 10% of the population that doesn't understand sarcasm... well.. that or she just doesn't care. I highly doubt that it's the latter however because she's too interested in her appearance. I almost feel bad for her.

"Have you called your parents dear? We'd hate to be the cause of a stir at home, and if something comes up then we'd be happy to call over for you," came my mother's sweet voice.

"I called them just before dinner Mrs. Braulio, they should be fine... as long as they decide that the kitchen is actually supposed to be used for cooking and eating food," he finished with an annoyed tone.

My parents just chuckled lightly... I don't even want to know what that's implying.

"Oh well that's good, okay, well if you need a ride home or anything be sure to let one of us know. We'll have someone take you home."

"Thank you Mrs. Braulio, but that really won't be necessary. I can walk home just fine."

"Nonsense. Someone will be available to take you home whenever you're ready dear. Oh! and please, it's Lisa, there's no reason for to be so formal."

Dai just blushed and nodded. "Thank you... Lisa..."

"So what about your parents Dai? Are they very nice?"

"Yes, they try their hardest for me... but there are times where I feel as though I'm the parent and they're the children... it's.. interesting around the house."

My father chuckled... I don't know what he was laughing about. There are definitely times where the sentiment is exactly the same on this side too. He's just a little kid that pretends that he's an adult. They won't even let him do interviews anymore because he always manages to say something that is completely childish... Although I will give him this, when it comes down to his contract, you'd think that he was one of the top lawyers in the country. I would certainly be intimidated if my dad came into the house in a five piece suit, and brief case in hand.

"Oh, they can't be that bad dear."

"You haven't met my fathers," Dai said quickly before stopping completely and freezing, looking around quickly as if to gauge their reaction.

My dad only chuckled, "Well... boys will be boys, right Lisa?"

My mother just rolled her eyes at him. It wasn't the case, he was wild at times, but I didn't really do a whole lot around the house, or run about. I think that the only things that I've ever done that actually makes a mess is start to blow everything up, and even then it wasn't like it was a huge problem. I only did it every once in a while.... sometimes... during the summer... every day... Hey! It's not like it was every hour or something like that. I'm not that ridiculous.

"Believe what you like Jase."

He just continued to giggle in at the end of the table. I could see Dai calm down considerably, glad that there wasn't a problem. I don't see what he had to be worried about. It's not like I freaked out on his fathers when I went over there. I suppose that I really didn't have too great of a reaction though because I definitely didn't say a word about it; just made scared faces for a bit there... What?! It's not every day that you walk into a house and see someone's parents rolling around half naked on the kitchen floor, and see their kid not even bat an eyelash at it. No, instead, Dai just rolled his eyes and yelled at them, and they weren't embarrassed or anything, they just continued to giggle at him... I don't think that I'll ever understand that...

My parents aren't like that at all... they keep their.. um.. private life... private. It's better that way. I'd rather not even think about something like that... ever... Gross!

"So you're adopted then dear?"

"Yes, they adopted me when I was really little. I used to ask them why they chose me..." He replied softly.

"Oh, how sweet of you dear. I'm sure that they must have seen something very special. You're a very lovely young man, I'd say that they've done a fantastic job in raising you."

"I'm still holding to the perception that I'm the one raising them..."

I just chuckled lightly because I'm the only one in the room who knew what he was talking about. My parents just smiled and nodded at him.

And then my mother had to go and ruin it because she's so fucking convinced that I'm inclined, as she so wonderfully puts it, to the members of the same sex. Apparently she just doesn't seem to understand that I don't date because I don't really find anyone that I'd want to date. I've obviously been with a girl before, and my parents both know this... I think that she just says stuff like this to get a rise out of me. It's not at all appreciated.

"So... what do you think of our dear Jaiden, Dai?"

I could just about hear him choke slightly on the water that he was drinking before looking up.

"W-what do you mean Mrs... I mean.. Lisa?"

"Well, do you find him very attractive? And... your parents are homosexual... surely our dear Jaiden strikes you as not exactly... well... you know..."


"What?! I'm not doing anything. Since you won't admit to it, I need someone to confirm my suspicions here. And you can deny it all you like darling, I'm not even going to begin to go into this story again. We, Jase and I, were absolutely convinced that an old friend of ours was completely straight for the longest time, and then one day we find him molesting the new boy in his locker of all places."

"Mom... Please.. please just stop..."

"I'm making a point Jaiden, and you'd best pay attention since you don't seem to listen any other time that I'm speaking. I don't care what stage of denial that you're in, I just want you to know that it's okay if you want to come out of the closet. Your father and I will love you no matter what your sexuality."

I could just see the smug look on Gisele's face from across the table. Could this get any worse right now? I really didn't need someone to hear this daily argument that my mother and I had. I was not gay. I know that she's so insistent on it, and that story, no matter how adorable, does not indicated that I am gay. I just knew that Gisele was going to start spreading around the school that I was gay. Of course it wouldn't do her any good because then I would just have more girls after me thinking that they could "convert" me.... whatever. They're all delusional.

