The Seasons

Fall and Winter

Flowing, a river runs around you, gurgling in a way to bring a giggling school-girl to mind.
Leaves rustle, as if impatient to leave the brown bark they are anchored to, and wave in the wind.

The wind is gently coaxing a sway from everything, including you.

The air swirls around, gradually making the temperature drop and make your breath visible.

Everything is changing, the colors of the leaves turning to Orange, Yellow, and Brown. The river grows sluggish, ice beginning to clog it up slowly, as the flowers wilt, die and are covered under a blanket of leaves. The trees grow bare, looking as dead as the coldness makes you feel.

Snow floats lazily through the skies, blanketing everything, that already blanketed the ground, with a layer of white.

Cold plunges into your veins, making your limbs numb and causes sharp, short breaths to come to your mouth. Breath plumes, fogging up your glasses briefly before fading into nothingness.

There is no sound. No birds sing, nor deer run. No squirrels skitter around, nor rabbits scamper.
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This is the first chapter of two. Tell me what you think. It was initially in a journal entry and I switched it to this....