Status: Active.

The fake mustache.

The Fake Mustache

Courtney sat down on Jacks love seat, next to Rian who had Kara on his lap. Jack, Chelsea, Lisa and Zack were sitting on the floor and Matt and Jade were perched on the couch across from us. Alex was pacing back and forth. “Okay guys. The rules are simple. You must complete everything on the list and get back here first anyone not back here by 6:30 are disqualified. Photo evidence is needed. Everyone ready?” Alex asked, singing out the disqualified bit.

A chorus of ‘yeah’ were heard as we all stood up and grabbed our partners and lists and cameras. At exactly 5pm we all raced out to our cars. Rian and Kara were the first to get into Rian’s grandma’s van, followed by Matt and Jade, Courtney and Jack, Alex and Lisa then finally Zack and Chelsea.

Jack being the crazy driver he is, sped off meaning Courtney and him took the lead. Smiling at each other they began singing at obnoxiously to ‘barbie girl’ as they made their way to the mall. “so i was thinking we should dye your hair not mine because I don’t want to wreck mine and it will be quicker for you” Courtney said, grinning at Jack as he nodded, taking a sharp turn to pull into a parking space. They were jumping out of the car before it was even stopped. Courtney jumped a trolley and Jack began pushing it, running full speed. They somehow manage to avoid all collisions as they swerved through people.

Courtney jumped out as they ran into a fruit shop; Jack grabbed two oranges and one banana, arranging them to look like a dick. Courtney quickly took a photo before they ran off again. Running into the next shop they needed. Hot topic. Courtney ran inside, spotting what she needed instantly. Taking out her camera she subtly snapped a photo of the worker and bolted to Jack who was hiding behind a fake tree. “Jack, what are you doing?” she hissed, they were not going to win if he was stuffing around all night.

“Watching Alex and Lisa” he said casually shrugging. Courtney rolled her eyes, pulling Jack to his feet. He glanced at the list, grinning when he saw number four. “Can we get the mustaches now?” he asked, jumping up and down. Courtney didn’t even have time to nod before Jack was pulling her towards his favorite joke shop. Inside he saw exactly what we wanted. Fake mustaches. Jack grinned at me, grabbing two fake mustaches and paying for them quickly. They slid them on quickly as Courtney snapped a photo. “Shit Court, we only have an hour to get back.

“You go get your hair dyed while I do as much as I can. Meet you back here in half hour okay” Courtney sung, leaving Jack out the front of a hair dresser. Jack skipped in and told the woman he wanted his hair dyed blue.

Courtney ran back to Hot Topic, clutching her side she grabbed a lighter and took it to the counter. “I.D?” the man asked, looking her up and down. She sighed, pulling her I.D out. He carefully scrutinized it as she bounced on her heels waiting for him. Smiling back at her, he took her money and handed her the lighter.

Grumbling incoherently about losing five minutes she ran towards Abercrombie, feeling really out of place in her ripped jeans and blink 182 tee shirt, she grabbed the cheapest shirt she could and snapped and ran to the change rooms. Changing quickly she snapped a photo in the mirror and changed again. Placing it back where she got it she ran to the closets book store. Dodging Rian and Kara who just happened to have bought the last copy of twilight. Fuck.

Courtney decided to skip towards the hair dressers that Jack was at; when she arrived she saw he was getting his hair dried. “Jack! You don’t have time for that we have major issues” she screamed. Jack rolled his eyes.

“Sorry gorgeous” he winked giving her money. “Piggy back?” he asked. Courtney nodded, hopping on his back. “So what are these issues?”

“Well I got the tee and the lighter but Rian and Kara took the last copy of twilight” she said sadly, resting her head on his back and inhaling his scent. Jack however had other plans.
“Court there is a cut-out of Edward Cullen. The list doesn’t say a book specifically” he said with a grin. Courtney looked at him, perplexed as he let her down and skipped over to the cut-out. “Take a photo of this Courtney!” he yelled, wrapping a leg around the cut-out and licking its face. Courtney snapped the photo. Suddenly, the store manager came trudging over, a grimace on his face. Courtney and Jack swapped the same ‘run!’ look before they took off towards the entrance.

“Wait we still need milk and a rubber duck” Courtney screamed as they made a u-turn running back towards the food shops. They split up so Courtney ran to take a photo of a carton of milk and Jack bought a rubber duck from a baby shop. Jack jumped into his car, driving like a crazy person to the front entrance. Courtney was half in when he took off again. Half way to Alex’s house, Jack spoke up.

“We never got the lingerie” he said sadly. Courtney smiled, taking off her bra.

“This counts. Put it on and I will take a photo” she grinned as he did what she said, letting the car drift to the other side of the road. After snapping the last picture and taking control of the car they pulled up at Alex’s house and ran inside, finding Zack and Chelsea chilling on the couch.

“Damn!” Jack screamed as Courtney let out a sigh.

Soon enough, everyone was back at Alex’s. “I don’t think we should stop at who was here first. I think we should let your fans decide who wins” Jade piped up from the corner.
“Only ‘cause you weren’t first” Chelsea mumbled.

“Who agrees with Jade?” Matt asked causing everyone but Chelsea and Zack to raise their hands. Matt took everyone’s cameras and loaded the pictures up onto tumblr. They all sat around the computer watching the votes and how close they were when suddenly the lights began to flicker and they lost all power. A list or profanities escaped everyone’s lips as Courtney snuggled into Jacks side. He wrapped his arm around her, knowing how scared she was of storms.

“Even if we don’t win I want you to know I’m still a winner” he mumbled into her ear.

“Why Jack-o?”

“’cause I got to wear this really cute girl’s bra” he whispered back. Courtney choked on her breath for a second before she felt Jack’s lips capture hers in a sweet kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠
I had no clue what to call this xD
Jack Barakat )