"Well... In my opinion... I can't really tell anything as of the moment... but just from outside observation... I can't really say anything that would confirm your suspicions Mrs... Lisa. But... I can say that he is very attractive..."

I looked up at Dai in surprise and confusion, completely surprised that he didn't just go out and say that there was no way that someone would like me because I'm a jerk that only knows how to beat the shit out of everyone.. Although I think that it was also a way to take a stab at my sister... indirectly... which... I can appreciate. If that's how he wanted to play then alright... But I can't say that I was unaffected by his words... that was... sweet? of him...

Ugh! I am not going to start thinking like this again! I'd only be working into my mother's theories and conjectures, and the last thing that I need is her just prancing around the house, shoving it in my face that she was right and that I'm just completely delusional.

"Well that is very sweet of you dear... but... you'll be sure to get back to me soon then? Since you two seem to be getting on so well now?"

She looked so hopeful and Dai just seemed to want to kill himself at that, but nodded anyway.

Dinner ended shortly there after, and I sent Dai up to my room to get everything started while I helped clean everything up and then served the cooks and the maids. It was the one thing that we always did for them. Since they worked so hard, they would then get the chance to sit back while the family brought out the food and they relaxed. I just helped pass everything out and then excused myself upstairs. My parents knew that I had something to do, and they trusted Dai to keep my in line. Much to my own misfortune.

I entered to find Dai running about.

"Where were you?"

"What does it matter to you?" I didn't need him to know this little tidbit of information about me. I wasn't going to let him know that I was actually rather sweet.. although... I think that I might be failing in that regard as of late.

"Ugh! Whatever, I need help with this. Can you hold these in place again?"

"I thought that we'd set though before we went down to dinner?"

"Yes we did, but then they decided to fall over, so please just come over here and hold them so that I can reset everything."

Wow... workaholic much?

We continued to work for another couple hours, tweaking this, and moving that, writing down information that I didn't understand, and Dai still finding it necessary to explain what we were doing.... Did I seriously fail in letting him know that I honestly didn't have a clue what he was saying the first hundred and fifty times that he explained it to me... I don't know what he's saying. It really doesn't accomplish anything to keep saying things that don't mean anything to me in the first place. I just rolled my eye and nodded my head in what I thought were the right places to let him know that I heard him... didn't meant that I was listening.

By the time that 1 am rolled around I was ready to fall over and die.

"Are we fucking done yet?!"

"Umm... I... don't know... anymore..."

"Ugh... I'm going to take a shower. I'll be back..."


"No... I'm done with this stupid fucking thing. If I don't go away right now then it will sufficiently be in pieces in the next ten minutes, and no, I won't even try to make this damn thing work again."

He didn't protest so I just walked out and jumped in the hot shower, letting it loosen all of my tense muscles with it's warmth. I almost felt bad, but I just couldn't take it anymore. I don't ever want to see this thing again, and we're still not fucking done! I have a feeling that one more day of work should do it, but I just really don't even want to think about it right now. I'm going to have weird equations running through my head along with diagrams of triangles and spheres running around and worsening my headache. I don't need this shit. Ugh!!!

I finally got out of the shower after what I was assuming was twenty minutes and dried off. I pulled my pajamas out of the drawer and pulled them on before walking out of the bathroom.

I came in expecting to be yelled at for taking so long, but instead I found Dai curled around some of the plans for the project from hell and one of the many pillows on the chaise. I could help but find the sight slightly adorable. It seems that he had managed to slip into pajamas before dozing off, so I didn't have to worry about him being too uncomfortable.

I smiled softly and went out to grab one of the spare blankets for Dai. I came back in to find him curled in on himself and smiled at him. That was just... well... adorable for lack of a better word. But he appeared to be getting pretty cold. I draped the blanket over Dai's shoulders and went to turn off the overhead light; the project sufficiently forgotten. I climbed into bed, and shut my eyes happily, glad of the rest.


I woke up to rustling when suddenly my face was flooded with light. What the fuck?! I quickly shot up to find a smirking Dai on the balcony, and getting ready to jump off of the edge.

"What the fuck do you think that you're doing?! We have a front door you know."

"This is the only way that your sister won't find me."

"She's not even awake, now get your ass back in here and use the front door before you hurt yourself."

"I'll be fine... oh.. by the way, feel free to keep the books. You might learn something," he explained as he winked and jumped off of the second story balcony....

What the fuck was that?!

It took me a couple of minutes to finally understand what he meant... he knew that I had his books... fuck.
♠ ♠ ♠
7414 words.

*hides in terror* I'm sorry!
I know that it's been forever, but from the length I hope that it makes up for it. It wasn't even that I was super busy, it's just that there was SSOOOOO much to put in this and I was getting angry at it... so... here you are. It's actually almost 1500 words more than I had intended.. I suppose that I just got carried away.. I actually took out just over 500 words too... soo... I hope that you all can forgive me! I'm so so sorry.