‹ Prequel: Contumacious
Status: On Going

Be my Love

Thinking and Sulking and Devious Plans Oh my!

I'm going to kill him. I'm just going to fucking kill him! What the fuck man? Seriously! This is like the only thing that I do that doesn't really affect what he's doing! When I finally get my hands on thatmother father fucker then I'm going to rip his balls off and then shove them down his throat. Then he'll definitely have something to laugh about. And then there's that! Where the fuck did all of that emotion fucking come from?! It's like I got to see a real person inside of Dai today! After 2 years, I'm finally seeing more out of him than just this bland expression and that even more terrible monotone, bored about life, voice of his. He was fucking about to fall on the floor laughing because the school nurse and I got caught by the principal. He's like an entirely different person! And then! And THEN!!! As soon as Mr. Brown turns back around to see what it was that I was looking at the kid is right back to being that stoic bitch! I can't fucking stand this stupid shit head! It's like there's life in him for a few moments and then he's back to being this weirdo. And now!! Now that I know that his fucking stupid stoic exterior is just some stupid fucking mask that he puts on to fuck with everyone's minds, I have to show the world that he's really just some two faced fuck!

I spent the rest of the day just sitting in a class, or purposely skipping a class... or avoiding going to the office and having to deal with the "call your parents" phase of punishment. Fuck! Why did they have to be brought into this. It's not like anything that they say is honestly going to mean anything to me. My dad used to smoke pot, and drink and all that shitand honestly, I wouldn't put it past him still doing it now. Living out the glory days or some shit like that. Now my mother... I don't know how she's going to react, but I do know that she's going to be pissed as shit. So... I'm going to avoid that fright train as long as humanly possible. Anyway, I'm missing the point, yet again, I spent the day just thinking. Thinking about whatever the hell that I possibly could to get the world to understand the true Dai Sway.

I can't just let people go on thinking that he's just some emotionless prickinteresting choice of words. They have to know, and I'm going to let them. They're missing out on this mystery, and it is my duty to have them see the true face of Dai. I don't know how I'm going to do it yet, but I do know that I have a lot to do to make everything seem real. And not to mention that he went and played innocent little freak! once the principal was done screaming his lungs out at me and firing the only decent nurse that the school had. If there's one thing that I hate, it's suck ups. And cock sucking suck ups are even worse; God you could just tell that he was milking the principals sack for all it's worth.

Lunch was uneventful. I think that I was scaring my "friends" because I didn't say a damn word the whole fucking time, or... maybe it was because I was muttering countless curses to myself. I never can tell with those blokes. Maybe it's time that I learn to sit with people of my own intellegence level... but then that might just imply that I sit with the geeks... and that shit ain't happenin'. The rest of the day went by similarly... with the skipping and hiding... Fuck! I need a new smoking buddy! Fucker, I have a whole new reason to hate him now. She was the only one that was even remotely fun in this school. Not to mention that if you got her high enough she didn't remember sucking you off the day before. What a wonderful existence. But No! Someone just has to go and ruin my good time! Fucker!

Anyway, by the time that last period rolled around I was sitting on the women's locker room floor trying to think of something that would help me reveal Dai's little personality problem.No one ever checks here for a guy when students suddenly disappear for the day. It works out so well. I couldn't think of shit, and sitting here without any weed was definitely not improving my mood of the moment. I just wanted to feel a little bit more calm while plotting someone's social end, is that so much to ask? Well, it didn't turn out to matter anyway because by the time that I was just starting to come up with something even remotely decent the bell for the end of the school day sounded and my idea was completely lost.Is it bad that that bell normally signals the end of thinking with my brain for the day?

I picked myself off of the ground still muttering to myself and dusted myself off before heading towards my locker. I had to at least pretend to make an effort in school, and considering that my parents weren't likely to be in the best of moods when I got home, I figured that it might be just a tad better for me if it looked like I was focusing on my studies. Ha! Not gonna happen, but they don't need to know that. Either way, I just grabbed a few books that I didn't intend on reading, grabbed my keys off of the hook and then locked the door. Don't want anything stolen now do we? I walked out of the school completely ignoring that I probably have practice or some shit today. It didn't matter, I doubt that I'm allowed to go for the next weeks considering my "actions" for the day. Coach would have my head if I missed the game on Friday, but I didn't think that that'd be a problem. No matter how my Mr. Brown hates me, he's not going to make me miss a sporting event. I was the quarterback, and there wasn't a backup. He wasn't going to let the team fail. We had a championship to win.

It was on my way down the stairs and out to my car that I spotted Dai and his... whatevers walking along that I got the most brilliant idea ever. I don't know shit about the kid other than the fact that he's a two faced son of a bitch that fucked with my smoking habits, so how the hell? would I even begin to go about revealing the other side of him? I couldn't, that's how. No, I had to get to know this kid inside and out. I had to be able to recite fucking poetry about his shitty life. So, no matter how much I hated it, I had to get to know the kid. But I wasn't risking actually "getting to know" him in the traditional sense, no! That would be far too degrading; I'm not up for making friends or some shit like that. Nope. I'm going to be a complete creeper and tail the kid as much as possible. I might even have to film him sleeping just to fuck with his head some more. Oh, this was the best plan in the entire world. I was going to mind fuck him, and make him regret ever fucking with me.
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1277 words

Sorry about the wait. My weekend was crazy.
Enjoy. :)